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Producing Open Source Software Inviare Fax Gratuitamente con MyFax Se avete bisogno di inviare un fax ma non disponete a casa di un terminale per la spedizione e magari non avete tempo per recarvi in un centro per inviare un documento potrete utilizzare un servizio online. MyFax permette di inviare gratuitamente e senza registrazione 2 fax al giorno in 41 paesi, Italia inclusa. Il file che dovrà essere inviato via fax dovrà avere massimo 9 pagine e dimensioni massime di 10MB. I formati sopportati dal servizio sono 178 inclusi i più comuni famosi come .doc, .pdf, .gif, .jpg. Una volta cliccato il bottone per l’invio del fax riceveremo nell’indirizzo di posta elettronica prima indicato un’email che ci informerà dell’avvenuto invio o meno del fax.

Ron Paul News Ace and Hoser Blook yWriter5 - Free novel writing software to help you write a book yWriter is a powerful writing program which is free to download and use. yWriter is a word processor which breaks your novel into chapters and scenes, helping you keep track of your work while leaving your mind free to create. It will not write your novel for you, suggest plot ideas or perform creative tasks of any kind. yWriter was designed by an author, not a salesman! yWriter5 is free to download and use, but you're encouraged to register your copy if you find it useful. If you're just embarking on your first novel a program like yWriter may seem like overkill. (Although yWriter was designed for novels, enterprising users have created their own translation files to customise the program to work with plays, non-fiction and even sermons.) Out now! I'm Simon Haynes, the designer and programmer. I really struggled with my first novel because I wrote slabs of text into a big word processor file and I just couldn't make sense of the whole thing at once. In German (Robert Corvus) Categories:

Read It Later: Log In Log In Continue with MozillaContinue with AppleContinue with Google or Please log into your Pocket account. Forgot your username or password No account? By proceeding, you agree to: Pocket’s Terms of Service and Privacy Notice. A Sea of Books A handbook for the open source way, written the open source way Image by Remember the Seinfeld episode where Kramer had the idea to make a coffee table book about coffee tables? I always thought that was a pretty elegant idea. Well, a few months ago, some of the smart folks on Red Hat's community architecture team had a similarly elegant idea: Write a book about building community the open source way... and write it with a community, the open source way. Meaning, open the text up, allow interested users to contribute, and see what happens. Brilliant. The book is entitled The Open Source Way: Creating and nurturing communities of contributors and you can access the current text here and the wiki for contributors here. I caught up with Karsten Wade, who is leading the project, to learn more. There have been other books written about community-building over the last few years, but I am not aware of any others that have been written by a community. Raptors, huh? It is definitely aimed for people beyond technology. Thanks.

CrossLoop - Affordable Online Computer Help - Technical Support A Peek At My Bookshelf Three Book Recommendation Engines For Quick Book Searches Finding new books to read isn’t always easy. Looking at the size of libraries and some bookstores, it’s hardly surprising that there’s a lot of bad stuff circulating as well. Until recently, I limited myself to word of mouth and the tedious business of reading the back of every book on the shelves. How old-fashioned. Like StumbleUpon for websites, and for music, there are so-called book recommendation engines as well, that suggest titles based on previous reads. For this article, we’ll focus on the ‘quick’ book recommendation engines, that skip the whole process of cataloguing and rating all your previous reads. The Book Seer The Book Seer is as simple as it gets. On the next page, you’ll be presented with two independent recommendation lists, so don’t be surprised if you see a duplicate title. The right side column is generated by LibraryThing‘s system, an online book cataloguing tool. Off-topic tip: Jonathan Strange and Mr. What Should I Read Next?

Bookish Magpie Two Free Multiplatform Tools To Create iBooks She’s barely seven and still in her first year of elementary school, but her school bag – which she has to carry on her back everyday – is bigger and heavier than my working backpack. That’s why I always try to help my dearest daughter carry her bag whenever I can. Burden From Bulks Of Books I think everybody knows what’s inside: books, tons of them. Competition among schools to stay in business makes them add more and more lessons to the curriculum just to look good (and get bigger income by selling more books). Those businessmen who call themselves educators should’ve known better than thinking that more subjects to learn is equal to better education. The real equation should be: more subjects means more burden to students, both physically and mentally. Changing the school curriculum is not an easy job and require years of persistence. Imagine students (and teachers) with no physical books. The Possible Chosen Device & Format There are already gadgets built to replace printed books.
