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The Sartorialtwist

The Sartorialtwist

What to Wear on a Rainy Day Photo credit. With the June gloom we’ve been experiencing across the US recently, I’ve received tons of emails from you guys wanting outfit ideas for rainy days. It can definitely be tough to dress for a rainy day because there are so many things to consider. From what type of material you can wear (suede shoes are a no-go) to how to stay dry without sacrificing style, dressing well when it’s rainy out requires a little planning in advance. Don’t worry, though! It’s easier than most people think to dress for a rainy day. Rainy Day Fashion Tips Add color! A cute umbrella can be an accessory. Kids umbrellas are cheap, cute, and perfect for one person. Don’t spend a lot on an umbrella. A classic trench coat is always perfect for rainy weather. Be careful of the materials you wear in rain. At the same time, don’t worry too much about a 100% waterproof jacket. Go crazy when it comes to rain boots. 6 Rainy Day Outfit Ideas Outfit #1 Outfit #2 Outfit #3 Outfit #4 Outfit #5 Outfit #6
