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AADRL 2013 – Algorithmic and Production Skills with Rhino + Grasshopper – Session 8: Genetic Algorithms » VITRUALITY In this session we will be looking at some more advanced components and methods of using grasshopper, principally focussing on Galapagos, Grasshopper’s built-in genetic algrithm solver. Along the way, we’ll also be examining Grasshopper’s metaball component and means of flow control – the Grasshopper equivalent of ‘if statements’ in coding. Example 7: Galapagos Galapagos is best used to solve problems to which the optimal solution is not immediately obvious. The first step is to obtain our set of points – you can either use the one in the example file provided or create your own using the Points command and clicking lots. In Grasshopper we will reference in these points in the usual way – add a Point parameter component, right click and select ‘Set multiple points’. Now we want some way of drawing a closed cuve through those points. Metaballs The centre of each metaball might be considered an energy source with a falloff in the level of energy with distance from the point. Galapagos Max. 1.

Example files edit 29/04/14 - Here is a new collection of more than 80 example files, organized by category: This zip is the most up to date collection of examples at the moment, and collects together a wide variety of definitions made for various workshops and in response to forum questions. Thanks to all workshop attendees and forum members for your valuable input. It is possible I've missed a few useful ones. If there is something else you'd like to see included please let me know The examples below are mostly older, but I will leave them here for now until I am certain all the same topics are adequately covered in the 'official' collection above. Showing how the trail component can be used to trace the motion of moving particles The wind component acts on sets of 3 points (typically each the vertices of each face of a triangulated mesh). CurvePull - Pulls particles onto a curve. The Vortex component rotates one particle about an axis defined by 2 points. (also requires WeaverBird)

GH: DISTANCE GROUPING This definition groups objects into lists based on their distances from a point(s) 1. Set points as collectors (they will make the groups)2. 4. GH Version Tip One of my personal favorite definitions, it is very versatile.Try it for attraction, structures, coloring, voronoi patterns and so much more.
