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Storj - The Future of Cloud Storage

Storj - The Future of Cloud Storage

DriveShare - Powered by Storj DriveShare for Windows Download the latest DriveShare GUI here and follow the instructions on the page. If you don't want to use the graphical interface, please follow the instructions below. 1. Download Client Download the latest Storj Dataserv-client Windows release from GitHub. 2. Extract the zip file to the folder where you wish to have it installed. The dataserv-client will automatically update when new releases are made. 3. Optionally set a cold storage payout address. This will let you use a cold storage wallet or a counterparty wallet as the payout address instead of the automatically generated wallet. 4. Optionally specifiy the path to store data and available space. dataserv-client.exe --store_path=<PATH> --max_size=<YOUR SIZE HERE> farm Make sure you choose an amount of storage that you have space for on your hard drive, i.e. 1TB for 1 terabyte, 5GB for 5 gigabytes, etc. You will then see your command prompt continuously displaying: Once you are pinging you are done, keep it running.
