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The English Blog

The English Blog
This ad for French optician's Krys contains a lot of useful vocabulary for describing personality types, a slogan with a double meaning, and grammar point. Watch the video, and try the gap fill activity below. COMMENTS1. Of course, the 'I' who is speaking is the glasses, or perhaps Krys.2.

critical mass elt blog Whatever other speech you grow into….your dialect stays alive in a sort of inner freedom, a separate little self Ted Hughes, Poet, cited in Corcoran 1993:114 *this blog post is based on an article submitted to TESOL Spain Newsletter in 2006. Introduction My interest in the topic of Accent Prejudice, or the idea that some accents are perceived to be better (or more appropriate) than others, was first inspired in my childhood when observing my parents, both from working class London backgrounds (my mother of Irish-Italian origin), in their endeavor to ‘cultivate’ their accents depending on whose company they were in. The Question Why are some people (and some EL teachers) negatively disposed towards certain accents and voices? Is Native Speaker Best? The Greek ELT Landscape The ascribing of a different status is also evidenced by research carried out in Greece. Little research has been carried out into the reasons why these might be the prevailing attitudes in Greece. My Research References

web links Par Christine Reymond Coups de cœur Balladodiffusion Vous connaissez la balladodiffusion ? Cela consiste à distribuer aux élèves des fichiers sons avec lesquels ils s’entraineront à la comprehension audio, puis à les encourager à s’abonner à des sites de podcasting. Voici une page de liens vers des sites de podcasting pour trouver des fichiers sons libres de droits en allemand, arabe, anglais, chinois, espagnol, italien, japonais, portugais, russe. Echanges et communication Avec des collègues de langues APLV et Les Langues Modernes L’Association des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes vous propose une réflexion de fond sur notre profession et l’enseignement des langues vivantes, du primaire à l’université. Association Cyber-Langues Projets et travaux collaboratifs à distance European Schoolnet E-Twinning Correspondance Tandem

THE FCE BLOG by Claudia Ceraso Artagnan dreaming (little blog) Squeezing the joy out of a thing | Kalinago English So while I get the point (and don't think teachers should suck up to their students) I don't entirely agree and actually, fully intend on being über-cool well into my 60's (like our Sensei Jeremy Harmer) but what made Darren's comment worth blogging about, was that interestingly, it occurred just after getting home from class and recognizing that I'd way totally killed the joy out of something for one of my students... He's an adult though, so I really do hope not forever. Sidebar We blogging teachers do tend to have a habit of only posting up lesson tips and ideas which have worked in our lessons - I mean, that's why we share them, because they worked so they'll probably work for other teachers too. But what about the things that don't work? The things we do that fall flat... Aren't there lessons worth learning and therefore worth sharing in those things too? Not terribly realistic or truthful, now is it? Anyhoo, here's my story: And he followed through on the advice. But then I said: Oh.

Omegle Janet's Abruzzo Edublog Job Applications – Chris’s 10 Tips How to apply for the jobs you really want to get. A practical guide to filling out those (automated) application forms. In 2005 Cambridge University advertised for an executive for Thailand. Of 300 replies, over 100 had CVs longer than 10 pages. HR people form their opinions within 5 seconds of their first glance… There is now a plethora of TESOL job websites; many are forum-based and many, particularly the automated ones, share the same databases. Application forms provide all candidates with an equal opportunity to demonstrate their suitability for a teaching position. If a recruiter replies or calls personally, it is a good idea for candidates to be prepared to show that they remember the information about the school and having applied for a job there. The average EFL teacher lasts less than 4 months in a job before leaving, either because the school did not honour its claims or because the teacher was asked to leave. How to apply for the jobs you really want to get…

s Learning Technology Blog Some months ago I had a plan to write a book of tasks to get teachers using technology. As with so many of my plans and ideas, time and circumstances over took me and I never got further than the first 15 tasks. When I went back to do some more I noticed that I was taking so long doing these that some had gone out of date, so to try to get some use from the tasks I've decided to revise them and start publishing them here so anyone can download them and use them either to do teacher training or to develop their own ability to use technology. So here are the first five. Task 1: Create your learning journalSo here goes. Task 2: Create online storage for your teaching imagesIn this task you will create a Flickr photo sharing channel. Task 3: Create an online speaking activityIn this task you'll learn how to create an online speaking activity using VoiceThread. Task 5: Create digital books with illustrationsIn this task you will create a digital image book based around a short text. Best

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