New Breed of Super Cookie Defies Removal – Almost… | Fight Identity Theft From a recent UC Berkeley report: More than half of the internet’s top web sites use a little known capability of Adobe’s Flash plug-in to track users and store information about them, but only four of them mention the so-called Flash Cookies in their privacy policies. Under the direction of Chris Hoofnagle of the Information Privacy Programs at the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology, the researchers discovered that most web users aren’t familiar with Flash cookies and that Flash web cookies can’t be controlled through the cookie privacy controls in a browser. Even more interesting was the use of Flash cookies to ‘re-spawn’ or bring back to life traditional browser cookies that had been deleted on customer computers. What’s all the fuss about? However, like many useful, good things on the web, browser cookies have turned out to be an avenue for identity thieves to find us and our personal information. Changing Flash Preferences Removing Current Site Cookies Flash Cookie Removal Tools
Online Flash Slideshow Creator Howto: Use rtorrent like a pro « Motho ke motho ka botho diggI’m a huge rtorrent fan. I can’t imagine why anyone would use anything else, unless there’s something funky the big-name programs can do, that rtorrent just doesn’t handle yet. This time, instead of introducing you to rtorrent nice and easy, like I did with cplay, I’m going to give you a brief tour, and then I’ll show you something very cool you can do with it. rtorrent is an amazing, complex, powerful program that is at the same time sleek, clean, comprehensive and ultralight — and I’m giving you just one small idea of its potential. But first, let’s scratch the surface. Like a lot of console-driven programs, the startup screen for rtorrent is … rather dry. That’s all you get. To add a torrent, press return and navigate to the torrent file. You can use tab completion to make your way to it. Note that it’s still labeled as “INACTIVE.” rtorrent won’t start downloading until you tell it to. Now we’re moving. That’s about it, in a nutshell. What’s that mean, you say? Like this:
Local shared object Local shared objects (LSOs), commonly called Flash cookies (due to their similarities with HTTP cookies), are pieces of data that websites which use Adobe Flash may store on a user's computer. Local shared objects have been used by all versions of Flash Player (developed by Macromedia, which was later acquired by Adobe Systems) since version 6.[1] Flash cookies, which can be stored or retrieved whenever a user accesses a page containing a Flash application, are a form of local storage. Similar to that of cookies, they can be used to store user preferences, save data from flash games, or to track users' Internet activity.[2] LSOs have been criticised as a breach of browser security, but there are browser settings and addons to limit the duration of their storage. Storage[edit] Local shared objects contain data stored by individual websites. Adobe Flash Player does not allow 3rd-party local shared objects to be shared across domains. Application to games[edit] Privacy concerns[edit]
Edit Pad - Online Text Editor SYSLINUX - Syslinux Wiki SYSLINUX is a boot loader for the Linux operating system which runs on an MS-DOS/Windows FAT filesystem. It is intended to simplify first-time installation of Linux, and for creation of rescue and other special purpose boot disks. When properly configured, SYSLINUX can be used to completely eliminate the need for distribution of raw boot floppy images. A SYSLINUX floppy can be manipulated using standard MS-DOS (or any OS capable of accessing an MS-DOS filesystem) tools once it has been created. These are the options common to all versions of the SYSLINUX installer: (Note: The following command line options are valid for older versions of SYSLINUX. -s Safe, slow, stupid: uses simpler code that boots better. These are only available in the Windows version: -m MBR: install a bootable MBR sector to the beginning of the drive. This can only be used in the linux version:Since version 4.00: -t Specifies the byte offset of the filesystem image in the file. For older versions (deprecated): Syntax: or:
You Deleted Your Cookies? Think Again | Wired Business More than half of the internet’s top websites use a little known capability of Adobe’s Flash plug-in to track users and store information about them, but only four of them mention the so-called Flash cookies in their privacy policies, UC Berkeley researchers reported Monday. Unlike traditional browser cookies, Flash cookies are relatively unknown to web users, and they are not controlled through the cookie privacy controls in a browser. That means even if a user thinks they have cleared their computer of tracking objects, they most likely have not. What’s even sneakier? Several services even use the surreptitious data storage to reinstate traditional cookies that a user deleted, which is called ‘re-spawning’ in homage to video games where zombies come back to life even after being “killed,” the report found. Even the showed up in the report, with researchers reporting they found a Flash cookie with the name “userId.” Tools: * Ccleaner - See Also:
Getting started with Adobe AIR for Android by Brian Rinaldi Mobile development is sexy — there's no denying that. But for someone like me, who generally focuses on back-end development or behind-the-firewall Flex applications, building a mobile application sounds intimidating. I can't pinpoint exactly why, but I also know I am not alone. However, with new Adobe AIR for Android (currently in developer prerelease on Adobe Labs) and the Adobe Flash IDE, mobile development for Google's new Android 2.2 operating system (code-named Froyo) couldn't be easier. In this article, I discuss the essential tools you need to start developing for AIR for Android using Adobe Flash Professional CS5. Setting up your development environment Getting set up to develop Android applications with Flash is pretty straightforward. Google Android SDK: The SDK contains the tools you need to develop for Android regardless of whether you are doing native applications in Java or AIR for Android applications in Flash. To get started: Unzip the Android SDK. stop();
Faster booting with Upstart 04 November 2009, 16:31 by Mirko Dölle A good portion of the boot time on current Linux systems is spent on system initialisation and starting dozens of daemons sequentially. The Ubuntu 9.10 development team have started to parallelise and accelerate the boot process through the large scale use of Upstart. This article originally appeared in c't magazine 9/09, p. 176 Loading the Linux kernel takes up just a fraction of the time spent waiting for the login prompt during booting. The current boot sequence, with services starting consecutively in a fixed sequence, remains unaltered simply because no-one has sat down and adapted the init scripts for these various services to the capabilities of Upstart. Both Upstart and SysV init are the first processes to be launched by the kernel (with ID 1) as soon as the latter has booted and any boot scripts from the initial ramdisk (initrd) have been run. Upstart generates the first event, startup, automatically when it is called. start on startup task and
HAARP - New World Order Mind Control and Weather Warfare Weapon HAARP - New World Order Mind Control and Weather Warfare Weapon United States Secretary of Defense William Cohen apparently stated in a press briefing, while commenting on new technological threats possibly held by terrorist organizations: "Others are engaging in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, (and) volcanoes remotely, using the use of electromagnetic waves." Dr Begich's news release adds: "While the Secretary of Defense suggests this capability might be possessed by terrorist organizations, the U.S. military continues to deny that they also control such technology." -Dr. "Our school system increasingly teaches our children how to memorize data and totally ignores teaching them how to think, or analyze, for themselves! Ground view of HAARP Aerial view of HAARP taken 1998 Prepared by Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D., GNSH
Convert keys between GnuPG, OpenSsh and OpenSSL - OpenSSH to OpenSSL OpenSSH private keys are directly understable by OpenSSL: openssl rsa -in ~/.ssh/id_rsa -text openssl dsa -in ~/.ssh/id_dsa -text So, you can directly create certification request: openssl req -new -key ~/.ssh/id_dsa -out mykey.csr Notice I have not found how to manipulate ssh public key with OpenSSL OpenSSL to OpenSSH Private keys format is same between OpenSSL and OpenSSH, but not public key format. ssh-keygen -y -f id_rsa > GnuPG to OpenSSL Gpgsm utility can exports keys and certificate in PCSC12: gpgsm -o secret-gpg-key.p12 --export-secret-key-p12 0xXXXXXXXX You have to extract Key and Certificates separatly: openssl pkcs12 -in secret-gpg-key.p12 -nocerts -out gpg-key.pem openssl pkcs12 -in secret-gpg-key.p12 -nokeys -out gpg-certs.pem You can now use it in OpenSSL. You can also do similar thing with GnuPG public keys. OpenSSL to GnuPG Invert process: openssl pkcs12 -export -in gpg-certs.pem -inkey gpg-key.pem -out gpg-key.p12 gpgsm --import gpg-key.p12