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Home · phhusson/treble_experimentations Wiki Open Source projects - Paul Nasca ZynAddSubFX ZynAddSubFX is an open source real-time synthesizer which produces high quality instruments. It is distributed in the most known GNU/Linux distributions and there exists a community around it. I started this project in 2002 and since few years ago other developers started to contribute. Screenshot: Availability: Forks and other software based on it or which use portions of it: Other links related to ZynAddSubFX: Paul's Extreme Sound Stretch (a.k.a. Paulstretch is a time-stretching of audio designed for extreme stretching. The main use of this program is to transform any sound into an ambient/relaxing music. Screenshot: Paulstretch home page Python implementation Mac OSX port of PaulstretchRepositories of many Linux distributions, like Ubuntu Articles, videos and other links about Paulstretch: LDR Tonemapping Inspired by a well known pseudo HDR technique for Photoshop, I designed a better method for making "fake HDR" effect. Screenshot: HyperMammut

Releases NVCleanstall 1.3.0 TechPowerUp today released the latest update to NVCleanstall, our lightweight utility that lets you heavily customize your NVIDIA GeForce software installation, letting you choose not to install a lot more components than what NVIDIA's installer allows. You can disable installation of components you probably don't need, such as telemetry. Version 1.3.0 introduces the ability to install the NVIDIA Control Panel app from Microsoft Store without needing to log-in with a Microsoft account, for the DCH version of GeForce Software. This is particularly useful for those using the DCH version of GeForce software without wanting to log into Microsoft Store. TechPowerUp NVCleanstall Version 1.3.0 also introduces a tweak that makes the driver use message-signaled interrupts (MSI). DOWNLOAD: TechPowerUp NVCleanstall 1.3.0

AMD Ryzen Memory Tweaking & Overclocking Guide Update History: Apr 4th 2019: Completely rewrote and simplified the "Relations Between Memory Timings" pageOver the past two years, AMD has introduced two generations of high-performance processors with Ryzen. Great products based on a completely new architecture with great potential, the Internet is still rife with fears and misinformation when it comes to these products, some of which are misgivings of the brand, while others are related to the underlying implemented technology and the efficacy of performance potential. These misgivings are based on criticism the products faced upon release of the first generation of Ryzen processors. My name is Yuri Bubly (@1usmus). You've probably pegged your "AMD vs. Some may ask what real benefits can be gained by memory overclocking.

Using a Hosts File To Make The Internet Not Suck (as much) # This hosts file is brought to you by Dan Pollock and can be found at # # You are free to copy and distribute this file for non-commercial uses, # as long the original URL and attribution is included. # # See below for acknowledgements. # Please forward any additions, corrections or comments by email to # # Last updated: Wed, 25 Nov 2020 at 08:10:27 GMT # Use this file to prevent your computer from connecting to selected # internet hosts. Harmony Assistant Harmony Assistant regroupe en un seul logiciel ce que l'on trouve normalement dans plusieurs. C'est à la fois : Un éditeur de partition puissant, supportant mode page et mode gravureUn synthétiseur numérique, restituant les musiques avec qualité, même sans matériel coûteuxUn arrangeur, créant des accompagnements automatiquesUne boîte à rythmes, associant des rythmes à vos musiquesUn éditeur de sons numériques, pour insérer instruments et pistes numériques dans vos créationsUn éditeur de tablatureetc. Tout ceci conjugué, fait d' Harmony un outil d'une extrême souplesse et d'une grande facilité d' utilisation. Harmony Assistant est doté de la notion de "vues". Par exemple, si le document contient une partition d'orchestre (conducteur), vous pouvez définir une vue pour chacun des instruments de l'orchestre afin que chaque musicien puisse recevoir uniquement la partition correspondant à son instrument.

Gnaural: A Binaural-Beat Audio Generator The Ultimate Binaural Beat Generator • Online & Free ♥ This is awesome. I have to keep taking my headphones off to make sure the sound isn't coming from outside. ♥ ADHD student here, helps a lot. ♥ Feels like I'm inside a ship or something. ♥ The 16 hz is so effective my brain forgets to breath and blink. ♥ I have TDAH with a big difficulty to maintain focus when I have to read or write some technical papers. 14 Hz has been my best medicine for a long time and it always works! ♥ The one I created gives me shivers, not sure if it's just me but every time I hear it I get goosebumps. ♥ This one seems to change every few seconds... weird. ♥ These beats help me almost as much as meditation helps me. ♥ Sat down and closed my eyes. ♥ I very like to combine a few of the generators in several tabs. ♥ I keep forgetting to switch from the default setting, an hour later I'm yawning and frustrated. ♥ I've been using you guys for years... thanks for always being the best. ♥ Really awesome! ♥ Wow, this keeps me alert! ♥ Got a gamma wave. ♥ Deep comfort. ♥ Wow.

Redbox : Netflix a un nouveau concurrent aux États-Unis qui mise sur le gratuit Disney+, Apple TV+, et très bientôt HBO Max, Netflix a de plus en plus de concurrence sur le marché du streaming. Il faut dire que le secteur a de quoi aiguiser les convoitises car les perspectives sont au beau fixe. La télévision traditionnelle semble de plus en plus menacée, même si elle n’est pas totalement morte comme certains tendraient à l’affirmer. La consommation sur les différentes plateformes a en effet représenté 20 % de la consommation télé au cours du 4ème trimestre aux États-Unis. Elle aurait même doublé entre le 1er trimestre 2018 et le 4ème trimestre 2019. Dans ce contexte très porteur, un nouvel acteur vient d’émerger outre-atlantique. La plateforme se dintingue par sa simplicité d’utilisation, puisqu’il suffit de se connecter au site (non accessible en France) pour accéder directement au catalogue, sans même avoir de compte à créer ou de renseignements à fournir. Cette initiative rappelle également le lancement de la plateforme Plex (qui est accessible en France).

Focus at Work • Relax at Home • Sleep at Night | myNoise ® Dr. Ir. Stéphane Pigeon | Biography Stéphane Pigeon was born in Brussels, Belgium, in December 1970 and received the degree of electrical engineering from the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) in June 1994, with a specialization in signal processing. He worked at the Laboratoire de Télécommunications et Télédétection (TELE) of this same university from 1995 till 1999, first studying the relative merits of different scanning formats in the context of the MPEG2 codec optimization - a work carried out in the framework of the HAMLET European project - then working in the field of multimodal biometric person authentication during the course of the M2VTS European project. He finalized a PhD thesis on this last topic in 1999. Then, Stéphane joined the Royal Military Academy as a part-time researcher, working on various topics such as computer-assisted person identification, data fusion, channel coding and audio processing. His spare time has always been devoted to trying out new ideas. Stéphane still works as a consultant.

software - How do I 'downgrade' an Adobe Premiere Pro project file to open in older versions? - Video Production Stack Exchange Since this is the top google result, I would like to give the actual solution to this problem Option 1 Duplicate the .prproj file you want to downgrade and name it temp_downgrade.prproj or something. Here is a gif of the whole thing. Option 2 EDIT 2018: This tool mentioned in an answer below mine seems great! If you would prefer a local open source version, I also made a small JavaFx app that should automate everything in Option 1. Not reeeeeally. tl;dr: Obviously there are some cases where you could lose information, but if you just need to make minor edits or fix something small on your home computer then take it back to work or something - this is fine. Why this works? Apparently adobe save files are just gzipped xml, so that's why.

Blockchainfrance permet aux personnes curieuses qui souhaitent uniquement s’informer et se tenir au courant ou bien alors commencer à se lancer dans l’aventure du bitcoin de comprendre et de s’informer facilement. Ce site ne vise pas d’expliquer des termes très techniques ou compliqués mais juste à permettre au plus grand nombre de comprendre ce nouveau phénomène. Il explique la blockchain en général et passe par le bitcoin du fait de sa popularité. Le site dispose d’un côté pour les professionnels qui est séparé du site de base ( Bien que l’on puisse considérer que le site ne soit qu’une vitrine pour la partie professionnelle, il donne de très bonnes explications et permet de comprendre facilement se qu’est le bitcoin et ses enjeux, ainsi que la blockchain plus globalement. by bosch_groupeb Feb 24

Cette société, à travers son site, démocratise le blockchain et aide à en comprendre ses différentes applications. Que vous soyez indépendants, professionnels, vous trouverez sur ce site un grand nombre d’exemple d’application, dans différents domaines comme les banques, les assurances, le tourisme, les réseaux sociaux… Le blockchain est la technologie utilisée derrière le bitcoin. Sa compréhension vous donnera des aspects plus complets sur son utilisation dans le monde actuel. by guittard_groupec Jan 31

Site web du leader français du conseil sur les technologies blockchain. Ce site relativement jeune (2015) est particulièrement intéressant car il est en langue française. Blockchain France a organisé la première grande conférence française sur le blockchain sous le haut patronage du Ministère de l’Economie et du Numérique, et publié le premier livre en français dédié à blockchain. Nous trouvons sur le site de nombreuses ressources pédagogiques, par exemple : by julius_groupec Jan 28
