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Virtual Design Center Main | Principle: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 Principle 11: Assessment should be designed to examine and foster inquiry, collaboration, and understanding in science learning Eddy Y.C. Lee, Carol K.K. Chan, & Jan van Aalst The original paper, entitled “Students Assessing Their Own Knowledge Advances in a Knowledge-building Environment,” was presented at the 2005 Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference in Taipei, Taiwan.[1] Instructional innovators in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education have long relied on collaborative learning, in which students work together to solve problems and learn. This summary describes one particularly noteworthy study of computer-supported collaborative learning. What Is a Knowledge-building Environment? The importance of inquiry and collaboration is widely recognized in STEM instruction. Knowledge-building perspective. The Knowledge Forum™ learning environment. Portfolio task. Research design. State-of-the-Art Science Program Grades K–8 Science Program Combining interactive write-in texts, hands-on activities, and a full digital curriculum, ScienceFusion provides multimodal learning options to build inquiry and STEM skills, preparing students for success in future science courses and careers. Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology Wikis Para Todos - Wikispaces HTML Links Links , otherwise known as hyperlinks , are defined using the <a> tag - otherwise known as the anchor element. To create a hyperlink, you use the <a> tag in conjunction with the href attribute ( stands for Hypertext Reference). , or, location of where the link is pointing to. Example: Hypertext references can use absolute relative URLs, or root relative URLs. This refers to a URL where the full path is provided. This refers to a URL where only the path, relative to the current location, is provided. This refers to a URL where only the path, relative to the domain's root, is provided. Link Targets You can nominate whether to open the URL in a new window or the current window. The target attribute can have the following possible values: Named Anchors You can make your links "jump" to other sections within the same page. named anchors This page uses a named anchor. I created the named anchor first (where the user will end up) Example HTML Code: I then created the hyperlink (what the user will click on).

Request for Proposal: Literacy Courseware Challenge RFP Summary Congratulations to all of the challenge winners! Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Awards: Solutions, currently in the concept stage, that address a subset of literacy skills and/or academic content for grades 4-8 Supplemental & Comprehensive Solution Awards: Solutions that address a subset of skills or content for grades 4-8 (Supplemental) or most/all skills within a grade or grade band, covering multiple standards (Comprehensive) Systems, Aggregator or Platform Awards: Solutions that track a student's progress across most/all reading and writing skills and recommend discrete solutions from multiple providers to help build skills based on student performance The Impact We Intend to Support Our vision for education is that all students have access to what they need, when they need it. We also believe that mastery of literacy skills is critical to students’ long-term success. The goal of this Challenge is to stimulate development of courseware supporting literacy instruction.

What a Web Designer Should Learn from Steve Jobs Recently, Steve Jobs announced that he has given up the CEO position from Apple but many people didn’t notice that he said he will continue to work in the company, believing that Steve Jobs have quit his soul project. I am sure that Apple will develop Steve ideas and his amazing vision won’t be ignored by the new CEO. Talking about Apple, the no. 1 company in the world, this is in fact the story of a single, but amazing individual, Steve Jobs. Along time he has created this brand, was forced to abandon it and a few years after, Apple was managed again by him. 1. From iPads, Iphones and iPods any web designer must understand that, in our economic conditions, a product is appreciated only if it has a perfect design. 2. Jobs didn’t own the patent for this idea but he made it fundamental in the management of Apple. 3. Definitely, the correct application of this idea is the source of profit for Apple and the web designer must be aware of it. 4. 5. 6. “My job is not to be easy on people.

The interspecies internet Bonobo jams with Peter Gabriel (credit: Peter Gabriel) At TED 2013 Thursday, Diana Reiss, Peter Gabriel, Neil Gershenfeld, and Vint Cerf launched the idea of the “interspecies internet.” Diana Reiss, a cognitive psychologist, has been been teaching dolphins to communicate through an underwater keyboard of symbols that correspond to whistles and playful activities. Through this keyboard, the dolphins learned to perform activities on demand, and also to express their desire for them. “You can’t get more alien than the dolphin. Bonobos-to-humans app concept (credit: Bonobo Hope Great Ape Trust) Peter Gabriel shared a video (see video excerpt below) of a bonobo with a keyboard. As KurzweilAI noted last April, Bonobos at Bonobo Hope Great Ape Trust Sanctuary (see notes under the Gabriel YouTube video) use touch displays to communicate with people. Gershenfeld is known for his work in the internet of things. So what’s next? Maybe the internet of species will happen via Brain-net?

MOOCs for the win! Massive open online courses, or MOOCs, are getting attention on various blogs and news sites. I’ll try and synthesize the conversation over the last few weeks and describe the role of MOOCs in education. The Conversation so far… Clark Quinn kicked of the current conversation in MOOC Reflections where he explores the distinctions between the current generation of Coursera/Standford open online courses and the connectivist model that Stephen Downes, Dave Cormier, and I have offered. Clark states: The Stanford model, as I understand it (and I haven’t taken one), features a rigorous curriculum of content and assessments, in technical fields like AI and programming. (note the comments section where Seb Schmoller describes his experience in the Stanford AI open course). Stephen responds to Tony’s question: In a follow up post, he expands on this idea: Tony then followed up with another post arguing that: Getting some mainstream love Taking a step back… We weren’t the first to offer open courses.

About :: About TBLR :: ASU Technology Based Learning and Research Who We Are As part of the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, an integral part of the university’s innovation and research initiatives, TBLR focuses on research and large-scale delivery of educational materials as well as technology training and integration using computers and other information and communication technologies. TBLR projects have been funded by the Arizona Department of Education, the Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Education, and major corporations such as Cisco, Texas Instruments, Apple and IBM. What We Do TBLR’s list of projects continues to grow as we find needs to technology and education research and consulting.

ePEARL click to enlarge The ePEARL Learning Process guides students through the creation process, allowing enough flexibility for truly creative work and just enough scaffolding to keep students on the right track. There is a text editor and an audio recorder for the creation of work. Readings, music pieces, or oral presentations may be recorded. The software also offers the ability to attach work created with other software, so it can accommodate any kind of digital work a student creates in class, including scanned images of paper-based work. Before work is created, students are encouraged to set their goals for this work, and may attach learning logs, evaluation rubrics and study plans to keep track of their learning process as it takes place.

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