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How to Create a Social Media Editorial Calendar

How to Create a Social Media Editorial Calendar
January is always a fresh time to fine tune online marketing habits. One good place to start is the social media editorial calendar. You remember, that file you started last year and haven’t opened since? On the flipside it could be a daily master plan that you did follow that made your analytics go through the success roof. In the latter case, maybe it is a do-over or just a yearly update. The Power of the Written Word and Social Media How can the power of the written word impact your social media editorial calendar? If you consider your colleagues, subscribers, prospects, and clients as “friends” – think about the power of a written and organized social media editorial calendar … Originally designed for books, magazines, and newspapers, editorial calendars have been around for centuries and are the lifeline to successful publishing. Editorial calendars bridge together content and themes for social media and beyond: Social Media Editorial Calendar Benefits Tools for Editorial Calendars

My Favorite Way to Get Links and Social Shares - Whiteboard Friday So you've got a new blog post you're ready to reveal to the interwebs. You've worked hard on the content, and now you really need to drive activity on it. If you don't have a widespread network of contacts to help you, you may need some tips to help drive that traffic. In this week's Whiteboard Friday, Rand shares his favorite way to get links and social shares, while simultaneously seeding future plans to get links automatically built for you. We'd love to hear your feedback on these processes! "Howdy, SEOmoz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday.

What Separates a "Good" Outreach Email from a "Great" One? - Whiteboard Friday Outreach emails are sent for a variety of reasons, but the majority have one thing in common: they're structured too poorly to merit a reply. For every group of outreach emails we receive, usually only a few are worth opening. However, creating "good" emails may not be the toughest part. To inspire a response, you have to get to "great." Today, Rand walks us through what it takes to create a great outreach email and gives his tips on making sure your next outreach goes into the "great" pile rather than into the trash. "Howdy SEOmoz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday.

FREE Social Media and Facebook Analytics with FREE Facebook Apps Social Media Sites that can help rank better Top Social Media Sites What social media tools (like Simplify360, Radian6, SM2, etc) cost less than $500/month Social media monitoring tools to help our clients generate leads online. Socialping tracks anything and everything you want on Twitter. Instantly know when the world is talking about you or your product, in real time. Socialping pings you within seconds when one of your watchlist items is mentioned, and they’ll tell you via email, instant message, SMS, Twitter DM, or iPhone push.

Facebook Custom Tab Generator Custom tabs on Facebook Pages allow us to display our own HTML content inside Facebook Pages by embedding code in iframes. This is done by creating a Facebook app and providing a few parameters (like the URL where our custom HTML page is located). Here’s an example of a custom tab: Add a Custom Tab to your Facebook Page Have you tried to add a Custom Tab Application to your Facebook Page lately? Before Timeline, every app used an App Profile Page. Unfortunately, this also removed a convenient button on App Profile Pages that allowed us to add our apps as a custom tab on any Page we admin. Facebook’s solution to add apps to Pages is to visit this URL, replacing the all-caps values with your app’s info: At this custom URL you’ll get a drop-down list of all the pages you admin and you can add your app to any of them. So, that works. Because simple tools are awesome. This: Will generate this:

5 LinkedIn Alternatives for Your Networking Strategy When it comes to social media sites, few platforms are used for their networking juice like LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the undisputed leader in professional social networking. A report by HubSpot showed that it is a whopping 277% more effective than Facebook and Twitter at generating leads. LinkedIn is a great networking tool, but there are other options out there. 1. If BranchOut sounds familiar, it is probably because you encountered it on Facebook. What makes this social app stand out is the fact that it leverages the user’s existing Facebook network to help them make professional connections. BranchOut recently “branched out” from Facebook by relaunching itself as a standalone application with hopes of competing with LinkedIn. 2. BranchOut leverages Facebook, Twylah harnesses the power of Twitter to conduct its networking business. Additionally, Twylah keeps SEO in mind by optimizing your page to enhance visibility and generate traffic from the search engines. 3. 4. 5. In Closing

LinkedIn Changes 2013: How To Guide for Small Business Social networks are constantly in a state of flux, much to the frustration of their users, and LinkedIn is no exception. It has seen MAJOR changes to it design over the past six months, focusing on a more streamlined personal profile and removing some of user’s favorite features. Which of these changes will impact you, as a small business owner, and how can you take advantage of them? Multimedia Gallery in Personal Profile The feature with the most potential for small business is the new multimedia gallery, allowing you to add photos, video, PowerPoint presentations, mp3 and PDF files to your profile. The gallery replaces Apps, which were required to import any type of multimedia. There’s no limit to the number of multimedia items you can add to your profile, and you can add them anywhere. This is a great place to add an introductory video, free ebooks or other giveaways that offer value to prospective clients. Reorder Profile Sections One-Click Endorsements Answers Are Gone

How to Create a Social Media Editorial Calendar
You remember, that file you started last year and haven’t opened since? On the flipside it could be a daily master plan that you did follow that made your analytics go through the success roof. In the latter case, maybe it is a do-over or just a yearly update. by gdupuy Nov 9
