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Utopia (livre)

Utopia (livre)
La page de titre de la première édition latine de 1516 annonce un Libellus vere aureus, nec minus salutaris quam festivus, de optimo reipublicae statu, deque nova Insula Utopia[n 2]. Entre décembre 1516 et novembre 1518, quatre éditions de l'Utopie furent composées par Érasme et Th. More[2]. Ces quatre éditions sont toutes différentes : le texte de Th. More n'est pas introduit de la même manière, l'île d'Utopie n'est pas abordée ni quittée dans les mêmes conditions. Adressé aux humanistes puis diffusé dans le cercle élargi des lettrés, à sa parution ce libelle est lu comme un appel à réformer la politique contemporaine et une invitation à observer sincèrement les préceptes chrétiens et aussi, pour les plus érudits d'entre eux, comme un serio ludere. Au XVIIe siècle et au XVIIIe siècle, le livre de Th. Contexte[modifier | modifier le code] Un succès éditorial[modifier | modifier le code] T. Quatre éditions[modifier | modifier le code] Le livre de Th. Mais il y a plus. Composition A. G. G.

Why Social Media Curation Matters - Technorati Blogging Over the past few weeks I've raved about the current raft of social media curation start-ups. I've rambled on and on about all of the new features that are being added to sites like Curated.By, Storify and Keepstream. What I haven’t explained to my friends, family, Twitter followers and just about anybody I engage in tech conversation with for more than a couple of minutes, is why it all matters. With registered Twitter users numbering somewhere in the region of 150 million, their fire hose is pumping out tens of millions of tweets a day.

Peartrees: Multi-dimensional Curation A few weeks ago now, I posted an opinion piece on Technorati titled, 'Why Social Media Curation Matters'. Following this I received quite a lot of feedback and it’s thanks to one of these comments – posted by on my blog – that I was led to Pearltrees. In addition to this, I was also motivated to re-evaluate my position on the subject of curation and take a closer look at what I perceived that to be. At first I made the rather naïve assumption that the difference between Pearltrees and the services I’d discussed in my previous articles both here and on my blog, was purely aesthetic – Pearltrees has a beautifully designed Flash interface. However, as I delved further into the service, and further contemplated readers' feedback, I began to realise that there were actually some fundamental differences both in the approach of the developers and in my perception of curation. Nonetheless, they are just lists. The answer can be summed up in one word, depth.

Discours de la servitude volontaire Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Discours de la servitude volontaire. Le Discours de la servitude volontaire ou le Contr'un est un ouvrage rédigé en 1549 par Étienne de La Boétie à l'âge de dix-huit ans. Sa première publication date de 1574. Ce texte consiste en un court réquisitoire contre l'absolutisme qui étonne par son érudition et par sa profondeur, alors qu'il a été rédigé par un jeune homme d'à peine dix-huit ans. L’œuvre[modifier | modifier le code] La puissance subversive de la thèse développée dans le Discours ne s’est jamais démentie. L’originalité de la thèse de La Boétie est contenue tout entière dans l’association paradoxale des termes « servitude » et « volontaire ». [modifier | modifier le code] Le Malencontre : origine de la dénaturation[modifier | modifier le code] L’état de nature voudrait donc que les sociétés soient « égalitaires » où personne ne pourrait détenir du pouvoir sur les autres. La liberté délaissée[modifier | modifier le code] André Tournon, L.

WikiBank MeatballWiki | RecentChanges | Random Page | Indices | Categories A WikiBank is a trusted network for making transactions, based on the principle of OpenBusiness. As an intermediary we just created a prototype. To prove, that wikizens are entitled, to offer their peers goods like domains, we made public snapshots of our transactions, that after successfully confirmed, are now no longer availabe. In the initial phase, this can be done manually. -- FridemarPache Discussion: One important service of the WikiBank is to make the email-addresses of their members mutually accessable by a mediated email-service with heavy spam-filters. By the way, [Make an Offer for] offers this domain for 10,000$ (ten thousand) US dollars via a parking page (see Watch line below) , where only traditional banks are listed. Seems like FaceBook's Marketplace is 80% of the way towards using a TrustNetwork? Sunir, are you going to expand the terms FaceBook's Marketplace, TrustNetwork? Fridemar... BiLinks:

Utopie Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. L’utopie (mot forgé par l'écrivain anglais Thomas More, du grec οὐ-τοπος « en aucun lieu ») est une représentation d'une réalité idéale et sans défaut. C'est un genre d'apologue qui se traduit, dans les écrits, par un régime politique idéal (qui gouvernerait parfaitement les hommes), une société parfaite (sans injustice par exemple, comme la Callipolis de Platon ou la découverte de l'Eldorado dans Candide) ou encore une communauté d'individus vivant heureux et en harmonie (l'abbaye de Thélème dans Gargantua de Rabelais en 1534), souvent écrites pour dénoncer les injustices et dérives de leurs temps. Une utopie peut désigner également une réalité difficilement admissible : en ce sens, qualifier quelque chose d'utopique consiste à le disqualifier et à le considérer comme irrationnel. Genre opposé, la dystopie — ou contre-utopie — présente non pas le meilleur des mondes mais le pire. Origine du terme « utopie »[modifier | modifier le code]

Welcome » Is the Future of Personal Computing Curated? Keene on Tech In the past week or two there have been some interesting thoughts posted about whether we are entering into a new era of computing where the experience is largely curated. Of course the 800 pound gorilla in this area is Apple with its iPhone/iPod Touch and now the iPad. All these devices run apps through Apple’s curated App Store which has generated lots of debate about whether this is a good thing or not. The entire computing process is mostly closed and carefully maintained by Apple. Forrester Research analyst Sarah Rotman Epps makes some good points about the usability experience of curated content and the computers that run them in her recent blog post and video. These two aspects are what makes these devices so popular. This brings me to the second point that was really not brought out by Epps, but rather by response done by a Eliot Van Buskirk at Wired. This issue of choice also is seen in Apple’s hardware lineup. So where does education come into this?

La Nouvelle Atlantide Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] À l’époque, ce roman utopiste se classe parmi les meilleures ventes en anglais, latin et français. Dès sa parution, des éditions sont disponibles dans pratiquement tous les pays industrialisés ou en voie de l’être[2]. Thème[modifier | modifier le code] L'ouvrage décrit une île, Bensalem, qui est gouvernée par une société philosophique savante: la Maison de Salomon. Postérité[modifier | modifier le code] La parution de cet ouvrage aurait inspiré la création de la Royal Society. Influences sur l'oeuvre[modifier | modifier le code] Le laboratoire de Cornelis Drebbel aurait servi de modèle à la Maison de Salomon. Analyses[modifier | modifier le code] La Maison de Salomon contrôle et punit, agissant comme un corps social, ses savants ne révélant pas nécessairement leurs découvertes à l'État. Interprétations[modifier | modifier le code] Extrait[modifier | modifier le code] Liens externes[modifier | modifier le code]

Content Curation: It's Going to Be HUGE It's counter-intuitive--especially to Americans. But often less is more. When Erin Scime wrote a blog titled: "Content Strategist as Digital Curator", it's pretty clear that she didn't expect to stir up a whole lot of emotions and anger. Yet, that's what she did--at least in part. "I feel like there are a lot of bitter librarians out there," Scime told me. It's ironic, in part, because all her early training was in library sciences. But the buzz around curation threatens more than librarians--there's a posse of PhD's with pitchforks and torches that didn't much like what Scime had to say. What heresy did Scime actual dare to blog about? Scime today is the Content Strategy Lead at HUGE in Brooklyn--whose clients include CNN IKEA, Pepsi, Jet Blue, IVillage, and Penton Media. For a former student of Curatorial studies and information sciences to embrace the democratization of the word "curation" rattled some cages. One example Scime points to is the relaunch of iVilliage.

Fermer le robinet Lorsque j’ai présenté ma candidature à la présidentielle de 2002 – vous avez échappé à un tout petit Obama –, j’ai essayé de faire « appel à l’insurrection des consciences ». Je ne crois qu’à cela. Nous sommes dans une période de crise que, stupidement, nous appelons crise financière, alors qu’il s’agit d’une crise humaine, une crise profondément spirituelle. Nous n’en sommes plus là. Pierre Rabhi PS : Merci à Laurence Lemoine, Psychologies Magazine.

Color Correspondences Use color correspondences to help choose the colors of your candles, altar decorations and more when planning a spell or act of worship. Colors can also be used in home decor and clothing choices to bring their energies into your everyday life. It is important to note that colors have the potential to have deep symbolic meaning. Because of this color correspondences are very subjective, even moreso than many other correspondences. It is more important in magical work that the symbols, in this case the colors, you are using have personal meaning for you. Additionally, colors can symbolize very different things in different cultures. Clearly, it is important to look to your own cultural upbringing as well as your own experiences before taking correspondence table recommendations to heart, particularly with colors. See Also You can Print this page for your Book of Shadows Do you have a question or something to add?

Ann Hyland - Cosmic Yogi - Classes events Events = Events, Classes, Workshops, Parties, Retreats. I like to have fun and I tell it like it is in my classes, workshops, parties and retreats. I share inspirations, real life experiences and offer ways for you to find new observations about yourself so that you can break yourself down so that you can integrate yourself back up. FACT: Companies that promote health and wellness get increased productivity from its employees. FACT: Employees who maintain a healthy lifestyle, have more energy, better awareness, perception, reasoning, judgement, sharper memories and better attitudes. FACT: Teams that get along will outperform with greater skill. Ed Tracey (client) Top qualities: Personable, Expert, Creative“Ann was our yoga instructor for our company sponsored yoga classes and she did a wonderful job of providing both instruction and inspiration for the classes she taught. Would you like to have a happier and more productive work place? Have SPACE? Cosmic Inspirations
