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Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education / Harvard Graduate School of Education

Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education / Harvard Graduate School of Education
Related:  fortbildning skola

Multiple Intelligences We understand that many people visit this page seeking resources on the topic of Dr. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. We encourage visitors to review the FAQ on this site which contains his reply to a number of common questions that have been asked in the past years. In 2011, Frames of Mind (see books) was re-released. The 30th anniversary introduction to Frames of Mind (PDF) Other books about multiple intelligences theory: Multiple Intelligences Around the World by Jie-Qi Chen (Available here) In addition, Dr. “In a Nutshell” – Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons (PDF) Multimedia and Multiple Intelligences (PDF) Technology and Multiple Intelligences (PDF) The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (PDF) The Theory of Multiple Intelligences: As Psychology, As Education, As Social Science (PDF) Like this: Like Loading...

Free Technology for Teachers/ Videos Summer is a time when many of us are thinking about and planning professional development workshops for our schools and for other schools. I've always found that a short 3-5 minute video can be a good introduction to a PD sessions and or make for a nice thought-provoking break during a PD session. Here are seven videos that I think serve those purposes well. The "classic" of course is the various incarnations of Karl Fisch's and Scott McLeod's Did You Know? Version 4.0 is embedded below, but I still prefer this version. Educational Change Challenge is a video that I came across just last week on the first day of ISTE 2010. Here's another "classic" in the field. Social Media Revolution is a must-watch for all of those who think social media is nothing more than a time-sink. And when you're wondering what teachers make, Taylor Mali has some answers for you. Finally, on a lighter note for fans of The Office.

Howard Gardner on His Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Lessons for COVID-19 Era The education world gets obsessed sometimes with trying to come up with ways to measure smarts. But today we’re talking with someone who has a history of shaking up the narrative when it comes to talking about intelligence. It’s Howard Gardner, best known for his theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI). Gardner has made a long and influential career exploring the mind and how to think about it. American Educational Research Association 2020 Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award. This month Gardner came out with a different kind of book, one where he looks inward. Listen to this week’s episode on Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Spotify, Stitcher or wherever you listen to podcasts, or use the player on this page. EdSurge: In a nutshell, what is the theory of multiple intelligences? Howard Gardner: [Typically people talked about] the single word “intelligence” as if it's one thing. My theory is that we have eight, nine or ten different computers. I'm very sad.

Drawing Tools Lär dig att syntetisera information, alla tips för att uppnå det. Det är inte lätt att förstå eller veta hur man syntetiserar information. Faktum är att inte alla har ett syntetiskt sinne. Det vill säga att vissa människor är mindre skickliga än andra i deras sätt att lära sig att syntetisera information. Det finns dock tekniker och övningar för att få dig till snabbhet. Dessa mycket ofta svåra att identifiera är dock viktiga både i vardagen och i ditt arbete. Betydelsen av informationssyntes Varje dag bombas vi med information. Syntesen är avgörande för eleverna, det kommer att möjliggöra en effektiv läsning av kurserna. Skillnad mellan syntes och sammanfattning Syntesinformation har inget att göra med att sammanfatta det. Syntes är ett sätt att förmedla viktig information om ett visst ämne. Det är i alla fall viktigt att säkerställa att informationen har källor som kan åberopas vid behov. 6 tekniker för att lära sig att syntetisera information snabbt För många är det inte alltid lätt att lära sig att syntetisera information. 1-Koncentrationen

Annotation Tools Claes Nilholms blogg För ett antal år sedan skrev jag en bok som handlar som perspektiv på specialpedagogik. De flesta är förmodligen överens om att specialpedagogik handlar om problem i relation till skolarbete eller lärande i största allmänhet. Det finns olika sätt att se på varför sådana problem uppkommer och hur de ska åtgärdas. I boken urskiljer jag tre olika perspektiv på sådana problem. Jag argumenterar för att perspektiven skiljer sig åt beroende på var problemen förläggs. Å ena sidan har vi ett kompensatoriskt perspektiv, ibland kallat ett bristperspektiv, där orsaken till skolproblem i huvudsak förläggs till individer. För ett antal år sedan skrev jag en bok som handlar som perspektiv på specialpedagogik. De flesta som intresserat sig för att kartlägga olika perspektiv på specialpedagogik brukar urskilja dessa två. Det är två poäng med ett dilemmaperspektiv som jag vill lyfta fram här. Nilholm, Claes. (2007) Perspektiv på Specialpedagogik. Efterskrift 10/18 2017 Konsten att urskilja perspektiv

Reading & Writing Tools Howard Gardner, Five Minds for the Future | My Education Vision Howard Gardner, Five Minds for the Future Howard Gardner, professor of cognition and education at Harvard Graduate School of Education (the Multiple Intelligences Guy) argues that in our rapidly changing world, the following five minds, encapsulating skills, values, attitudes and knowledge, are crucial. The Disciplined MindThe Synthesizing MindThe Respectful MindThe Creating MindThe Ethical Mind In his introduction, Gardner rightly points out that education is a very conservative profession. This is not necessarily bad, he argues, because it means that centuries of practical knowledge has been assimilated into the profession. Gardner takes a swipe at policymakers who are unable to articulate the aims of education and who instead use glib phrases about “using the mind well”, “having the skills to compete” and (the latest one) “leading the world in international comparisons of test scores.” The Disciplined Mind Neither. This is a powerful argument against fact-based learning. 1. 2. 3. 4.

SuperLame! Comic Word Balloons, Speech Bubbles, and Thought Balloons, etc. How Helping Students to Ask Better Questions Can Transform Classrooms To get started with the QFT, first give students time to develop as many questions as they can, with the instruction not to worry if it’s a “good or bad” question. The only requirement is that they be questions, not statements. After the initial fast brainstorm, talk about the difference between closed and open questions, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of both. Then ask students to categorize their questions as “open” or “closed.” “It’s in the working with the questions that something happens,” said Rothstein, co-director of The Right Question Institute, during a session at the Building Learning Communities conference. After working with questions they developed in this way, ask students to pick their best three questions. After producing, improving and strategizing about their questions, the last step is to reflect upon the experience of asking and modifying questions. “It’s a simple process that can be adapted to many different purposes,” Rothstein said.

Trading Card Creator Tons of fun stuff... Give one of our toys a spin! Trading Card, Mosaic Maker, Bead Art, Framer, Pocket Album, Color Palette Generator, Map Maker, Jigsaw, Cube, Magazine Cover, Movie Poster, Motivator, FX, Hockneyizer, Photobooth, Calendar, Billboard, Mat, Badge Maker, Pop Art Poster, Wallpaper, CD Cover, Lolcat Generator, I know, right? It's a lot to take in. Go slow. New Modes of Learning The temporary shift to distance schooling can be a time for both parents and teachers to reshape their understanding of what learning can be, says Professor Jal Mehta. As John Dewey famously theorized, education is about “linking the growing web of knowledge in a child’s head with a growing web of knowledge in the world. That means that almost anything can be an opportunity for learning,” says Mehta, whose research explores the benefits of deeper learning. “My suggestion is to look for activities that are fun but have educational value.” Drawing on his recent experiences with his own children (6 and 9), Mehta had the following suggestions for parent-educators at home: Though without the structure of a physical classroom and teacher presence, kids will still want to do things that are familiar. “This is a chance for [children] to find something they love and do more of it than they would otherwise get to,” says Mehta.

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