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Edgar Degas - The complete works

Edgar Degas - The complete works

Pierre Auguste Renoir - The complete works Le Comptoir du Relais d'Yves Camdeborde : une larme de bonheur Nous y voilà enfin. Sept mois d'attente pour la table la plus courue de Paris. Aucune étoile Michelin et un niveau de cuisine digne d'un troizétoiles. Un menu du jour à 50 euros, des vins de qualité, un joli décor. Le sentiment d'être un privilégié. Le vin est vite choisi. C'est parti. Gougères, chips vitelotte, rondelles de saucisson frère Camdeborde. En entrée, on laisse parler le chef. Arrive le petit souci, un gramme de problème : le menu à 50 euros peut être vu comme un produit d'appel. Nos voies ont quelque peu différé. Et pour les garçons, "Saint-Jacques de la baie de Granville rôties en coquille, beurre demi sel persillé, agrume confit". Ebouriffant. Arrive donc la viande. Et pour les garçons, no limit. Avant... après. Rien que de revoir les photos... No limit, on a tout goûté. Le dessert est déjà là. Et puis le moment qui cloue le bec à un dîner comme ça, la cerise sur le gâteau. Yves Camdeborde est bien le pape du bistro gourmand à Paris, son inventeur officiel aussi.

Impressionism Movement, Artists and Major Works | The Art Story "Impressionism is only direct sensation. All great painters were less or more impressionists. It is mainly a question of instinct." Impressionism can be considered the first distinctly modern movement in painting. Impressionism was a style of representational art that did not necessarily rely on realistic depictions. The Impressionists loosened their brushwork and lightened their palettes to include pure, intense colors. Impressionism records the effects of the massive mid-nineteenth-century renovation of Paris led by civic planner Georges-Eugène Haussmann, which included the city's newly constructed railway stations; wide, tree-lined boulevards that replaced the formerly narrow, crowded streets; and large, deluxe apartment buildings. Subscribe to Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Welcome to The Art Story! Error occured while saving data... Like The Art Story Foundation on Facebook Impressionism Beginnings Exhibitions in Paris and The Salon des Refusés Salon des Artistes Indépendants

Claude Oscar Monet - The complete works The Slow Movement: Making a Connection Renoir Large Bathers - Essays - Marissa4Hill Renoir’s Large Bathers As a student in a suburb of Philadelphia, I have had the opportunity to visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art on multiple occasions over the last two and a half years. On some visits, I spend my time staring at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers while other times I dedicate my time to admiring the Sculpture Garden; but one thing that stays the same through every visit is my shameless staring, dare I say gawking, at Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s Large Bathers. This 1887 oil on canvas is the epitome of late 19th century European art, combining aspects of mid-19th century Impressionism, the frivolity of 18th century Rococo, and Classical nudes. Though I cannot quite place my finger on what draws me to this piece, I do know that the cheerful pastels, sensual lines, and lighthearted subject make Large Bathers one of the top paintings I have had the pleasure of viewing. The paintings of Renoir (1841-1919) are commonly known for their strong lines and bold color palette.

Paul Cezanne - The complete works The Imagination Factory Bathers, Bodies, Beauty: The Visceral Eye - Linda Nochlin Vincent van Gogh Gallery - Welcome! National Gallery of Art | NGAkids home page NGAkids CD ROMs Eight new NGAkids CD-ROMs are available through the Gallery's LEARNING RESOURCES portal. If you are having compatibility issues or if you prefer using our art activities offline, we invite you to register and borrow these free CDs. What's Happening? Download the calendar (PDF, 267k) or visit the Family Activities page on our Web site for more information about upcoming programs. Parents and teachers may wish to sign up for the mailing list or consult the Gallery's online Calendar of Events. For up-to-date information on the current month’s films, please call the Children’s Film Program information line at (202) 789-3030 or read this list of scheduled Children's Film. Here is an up-to-date list of Current Exhibitions. Searching for something? If you're looking for information about specific artists or works of art that are not mentioned in NGAkids, just search the collection. You can learn about the history of the National Gallery of Art. Inside Scoop on Jan Steen (PDF, 347k)

On-line Picasso Project
