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Formation AngularJS

Formation AngularJS

AngularJS Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. AngularJS[1] est un framework JavaScript libre et open-source[2] développé par Google. AngularJS est fondé sur l’extension du langage HTML par de nouvelles balises (tags) et attributs pour aboutir à une définition déclarative des pages web, par opposition à l’utilisation systématique de l’élément div​ et à la définition des éléments de présentation en javascript. Le code HTML étendu représente alors la partie « vue » du patron de conception MVC (Modèle-vue-contrôleur) auquel AngularJS adhère, avec des modèles appelé « scopes » et des contrôleurs permettant de définir des actions en code javascript impératif. AngularJS utilise une boucle de dirty-checking (qui consiste à surveiller et à détecter des modifications sur un objet JavaScript) pour réaliser un data-binding bidirectionnel permettant la synchronisation automatique des modèles et des vues. La philosophie de Angular[modifier | modifier le code] Objectifs de conception du framework :

AngularJS Tutorial End to end web app in under an hour–Part 1 | Jeremy Howard Here is the video tutorial that goes with this post: Here’s how to create a complete web app in under an hour. We will (naturally!) create a todo app. The features: Create, update, delete a todoSort (and show sort order)SearchPagination We’ll try to make it somewhat user friendly, e.g. Date-picker widget for todo due dateEnable/disable buttons as appropriate for context Our infrastructure will be: Backend Language: C#Backend Framework: WebApiDatabase: SQL Server (including SQL Express LocalDB during development)ORM: Entity Framework Code First + MigrationsFrontend Framework: AngularJSCSS styles: BootstrapIDE: Visual Studio + ResharperHosting: Appharbor As you’ll see, this particular choice of tools is well suited to rapid application development, and is also very flexible. The goal is not just to throw together the minimal necessary to have something working, but to create a really flexible infrastructure that we can use as a foundation for many future applications. The Backend <! The List Page

Introduction to AngularJS Tutoriel AngularJS Getting Started with elasticsearch and AngularJS: Part1 - Searching The ability to deliver sophisticated client-side JavaScript applications is an important aspect of data discovery and visualization. It’s no secret that elasticsearch is phenomenal at extracting meaning from enormous data sets in near real-time. Exposing that power to end users requires equally impressive applications. Elasticsearch has made search more approachable by exposing Web friendly APIs (REST + JSON) that reduce the impedance mismatch associated with relational models, at no sacrifice to query capability. The goal here is to write a series of articles that help folks gain some insight into how these technologies fit together. Getting Started Loading Data Throughout the series, I’ll be using the StackOverflow data that Matt used in this post, which also describes how to aquire and load the data. Application Module Angular provides its own module system for loading and bootstrapping applications. // app.jsangular.module('demo', []); Creating a Search Controller Executing Searches <! <!

Tutorial: Tutorial There was an error loading this resource. Please try again later. A great way to get introduced to AngularJS is to work through this tutorial, which walks you through the construction of an AngularJS web app. The app you will build is a catalog that displays a list of Android devices, lets you filter the list to see only devices that interest you, and then view details for any device. Follow the tutorial to see how AngularJS makes browsers smarter — without the use of native extensions or plug-ins: See examples of how to use client-side data binding to build dynamic views of data that change immediately in response to user actions.See how AngularJS keeps your views in sync with your data without the need for DOM manipulation.Learn a better, easier way to test your web apps, with Karma and Protractor.Learn how to use dependency injection and services to make common web tasks, such as getting data into your app, easier. When you finish the tutorial you will be able to: Install Git npm install

AngularJS Training UPDATE: My next workshop will be a 2 day pre-conference Angular workshop at the NDC conference in Oslo (June 2nd and 3rd, 2014). At the end of last year I put together and taught a 2 day workshop on AngularJS fundamentals at NDC London, which due to popular demand I’m offering as part of a larger class for ProgramUtvikling. Feel free to contact me if you would like an on-site workshop, although my bandwidth for custom training is scarce. AngularJS Fundamentals From animations to testing and everything in between, this course covers the features of AngularJS with a focus on practical scenarios and real applications. The outline of topics: IntroductionModules and ControllersViews and TemplatesServicesDirectivesTestingRoutingUI and Animation Some of the material is based on blog posts here on OTC.

Thinkster Getting Started with elasticsearch and AngularJS: Part2 - Faceting In the last post we looked at the basics of building a search application with AngularJS and elasticsearch. In this post we’ll extend that application by adding the ability to filter search results by Tag name using facets. Faceted search is a powerful construct that enables users to explore information through the use of filtering. Continuing on from the last post, let’s explore the basic steps required to implement faceted search. Returning the Top 10 Most Frequent Tags Returning facets in elasticsearch is just a matter of adding a facet object to the request. The code below shows how to modify the original request to include a TermsFacet on the Tags field. // controller.js... // Beforevar client = ejs.Request() .indices('stackoverflow') .types('question'); // Aftervar client = ejs.Request() .indices('stackoverflow') .types('question') .facet( ejs.TermsFacet('tags') .field('Tags') .size(10)); Filtering on a Specific Tag Applying Filters to the Query Displaying Tags to the User

Apprendre à programmer avec le framework Angular : démarrer avec l'outil Angular-CLI, un tutoriel de William Koza Bonjour à tous, Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons apprendre à utiliser le client Angular-CLI qui est d'une grande aide pour commencer un projet. Google nous propose un outil clé en main pour réaliser les tâches de développement les plus courantes. Ce projet est basé sur le projet Open Source ember CLI, qui a maintenant plus de trois ans. Bonne lecture. Getting Started with elasticsearch and AngularJS: Part3 - Visualization This is the final post of our series on Getting Started with elasticsearch and AngularJS. This is where things get more interesting, at least for me personally. We’re going to look at how to build a basic visualization using D3. I won’t provide a full tutorial on D3 but rather show some of the key concepts for integrating it with AngularJS and elasticsearch. I’ll build upon the application from the previous post by adding an interactive (horizontal) bar chart for displaying the Tags facet. The main focal point in achieving this will be a custom angular directive. A Simple Hello World Directive Before we dive into any actual D3 concepts, let’s start by creating a simple Hello World directive. To demonstrate the basics, create a new file called directives.js and add the following code. What we’ve done is create a new module called demo.directives in which we’ll define a new directive called bar. In the example above, we’re simply setting the elements text property with some static text.
