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Relais d'information sur les sciences de la cognition - une unité au service des sciences cognitives Indian historical linguistics: Setting the record straight IT IS rare that Johnson is compelled to respond to comments. But my last post , about the fun parallels in the hybrid development of English and Dravidian languages, seems to have stirred the passions of our readers. Many of them commented, dismissing the post as (at best) misguided and (at worst) a piece of neocolonial rubbish. That is a shame. The central focus of language studies in India is, of course, Sanskrit. Sanskrit’s position of prestige also allowed it to infiltrate the vocabularies of unrelated languages. Sanskrit’s star billing in these many languages doesn’t mean that they are related to, or descended from, Sanskrit. It’s no secret that, say, Nepali is descended from Sanskrit, though. In the Indian subcontinent, PIE’s descendant Sanskrit came into contact with Proto-Dravidian languages, the ancestors of today’s modern southern Indian languages. When language communities interact, the product is hardly easy to categorise and parse.

emploi linguistique et anglais Commercial Sédentaire B to B - bilingue anglais NOZ - France . Pour renforcer nos équipes, nous recrutons un : Commercial Sédentaire B to B - bilingue anglais - H/F Description de l'offre : Au sein du service Achat... vous offrir la possibilité de développer une clientèle à l'international. Postes également ouverts à une population ayant une compétence linguistique... - 12 avril - Enregistrer - Envoyer à un ami CONSEILLER(E) PEDAGOGIQUE ET COMMERCIAL(E) (Formation linguistique) FORMALANGUES SERVICES ET SEJOURS - Paris- 24.000 €/an Formalangues , acteur majeur de la formation linguistique un(e) CONSEILLER(E) PEDAGOGIQUE ET COMMERCIAL(E) . Commercial Sédentaire B to B - Bilingue Anglais H/F Noz - Laval, Mayenne linguistique internationale (anglais, espagnol, allemand, italien, etc.)..... - 12 avril - Enregistrer - Envoyer à un ami Commercial Sédentaire B to B - bilingue anglais - 12 avril - Enregistrer - Envoyer à un ami . GE - France

Ghalib ghazal - urdu.dictionary ....[stuff deleted].... this gem of an ascii dictionary that contains all you need to know about Urdu words to post lyrics properly. I believe this was created by Dinesh Prabhu who's clearly spent a lot of effort and produced a great source of reference. Use it. With acknowledgements to DINESH PRABHU ( ################################################################################ Alphabet -------- Vowel Pronunciation Key ----------------------- a : "u" in "but" aa : "a" in "far" e : "e" in "bed" i : "i" in "fit" ee : "ee" in "feet" o : "o" in "code" u : "u" in "put" oo : "oo" in "booed" au : "ow" in "how" ai : "ei" in "neighbor" Notes: 1. ' indicates a glottal stop (pronounced like "uh") in very careful ----- speech. Normally, however, it is not pronounced at the beginning of a word and in other positions it represents 'aa'. 2.

Paul Meier Dialect Services - home - dialects - dialect coach - accent reduction - British accents - dialect instruction Dash "Dashed" redirects here. For the delivery company, see DASHED. Usage varies both within English and in other languages, but the usual convention in printed English text is: Either version may be used to denote a break in a sentence or to set off parenthetical statements (ideally with intradocument consistency). Common dashes[edit] There are several forms of dash, of which the most common are: Less common are the two-em dash (⸺) and three-em dash (⸻), both added to Unicode with version 6.1 as U+2E3A and U+2E3B. Figure dash[edit] The figure dash (‒) is so named because it is the same width as a digit, at least in fonts with digits of equal width. The figure dash is used when a dash must be used within numbers (e.g. phone number 555‒0199). The figure dash is often unavailable; in this case, one may use a hyphen-minus instead. En dash[edit] In most uses of en dashes, such as when used in indicating ranges, they are closed up to the joined words. Ranges of values[edit] Attributive compounds[edit]
