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Guide to learn languages

Related:  Português

Languages - Chinese: All you need to start learning Chinese Verzeichnis:Englisch/Ähnliche Wörter Englisch–Deutsch Ähnliche Wörter mit gleicher Bedeutung Englisch-Deutsch (mindestens eine Bedeutung ist gleich) Similar words with the same meaning in English and German (at least one meaning is the same) Identische Wörter (die Schreibweise ist exakt gleich)[Bearbeiten] Identical words Adjektive · adjectives[Bearbeiten] Substantive · nouns[Bearbeiten] Länder, Regionen, Orte · countries, regions, places[Bearbeiten] Andere · others[Bearbeiten] Verben: Endung -(e)n im Deutschen[Bearbeiten] Unterschiede: Endung -(e)n bei deutschen Verben Groß-/Kleinschreibung[Bearbeiten] Unterschiede: Groß-/Kleinschreibung Leerzeichen, Bindestriche[Bearbeiten] Unterschiede: Leerzeichen, Bindestriche, Groß-/Kleinschreibung c/k, sh/sch, ph/f[Bearbeiten] Unterschiede: Groß-/Kleinschreibung, Endung -(e)n bei deutschen Verben, c/k, sh/sch, ph/f e am Ende hinzufügen[Bearbeiten] Unterschiede: e am Ende hinzufügen, Groß-/Kleinschreibung, c/k, sh/sch, ph/f e am Ende entfernen[Bearbeiten] Doppelbuchstaben im deutschen Wort[Bearbeiten] y/ie[Bearbeiten]

English-Portuguese <CENTER><a href=" English-Portuguese Vocabulary Quizzes Quizzes to Help You Learn and Review Vocabulary This is a part of The Internet TESL Journal's Activities for ESL Students <HR NOSHADE SIZE=99><h1>Warning</h2><B>These quizzes require a JavaScript-enabled browser. Would you like to help? All quizzes are written by volunteers.If you are interested in contributing to this project, please download the template.txt to see how it is done.

Home This site was originally designed to help the students who were taking Korean classes from Dr. Oh. Here are some services that may help your Korean. Korean for Fun This page is a crash course of Korean, designed for those who need Korean words and phrases for unexpected reasons, yet urgently, or just for fun. Korean Classes Korean Classes contain short step-by-step materials for you to study Korean with. Hanja Classes These lessons start from the simplest Chinese characters. Games Games that may help your Korean Youtube Korean Lectures Contains Korean Language Lectures available on . Video News About Korea Contains wired video news about Korea. News In Korean Contains news from Koren newspaper, Han Kyo Reh. Discussion Forum (Sarang Bang) Sarahng Bahng is a classy traditional term for a 'guest room' or 'saloon'. Chat Room Here, you may be able to find a person who wants to chat with you. Korean Food Recipes You will find many Korean Food recipes on this site.

Learning Foreign Languages boosts brain power OK so this is nothing new and I am not posting anything that people don't know already. There are thousands of articles online such as this one that say that when one learns a new languages the brain becomes permanently altered in the same way that exercise alters your muscles, and the fitter you become. But what's interesting about that article is that they say it matters WHEN you started to learn the second language, the younger the better. I'm not sure that I agree that it's easier for young people to learn a language. However, I can only speak for myself when I say that being bilingual since I was a child has helped immensely with my spelling and pronunciation/reading. I'm not saying this to say oh how great and wonderful and smart and I am. For every language I've learnt, I've very quickly figured out how words are connected. I also think that being bilingual since I was young has helped me learn foreign languages much more easily and quickly than the average monolingual person. 1.

Languages - French: All you need to start learning French Free Language Tutorials: Basic Phrases, Vocabulary, Grammar, and Pronunciation in 20 Languages • Learn French • Learn Spanish • Learn Italian • Learn German • Learn Swedish Currently, twenty languages are available: 17 Indo-European and 3 non-Indo-European. There are also Foreign Service Institute (FSI) courses available in HTML format as well as two comparative tutorials for those who want to learn two languages simultaneously. Lists of vocabulary and verb conjugations are available for some Romance and Germanic languages, as well as other helpful ideas, resources and links for learning foreign languages. Some of the tutorials also include audio resources and online exercises, indicated by the headphones and notebooks below. The following pages are not language-specific tutorials, but instead focus on learning languages in general: Realia Resources Scans and photos of train tickets, brochures, receipts, menus, etc. French Language Tutorial 2nd edition is now available! Language Hacking Guide by Benny Lewis, the Irish Polyglot From "The Language Hacking Guide explains exactly what you need to do to speak a language quickly.

Languages - Portuguese - Talk Portuguese - A video introduction to Portuguese Summer Intensive Korean Series « My Korean Corner Last time our Pegasus Skype classes were cancelled. But as what they have promised, classes has now resumed. And I’m happy about it. Here are the details: Intensive Summer Skype Series July 1st~August 27th Hello! Pegasus has already successfully conducted the Skype series in the past and returns to welcome new and returning students to enjoy the language of the Korean people. To apply or to be eligible for any of our three offered class levels (beginners, intermediate, and advanced), you must first meet ALL of the requirements below as a mandatory preliminary stage of your application. The applicant must have Skype installed and provide us with an I.D. to be added to the relevant class; The applicant must at least be able to listen to the teachers’ and other students’ voices during class, though it is not compulsory to speak (however it is encouraged for speaking practice); The applicant must complete all homework, assignments and take all examinations. The level of pace is moderate. July July

Colour words in many languages This section contains the colour words that have been indentified in various studies as the most common across most languages, although the actual colours represented by each of the colour words are not nescessarily exactly the same. For example, in Greek and Russian there are two words for blue corresponding to light blue and dark blue, and these colours are considered and perceived as separate. In other languages there are overlaps between blue, green and grey, or red, orange and brown. Colour words in individual languages Austroasiatic languages Vietnamese Austronesian languages Malayo-Polynesian languages Filipino, Tuvaluan Dravidian languages Telugu Indo-European languages Celtic languages Irish (Gaelic), Scottish Gaelic Germanic languages Afrikaans Dutch, German Romance languages French, Italian, Spanish Niger-Congo languages Bantu languages Xhosa Language isolates Japanese Links Lists of colours Multilingual pages
