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Writing Spaces Open Textbook Chapters

Writing Spaces Open Textbook Chapters

Writing Resouces VLE, CMS, LMS or LCMS? | Alexandra Giroux An important aspect of an e-learning project it the rollout. Once your learning material is produced, you have to make it available to the learners. The question to be asked is the following: how to display your resource online? To answer this question, you will have to assess your needs of course administration, resource sharing, communication and collaboration. (Virtual Learning Environments) A VLE is a software system designed to help tutors or teachers in the management of educational courses for their students. Examples: Blackboard, WebCT, Moodle,… (Content Management System) A CMS is a system used to manage the content of a website. Examples: Joomla, Dotclear, or WordPress (that is used to publish what you are reading!) (Learning Management System) A LMS automates the administration of learning programs within an organization. Examples: Elearning manager, Moodle, or Dokeos,… (Learning Content Management System) Examples: Claroline, e-doceo solutions, Ganesha,…

Confusing Terms in Ed Tech Explained CMS and LMS – A Comparison | ContentManagementNews People often get confused regarding the actual functions of a CMS and an LMS. The source of this confusion lies in the similarities of the two systems. Both perform the functions of enrolling learners, communicating with them, assessing performances, and activating learning materials. CMS demystified A CMS or a Content Management System is basically designed to support educative or academic courses. A CMS covers the following features: Online posting of course material Material such as reading copies and power point slides can be made available online, apart form the schedule of the course and its syllabus. Drawbacks of a CMS Less flexibilityThe design of the course is less flexible in a CMS. LMS demystified A learning management system plans, delivers and manages all the learning needs of an organization. The basic functions of an LMS include: LMS too are fraught with several drawbacks. Conclusion Tag: CMS, LMS Add to | Digg | Reddit | Furl

Topics & Schedule The 2013 tentative schedule of topics is found below. More detailed information will be provided soon, including exact dates and connection information. Each topic is 2 weeks long so that there is adequate attention and depth. Welcome (Jan 13-19): Welcome Event & Orientation to #etmoocTopic 1 (Jan 20-Feb. 2): Connected Learning – Tools, Processes & PedagogyTopic 2 (Feb 3-16): Digital Storytelling – Multimedia, Remixes & MashupsTopic 3 (Feb 17-Mar 2): Digital Literacy – Information, Memes & AttentionTopic 4 (Mar 3-16): The Open Movement – Open Access, OERs & Future of Ed.Topic 5 (Mar 17-30): Digital Citizenship – Identity, Footprint, & Social Activism

Reflection on the ‘eLearning and Digital Cultures’ MOOC, Wk.1 #edcmooc Here are some notes, links, conversations, thoughts, and reflections on the first week of the University of Edinburgh / Cousera ‘eLearning and Digital Cultures’ MOOC. This reflection will form part of the work required by the MOOC as well as reflections on the processes and Coursera system itself. Initial thoughts on the course and/or platform (supplemental to my earlier post): Agree to abide by an ‘honour code’ – much like a learning contract that some places use with students, does anyone have any indication that this works (or not)?There is so much hype around this MOOC, why? Now for my reflection on week one of the course itself: Hand and Sandywell (2002) One film I felt could be used to highlight the technology/natural divide is Bruce Willis’ ‘Surrogates‘, where “humans live in isolation and interact through surrogate robots”. YouTube: Surrogates Trailer YouTube: THX 1138 Trailer Here is a tweet I sent earlier today, anyone want to comment on this? Referenced material: Hand, M. and B.

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