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Download and view your entire Facebook Timeline, friends, photos, updates & more, your Twitter, Google+ & Viadeo accounts too

Download and view your entire Facebook Timeline, friends, photos, updates & more, your Twitter, Google+ & Viadeo accounts too

Visual social bookmarking. Never lose a bookmark again. Download Your (or Your Opponent’s) Entire Twitter Timeline | Lawyernomics By Tyson Snow on January 19, 2012 in Social Media, Technology Home » Social Media » Download Your (or Your Opponent's) Entire Twitter Timeline inShare0 Social media discovery is all the rage these days. More and more articles are popping up on how to obtain discovery from various social media sites. Here is a quick tip for getting information from Twitter. You can download a user’s entire Twitter timeline using the following steps: First, a preliminary step. So now you have an XML file full of Twitter and Tweet information. While this solution is not perfect; it is perfect enough. You now have a ton of Twitter information that can be searched, sorted, and analyzed. [UPDATE: This method does not appear to be working anymore. About the author: Tyson B. About Tyson Snow Tyson B.

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