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10 Simple Google Search Tricks

10 Simple Google Search Tricks

7 Ingenious Resumes That Will Make You Rethink Your CV You love resumes. You really do. When we published "10 Creative Social Media Resumes To Learn From" in May, our readers enthusiastically responded by sharing it with friends, commenting on it and sending us links to their own snazzy resumes. We sifted through those links, picked our favorites and placed them in the gallery below. The 10 Resumes That Inspired the Post You're Reading Now In May, we brought you these awesome resumes to help you to stand out from the crowd. Social Media Job Listings Inspired yet? More Job Search Resources from Mashable: - 10 Creative Social Media Resumes To Learn From- HOW TO: Set Up an Online Resume- 9 Dynamic Digital Resumes That Stand Out From the Crowd- Top 5 Tips for Creating Impressive Video Resumes- Are Cover Letters Still Relevant For Social Media and Tech Jobs? Image courtesy of iStockphoto, SchulteProductions

Summer in Gorky Park, Moscow of late 1960s We are very for­tu­nate to have gained the access to the col­lec­tion of pho­tographs below — they have come from a pri­vate col­lec­tion of Eugene Orlov, a keen pho­tog­ra­pher of 1960s, scanned by his grand­son. Por­trayed is a series of shots from a sum­mer walk in the Gorky Park, an iconic fam­ily recre­ational venue in Moscow. Please click on the mag­ni­fy­ing lens image for the close up and if you like it — tell your friends! Images cour­tesy of Eugene Orlov.

The Dos and Don'ts of Tech Integration PD Of all the initiatives a school can begin, integrating technology may require the most professional development. This is partly because of the equipment, hardware, and software involved and partly because of the shift that a teacher must make in his or her teaching style, technique, and planning process in order to effectively use technology in the classroom. Here are some basic "dos" and "don'ts" for anyone doing tech integration professional development. This approach requires those who provide professional development for teachers to listen to their needs, and to know the school and staff they are either visiting or presenting to. This includes situations when staff present to their colleagues. Teachers need support, and they need to see how technology will help them do what they do better and more effectively. For more on building a PD model that supports teacher collaboration and voice, see my posts on the Edcamp model. see more see less

Первый день после революции. Бишкек 2010. 7-го апреля в Бишкеке прошли народные волнения. Массовые протесты оппозиции начались в Киргизии 6 апреля. С областного центра Талас они перекинулись на всю страну. 2 дня город был отдан во власть мародерам, здесь это пьяные, неуправляемые подростки. Для тех, кто не хочет читать много текста, основные тезисы я . {*style:<b>Краткая хроника событий: </b>*} {*style:<i>— В стране существует постоянное противостояние северных и южных кланов. — Беспорядки начались в Таласе 6 апреля, когда оппозиция после митинга захватила здание областной администрации, а уже вечером того же дня лидеры оппозиции были арестованы в столице страны. — 8 апреля неконтролируемая толпа из Таласа и пригородных бишкекских сел направилась в столицу, где произошли серьезные столкновения с милицией. — В толпе вокруг здания Дома Правительства появились несколько вооружённых людей, снайпера начали их отстрел. — Толпа захватывает город: правительственные здания, телецентр, Генеральную прокуратуру. — К утру весь город разграблен.

End Technology Training? – Learn. Teach. Engage. Ummm…no. Had to get that out of the way before I could continue. Now let me back up a little… I recently read a post by Mark Brumley over at the HP Learning Exchange. Now, in Mark’s defense, he argues that professional development should focus on “stellar instructional methods” instead. Although he doesn’t quote a source, he says that some studies say that only 3-5 percent of teachers who receive training actually use what they’ve been taught. Now, granted, at Engaging Educators we are in the business of teacher training. Think Long Term–training should be sustained over the course of the school year, not just a one day sort of thing. So before we just eliminate technology training completely, some analysis is required. Post Footer automatically generated by Add Post Footer Plugin for wordpress.

Summer in Gorky Park, Moscow of late 1960s At Raven, we experiment a lot. We consider our projects as our own version of skunkworks. Sometimes the experiments are driven by mere curiosity, while others are meant to see how far we can push the boundaries of a service. When we first created the URL shortener, we did it to solve a problem. Campaign variables are great, because you can assign a source, medium, and name, like Twitter and/or Social Media Campaign. So campaign variables is the main reason we built, period. Several months after we debuted an SEO friendly URL shortener that supported campaign variables, many existing and new shorteners added them to their service. With the mass support of campaign variables, it wasn’t necessary for us to keep running. Spammers use of became epic. We appreciate everyone who properly used in their campaigns and on a daily basis.

100+ Online Resources That Are Transforming Education Yury Lifshits is working on algorithms and prototypes of new services at Yahoo! Research. Before that he was teaching university courses in the U.S., Germany, Russia and Estonia. He blogs at and publishes his teaching materials at Education technology has become a busy space in recent years. With so many startups on the scene, it is easy to get lost. 1. The education system of the 20th century is built around institutions: schools, colleges, academies and universities. We've now seen the first online high schools (Keystone School), colleges (University of Phoenix, Kaplan University, The Open University, University of the People), certification programs (, enterprise training programs (, art schools ( and test preparation programs (Top Test Prep, GrockIt, Knewton, RevolutionPrep, TutorJam, BrightStorm). 2. To build a new educational institution, one needs to assemble a lot of pieces. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Как неправильно считать зарплату Ананасовая плантация на островах Кука. Фотография кликабельна. Здесь в Окленде минимальная оплата за месяц постоянной работы (8 часов в день, два выходных) труда составляет (12.75 NZD × 40 часов × 52 недель) / 12 месяцев = 2 210 NZD = 45 796 рублей по сегодняшнему курсу. После вычета налогов, которые, как можно посчитать в онлайн-калькуляторе, составят 4 379.20 NZD, получается 38 234 рублей в месяц. Можно жить в своём доме, доставшимся от родителей. Снимать жильё в виде обычной комнаты можно за 150 NZD в неделю — вычитаем 13 987.50 рублей за месяц. Питание в сети супермаркетов Pack'n'Save, в которых полиэтиленовые надо покупать отдельно, мол, мы не включаем стоимость упаковки в цены наших товаров — получится, насколько я могу судить по холостяцкому опыту жизни здесь, около 100 доллларов в неделю — вычитаем 9 325 рублей за месяц. Машина, которая ездит, и на которых ездят люди с минимальной оплатой труда, стоит от 1000 NZD — 20 720 рублей. В общем-то всё.
