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Learn to Love Networking

Learn to Love Networking
“I hate networking.” We hear this all the time from executives, other professionals, and MBA students. They tell us that networking makes them feel uncomfortable and phony—even dirty. But in today’s world, networking is a necessity. When we studied 165 lawyers at a large North American law firm, for example, we found that their success depended on their ability to network effectively both internally (to get themselves assigned to choice clients) and externally (to bring business into the firm). Fortunately, our research shows that an aversion to networking can be overcome. 1. Most people have a dominant motivational focus—what psychologists refer to as either a “promotion” or a “prevention” mindset. In laboratory experiments we conducted in the United States and Italy with college students and working adults, and in an additional sample of 174 lawyers at the firm we studied, we documented the effects of both types of thinking. 2. 3. 4. Related:  Entrepreneurship

How to Build Your Network If you were to ask your colleagues, “Who was Paul Revere?” most would probably know the answer. He was, after all, immortalized in the Longfellow poem that begins, “Listen, my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere.” Yet how many of your colleagues, students of American history aside, would be familiar with William Dawes? Both men rode on horseback from Boston on the night of April 18, 1775. Both sounded the alarm that the Revolutionary War had begun. Paul Revere was an information broker, a person who occupies a key role in a social network by connecting disparate groups of people. Now imagine that the information being ferried by messengers isn’t about redcoats but about a new product idea or a different way to manage a team. Studies have shown the same correlations between networks like Paul Revere’s and success in various commercial ventures. In this article, we’ll take a close look at the inner workings of networks. A Powerful System Diagnose Your Network

Confidence Tips: 6 Steps to Self-Assurance From Dr. Phil | HuffPost By Dr. Phil McGraw Few of us feel totally invincible all the time — including me. If you throw me into a social setting where I’m forced to make small talk, my normally solid self-assurance can waver. Follow these strategies to expand the confidence you’ve got into something even greater. Dr. It’s human nature to think negatively. I Love Dust Dr. 12 Millennial Women On Earning Money Through A Side Hustle Money is a feminist issue — and yet, women are still reluctant to talk about it. According to a recent Bustle survey of more than 1,000 Millennial women, more than 50 percent of people said they never discuss personal finances with friends, even though 28 percent reported feeling stressed out about money every single day. That's why Bustle launched Grown-A$$ Finances, a series that gets real about what Millennial women are doing with their money, and why — because managing your money should feel empowering, not intimidating. A lot of people have side jobs in addition to their full-time ones, and there's even a #sidehustle hashtag on Twitter. Because, truth be told, oftentimes, one job is not enough — whether you need the extra money to pay off student loan debt or to put towards your emergency or vacation fund. Exactly! 1Stephanie Troiano, 32, FoxWood Provisions Stephanie Troiano 2Danielle YB Vason, 31, She Makes Cents Danielle YB Vason 3Allie Decker, 22, Ivory Consignment Allie Decker

Why Creating a Meaningful Morning Routine Will Make You More Successful For the majority of my child and adult life I never considered myself a “morning person.” I was a night owl. During my architecture school career I worked late through the night and slept in the mornings. When I started working at an Architecture firm, I conformed to getting up at 7am… but I didn’t enjoy it. I would get up as late as possible, skip breakfast, rush to work, and then feel like I was trying to catch up the rest of the day. This type of routine will take its toll on your physical and mental well-being and majorly impact your productivity. Now, I work from home for myself on various businesses, and I happily wake up around 5:30 am each day. One of my goals for the beginning of this year was to get into a good morning routine in order to set myself up for the day. I needed to work smarter, not harder, and the first step was to create good habits. The first thing I needed to do was quit the belief that I was a “night owl.” The First 60 Minutes of my day: 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Lessons From Six Months as a Freelance Travel Writer The end of March marked my sixth month as a freelancer travel writer. I’ve finally hit a good groove with the whole shebang and it’s nice to see things coming together. Before I quit my job and dived right into working for myself, I told myself over and over again that it wouldn’t be a walk in the park. In fact, I prepared myself for the worst – no work, no money, and a whole host of regrets. Did that happen? No, it didn’t. I haven’t had a dry month yet, I’ve always had a decent trickle of income, and I have absolutely no regrets. I’ve built up a solid stream of clients, I’m working way, way less than I used to in a 9-5 position, and I’m earning more. I’m under no illusion that this could end at any moment, though. And guess what? That’s the thing about being a freelance travel writer. In the process I’ve learnt a lot about myself (besides the fact that people can simultaneously be the best and worst things in the world). Preach, preach! Being an employee is safe… But not always inspiring

How To / Tell A Story - Atelier Doré Elle a partagé avec nous quelques idées essentielles auxquelles penser quand on imagine l’histoire d’une marque, et la façon de communiquer cette histoire : – Considérez une marque comme de l’art : le cœur même d’une marque, c’est une vision, du talent, une façon de voir les choses différemment. C’est l’art d’une marque. – Artisanat et savoir-faire sont deux règles à respecter, quelle que soit la marque. – Il faut décider à qui s’adressera votre marque. – La curiosité peut façonner l’histoire de la marque, faites confiance à votre instinct, à ce que vous ressentez. – Même en ayant de bons produits, aujourd’hui, il faut savoir créer et partager l’histoire, l’univers d’une marque. Morgane a commencé via eBay, mais sur eBay, on n’a pas la main sur l’univers de sa marque.

Portrait d'entrepreneurs : Pretty Mercerie — Hello Nobo Quand avez-vous lancé votre marque ? Quelle a été l’évolution de votre entreprise ? Nous avons lancé Pretty Mercerie fin 2014. Dès le démarrage nous avons recu un tres bon acceuil qui nous a conforté dans notre décision et nous a petit à petit poussé à nous consacrer pleinement à cette activité passionnante. Pouvez-vous nous expliquer comment vous travaillez? Très vite nous avons trouvé chacun notre place, suivant nos capacités et compétences. Thibault : Je m’occupe de l’ensemble des tâches liée à la gestion administrative et financière de l'entreprise. Marion : pour ma part, mon temps se divise entre la création, le marketing et la relation client. Ensemble, nous choisissons la totalité des produits que nous proposons sur notre boutique afin qu’ils correspondent aux orientations que nous avons prédéfinis pour Pretty mercerie. Nous tentons de nous différencier de part la qualité de nos tissus ainsi qu’en créant une harmonie grâce à des collections homogènes et tendances.

mashable If you're looking to launch a website, either as a personal or small business portfolio, the initial process can be a little daunting. Where do I start? What do I include? Thankfully, we have Tumblr to help save the day. We did some searching and compiled a few of our favorites for anyone starting off in the entrepreneurial world — or, really, just anyone hoping to showcase what they do. Are there any noteworthy themes we missed? Image via iStockphoto, webphotographer
