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Top 10 Mac keyboard shortcuts everyone should know Mastering a few crucial Mac keyboard shortcuts will make using your Apple computer easier and much more efficient. Cutting your reliance on your mouse will help you work more quickly, and you’ll undoubtedly impress your family, friends and co-workers to no end. You might end up becoming the go-to Mac person in your office, and we all know how wonderful that will be. Here are the top 10 Mac keyboard shortcut tricks you really need to memorize right now, whether you’re a Mac newbie or a veteran user who still uses the mouse for everything out of habit. Ingredients: Any Mac running OS XMac-compatible keyboard (has a Command key, not Windows) Directions: First up, take a look at the Mac keyboard in front of you to familiarize yourself with a few Mac-specific keys. Many of these shortcuts have an equivalent menu item; one way of finding new shortcuts is to look to the right of any menu item and see if there is a keyboard shortcut.

Birds in Tasmania Cooks River - Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust - Sydney, Australia Original vegetation communities in the Cooks River Valley. Cooks River runs into the northern side of Botany Bay. It is shown on Cook's map, evidence that he explored it for some distance, but it was not until the First Fleet's brief stay in 1788 that Governor Phillip and some of the officers explored the River at the NW side of the bay which we went up for about 6 miles, finding the Country low & boggy, & no appearance of fresh water ... An arm of the sea was the succinct description used by Lieutenant William Bradley of the Sirius when he charted the course of the river in December 1789. The once-extensive estuary of the Cooks River, with its meandering channel and mudflats and mangroves, has now been totally obliterated by the runways of Sydney Airport. The river now reaches Botany Bay along a concrete channel that diverts its course through the sandy shoreline to join Botany Bay west of its original mouth. Cooks River - species list

The Precious First Few Minutes Of Class The Precious First Few Minutes Of Class by Suzy Pepper Rollins Students file into class. “Your warm-up is on the board,” we announce. More minutes pass, as students dump out backpacks and empty pockets in a panicked search for a scrap of paper they swear was secured last night. But the opening minutes are also the time when students’ brains are their freshest and they tend to remember more of what’s been taught during this period than any other time of the learning episode. These precious minutes can quickly establish a prior knowledge connection, vital to maximizing learning. Rather than begin class with a passive warm-up, success starters have the power to get every student motivated about the lesson and successful right from the bell. We’ve shared 12 Interesting Ways To Start Class Tomorrow before. 4 Easy Teaching Warm-Ups To Start Class Tomorrow 1. Create facts and fibs about the upcoming topic on strips of paper. 2. Tackling a piece of text about a character in a tough predicament?

Chinese Doss House TwistedSifter Universities accused of milking foreign students There are concerns universities were enrolling students with poor English who then receive scant language help. Picture: Renee Nowytarger. Source: The Daily Telegraph AUSTRALIA's university sector faces fresh complaints that it treats international students as "cash cows" after Victoria's Ombudsman warned that universities appear too focused on fee-revenue. A report tabled in Victoria's parliament yesterday cited concerns universities were enrolling fee-paying students with poor English skills who then receive insufficient language support. It also warned that bribery, including an instance where a female student offered an academic sexual favours after failing a subject, may be a bigger problem than the sector accepts. It reported academics complaining that they come under pressure to drop standards to pass struggling international students. But universities complained the report was unrepresentative, with its evidence based on just 62 interviews.

Wonderopolis | Where the Wonders of Learning Never Cease Indigenous Community Volunteers — Home Teaching | YouthLearn Regardless of what topic you're teaching or the age of the kids you're working with, you'll want to make certain teaching techniques a standard part of your routine. By internalizing these fundamentals until you don't even have to think about them, you'll become a better coach, leader and teacher. Perhaps most important is that you understand and master sound modeling techniques. Kids learn much more by watching you than from anything you say. Good teaching is intentional, and it should be reflected in every thing you say and do. Some other techniques described in this section include activities to do every day to reinforce learning objectives and create continuity; pointers for reading aloud and sharing ideas; and advice on using journals, a tool we find extremely helpful for kids of all ages. Entire books have been written about classroom management, but a few simple steps can make a big difference in maintaining an energetic environment and keeping kids focused.

Movie Reviews and Ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert South Australian Public Library Network - Welcome EclipseCrossword - the fast, easy, and FREE way to create crossword puzzles in minutes
