Hippos In Tanks | Where Good Ideas Come From Now-Again | Stones Throw Records BBC iPlayer - Free Wales Harmony: When Pop Went Welsh The Telegraph - Calcutta : Metro There is now a pretty solid body of evidence that for The Beatles, India was their most creative period. When they were in Rishikesh for several weeks in February, March and April of 1968, they wrote between 23 and 48 songs, 17 of which were included in their White Album, one of their best known. We know this from the account given by Paul Saltzman, now a distinguished Canadian filmmaker, who went up to Rishikesh in February, 1968, and was included for a week by The Beatles as part of their inner circle. Perhaps The Beatles felt sorry for him, for Saltzman, then 24, had received a letter from his girlfriend who had dumped him. Seeking solace for his painful heartbreak, he wandered up to the mountains and found the ashram in Rishikesh. It has been said that 1968 was the year that rocked the world. It was a year scarred by the assassination of Martin Luther King and the late President John F. For Saltzman, it proved a week that changed his life. 'We are not friends,' Saltzman warns me.
Type | A record label Dangerous Minds Cloud rap : de Lil B et A$AP Rocky à PNL, trip dans la galaxie du rap planant Un château au milieu des nuages Cloud rap : la légende raconte que le mot a été inventé par le surréaliste Lil B, en plein milieu d'une interview avec Andrew Noz. Pointant le doigt en direction d'un tableau représentant un château flottant dans le ciel, au milieu des nuages, il aurait déclaré : "voici le genre de musique que je veux faire. Elle doit ressembler à ça". Et le plus incroyable, c'est que cette métaphore aussi vague qu'improbable est extrêmement pertinente. Plus concrètement, la musique cloud possède trois axes cardinaux : Le premier, ce sont des beats ralentis. Le second, c'est une constante lyricale : le cloud est bien souvent accompagné de textes un brin mystique, d'interrogations métaphysiques, et de références culturelles improbables ... en somme, des paroles aussi perchées que la musique. La troisième caractéristique de ce sous-genre, c'est son aspect toujours très expérimental. Arizona tea, Nintendo 64, et vieilles VHS C'est aussi simple que cela.
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Babylon Wales Victor Bailey, RIP | The Weather Report Annotated Discography It is with sadness that I report that Victor Bailey passed away today. I first had the opportunity to speak with Victor in February 2014. I had been trying to connect with him in order to do an interview for some time. I’m not sure what finally caused him to respond to this stranger pestering him about Weather Report, but after he did we had a good hour and a half conversation. Back then he was still in relatively good health. His legs were failing him, so he used a scooter to get around on. Of course, Victor came into the band following Jaco’s departure. Victor was one of Joe’s favorites and he’s the only musician with the distinction of playing in all of Joe’s bands: Weather Report, Weather Update, The Zawinul Syndicate, and the WDR Big Band with Joe Zawinul. Below is a video Victor made a few months after he told me that.
Matador Records Live Concert Recordings and Merchandise | Wolfgang's