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Audio Lingua Anglais

Audio Lingua Anglais

English Day by Day English Club Welcome to EnglishClub Listening, to help you learn the skill of listening in English. Listening is the first of the four language skills, which are: 1. Listening 2. Speaking 3. What Is Listening? How to Hear English Everywhere How can you hear English when you're not in an English-speaking country? Dictation Do you want to improve your English listening skills? Listen to English by Radio Listen to English online with programmes from stations like the BBC or Voice of America. Listen to the News Listen to our weekly digest of the news in English. Listen to Poetry in English Some classic pieces of poetry and other texts for you to listen to and read. Podcasts You can listen online or download these readings, many of which come with transcript and wordchecker to explain vocabulary. Improve your listening with MyEC! MyEnglishClub features thousands of videos and songs for English learners. This Week in History Listen to a new story every Monday. ESL Videos More listening practice by watching videos.

Classroom Games for Intermediate & Advanced English Learning, Teaching a, an, & Articles, Singular/Plural Practice A an the spin using this ESL fun Game. Adjectives vs. Adverbs with -ly Practice Adjectives adverbs ly using this ESL fun Game. Adjectives & Adverbs Fun Game Practice Adjectives adverbs using this ESL fun Game. Adjectives Ending with -ing & -ed Practice Adjectives ing ed using this ESL fun Game. Adverbs ly space classroom game Practice Adverbs ly using this ESL fun Game. already, yet & Present Perfect Tense Practice Already yet present perfect using this ESL Game. Articles & Nouns Fun Quiz game Practice Articles nouns using this ESL fun Game. Compound nouns game Practice Compound nouns using this ESL fun Game. if - Conditionals Sentences Game Practice Conditionals review using this ESL fun Game. Confusing Words A - D, Game 1 Practice Confusing words using this ESL fun Game. Confusing Words E - H, Game 2 Confusing Words I - O Game 3 Confusing Words P - Y Game 4 Countable / Uncountable Nouns & a, an Practice a an Countable uncountable using this Game. Low Level Games

Listen A Minute Rituels de début de cours et activités orales Les rituels de début de cours constituent un moment d’échange et de pratique orale authentique de la langue en classe. Ils sont structurants, valorisants et rassurants. Ils permettent à tous les élèves de s’exprimer librement sans craindre l’évaluation. Dix minutes maximum seront consacrées le plus régulièrement possible à ces activités d’expression orale. Ces activités d’expression orale seront menées par les élèves (effacement du professeur) en expression orale en continu, mais surtout, et dans la mesure du possible, en expression orale en interaction, afin de faire participer un maximum d’élèves lors de chaque séance. On pourra donner aux élèves en début d’année la liste des activités possibles. 1. a. Placer les élèves par deux en associant de préférence des élèves qui ne se connaissent pas bien. Après deux ou trois questions simples, on préférera des questions ouvertes qui nécessitent une réponse développée. What’s your name ? How old are you ? Where and when were you born ? b. c. 2.

Everyday English in Conversation Does it happen to you that sometimes you feel frustrated because you find yourself unable to express yourself clearly and yet when you hear native speakers, you feel that it is so simple and easy? In this section, we will focus on learning idiomatic and everyday expressions to help us deal with daily conversational situations. Now, surf into Everyday English in Conversation!!! Note: The audio files are being updated in MP3. The following sections have been revamped: communication, eating, emotions, fashion, friendship, romance, health, housing, weather, and work. Please keep coming back to check for new updates.

Segregation - Plan du scénario - Le blog de Dimanche 29 août 7 29 /08 /Août 15:35 The lack of rights of black people. Travail à partir d'images montrant les différents domaines de la vie courante dans lesquels les noirs n'avaient pas les mêmes droits que les blancs. Expression de l'interdiction, de l'obligation, de l'impossibilité au passé. Rosa Parks, Mother of Civil Rights. Travail à partir d'une vidéo de youtube Coretta Scott King, First lady of Civil Rights. Travail sur une écoute élaborée à partir d'une vidéo trouvée sur le site Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream". Travail de C.O sur le discours de Martin Luther King en salle multimédia à l'aide du site Travail de C.E et de méthodologie à partir du texte du discours : comment le discours est-il construit ? What American people are dreaming of. Black Dolls and White Dolls. Travail à partir d'une vidéo de youtube Tâche finale. Total sur 20 :

Living on Earth Air Date: August 24, 2012 FULL SHOW (stream/download) as an MP3 file Paul Ryan’s Environmental Record / Steve Curwood (stream / mp3) Mitt Romney's energy plan promises more energy production through opening more areas to offshore oil and gas drilling, building the Keystone XL pipeline, and speeding up drilling permits. Massachusetts Energy Conservation / Jeff Young (stream / mp3) Grades are in, and Massachusetts leads the pack on energy conservation efforts. Wastewater to Energy / Ashley Ahearn (stream / mp3) King County in Washington wants to be among the first regions in the nation to tap wastewater to use for energy in buildings. The Chemical Internet / Steve Curwood (stream / mp3) The invention of the Internet revolutionized the world. Bounty / Mark Seth Lender (stream / mp3) In nature, life and death sometimes go hand in hand. Science Note: Turning up the volume on the mating dance / Christy Perera (stream / mp3) The Legacy / David Suzuki (stream / mp3) Show Credits and Funders

Michelle Henry 1. The British flag - What is the name of the flag of the United Kingdom ? ...It is made up of 3 crosses : - St Andrew's for ... - St George's for ... - St Patrick's for ...- What creature can you see on the Welsh flag ? ...- What is the title of the National Anthem ("hymne") ? ... 2. 3. Lis ces petits textes Puis fais ce qui t’est demandé : Où se trouvent les Maisons du Parlement ? Qui a été le premier roi à être couronné à Westminster Abbey? Trafalgar Square est une place en forme de rond / de carré.A son centre se trouve la statue de Napoléon Bonaparte / l’amiral Nelson.Elle commémore la bataille de Waterloo / Trafalgar qui a eu lieu en 1805 / 1905 Qui sont les gardiens de la Tour de Londres? 4.

ESL : Listening : Downloadable MP3 Files There are currently 10192 registered links.Main Page | Links for Students | Links for Teachers | What's New * American Stories in VOA Special English [FRAME] Short stories written by American writers rewritten in VOA Special English * VOA News in Special English - 10 Minute Audio with a Transcript Once a week, this website posts MP3 and RealAudio files plus a transcript. * VOA Special English - Words and Their Stories MP3 files and Text, 5 minutes, once a week, idioms, vocabulary, etc. * VOA Special English Mobile Site This is a good, clean, fast-loading website, not just for mobil devices. * VOA's Agriculture Report (Once a Week) (Voice of America) Downloadable MP3 file or RealAudio file and text. * VOA's Development Report (Once a Week) (Voice of America) * VOA's Education Report (Once a Week) (Voice of America) * VOA's Explorations (Once a Week) (Voice of America) * VOA's Health Report (Once a Week) (Voice of America) * VOA's In the News (Once a Week) (Voice of America) Has sound files of speeches

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