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Open access

Open access
Research publications that are distributed online, free of access charges or other barriers Open access (OA) is a set of principles and a range of practices through which research outputs are distributed online, free of access charges or other barriers.[1] With open access strictly defined (according to the 2001 definition), or libre open access, barriers to copying or reuse are also reduced or removed by applying an open license for copyright.[1] The main focus of the open access movement is "peer reviewed research literature."[2] Historically, this has centered mainly on print-based academic journals. Since the revenue of some open access journals are earned from publication fees charged from the authors, there are concerns about the quality of articles published in OA journals.[6][7] Definitions[edit] There are different models of open access publishing and publishers may use one or more of these models. Colour naming system[edit] Gold OA[edit] Green OA[edit] Hybrid OA[edit] Bronze OA[edit]

GreyNet International, Grey Literature Network Service Thè : le portail des thèses en France Search Engines:Grey Literature From Topical Search Wiki General OpenGrey – multidisciplinary European database of grey literature. Academic The Center for Research Libraries (CRL) – An experts handpicked catalog of academic materials. Patents Search Specialized Directories GreySource Index – A Selection of Web-based Resources in Grey Literature Related Pages News External Links References

Národní úložiště šedé literatury Charakterizace vlastností polovodičových detektorů Čarná Mária; Vlková Kateřina 2014 - Czech Tato bakalářská práce se věnuje radiačnímu poškození v křemíkových polovodičových detektorech, které jsou složeny ze senzoru a vyčítacího čipu. V praktické části byly proměřeny charakteristiky testovacích struktur vyčítacího čipu. Práce zahrnuje základní informace o interakcích částic, křemíkových detektorech a jejich vlastnostech a o principech radiačního poškození polovodičů. This thesis focuses on the radiation damage of semiconductor detectors, which consist of a sensor and a readout chip. Keywords: radiační odolnost; polovodičové detektory; vyčítací čip Available at various departments of the ČVUT.

OpenDOAR - Home Page - Directory of Open Access Repositories Grey Literature - Research guides at University of Ottawa Welcome to this new Guide on Grey Literature! Grey (or gray) Literature (GL) is, according to AFNOR (Association française de normalisation), any typed or printed document, meant to reach a limited audience, outside of the commercial publishing channels and outside of the conventional bibliographic control utilities. It is difficult to estimate how much Grey Literature is produced since legal deposit laws will apply only the volume of conventional literature published commercially. Examples of Grey Literature include: study or research reports, scientific and technical reports, government documents, theses, patent documents etc. Why is there an interest in Grey Literature? Some studies indicate that ignoring literature that is valuable but not commercially available may introduce a methodological bias in conducting research. How can Grey Literature be found? More and more search engines and library resources focus on Grey Literature.

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