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The Possibility of Today —

The Possibility of Today —

fixing the world, one mind at a time — MindTWEAKS I give up on things way too easily. What steps can I take to change this? : getdisciplined The Feel Good Lifestyle Truth. No Consequences. Personal development | Realest insights| Alden Tan Man Vs. Debt — Sell your crap. Pay off your debt. Do what you love. Placebo Buttons The Misconception: All buttons placed around you do your bidding. The Truth: Many public buttons are only there to comfort you. You press the doorbell button, you hear the doorbell ring. You press the elevator button, it lights up. You press the button on the vending machine, a soft drink comes rattling down the chute. Your whole life, you’ve pressed buttons and been rewarded. The thing about buttons, though, is there seems to be some invisible magic taking place between the moment you press them down and when you get the expected result. Maybe there’s a man inside who pulls out the can of soda and puts it in the chute. You just don’t know, and that’s how conditioning works. The problem here is that some buttons in modern life don’t actually do anything at all. According to a 2008 article in the New Yorker, close buttons don’t close the elevator doors in many elevators built in the United States since the 1990s. Placebo buttons are a lot like superstitions, or ancient rituals. Sources:

TEST PERSONALIDAD (temperamentos) - Bienvenidos a Toma una hoja y de cada línea de 4 palabras selecciona una letra hasta llegar a la línea número 40. Por ej.: si en la línea 1 te identificas con la letra d debes poner 1=d y así con cada una de las líneas hasta completar el test. Luego sumas cada letra y en la siguiente página encontrarás los resultados. Cada columna contiene las debilidades y fortalezas de cada temperamento. La columna de las [a] = Sanguíneo La columna de las [b] = Colérico La columna de las [c] = Melancólico La columna de las [d] = Flemático Si sacaste la mayor puntuación en una de esas letras entonces ese es tu temperamento dominante y tu temperamento complementario o secundario corresponde a la letra que le sigue en mayor puntuación.

Theories of The Deep Understanding of Things Art & Language. Sea Ghost II. 2014. Acrylic with ink and mixed media on canvas. 176 x 149.5 cm. "If they play “My Way” at your funeral, you were probably kind of an asshole." s Blog » Blog Archive » A Mission Statement for your life When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it.W. Clement Stone Inspired by Alex Shalman and his article The Socratic Method To Great Living (5 Simple Steps) I’ve written down what I consider to be the essence of me. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mine are not about the perfect me but what I need to remember on a day to day basis. I find great journaling prompts in most articles I read these days, and I take notes obsessively whenever I find interesting information or factoids about anything. Alex also writes that it’s important to know your limitations. One of the words to photograph for the Diptych Project was “calling”. I’m thinking mine is yet to figure out, but it will be something that includes 1) writing 2) creativity 3) inspiring others with art, photography, words; much like I do with this blog I guess… Here is the spread where I wrote the answer down; This is the whole spread from my portion control play.

Cognitive Dissonance Explanations > Theories > Cognitive Dissonance Description | Research | Example | So What? | See also | References Description This is the feeling of uncomfortable tension which comes from holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time. Dissonance increases with: The importance of the subject to us. Dissonance is often strong when we believe something about ourselves and then do something against that belief. Cognitive dissonance is a very powerful motivator which will often lead us to change one or other of the conflicting belief or action. Change our behavior. Dissonance is most powerful when it is about our self-image. If an action has been completed and cannot be undone, then the after-the-fact dissonance compels us to change our beliefs. Cognitive dissonance appears in virtually all evaluations and decisions and is the central mechanism by which we experience new differences in the world. Note: Self-Perception Theory gives an alternative view. Research Example So what?
