Statistique décisionnelle, Data Mining, Scoring et CRM
Factorial Analysis of Variance
Factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) One-way ANOVAs only allow us to examine one source of variance (one factor). There are situations (lots of situation) where we are interested in examine more than one source of variance. We will now examine 2 or more independent variables (or factors) on a single dependent variable. These analyses are called factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA). One-way ANOVA = 1 IV Two-way ANOVA = 2 IV (factorial ANOVA) Three-way ANOVA = 3 IV (factorial ANOVA) etc. When we covered research designs, we usually used X (treatment) and O (measure) to illustrate the design. What do the numbers (e.g., 3 X 2) mean? Factors can be assigned or active. Activity Design three research questions that would require a two-way ANOVA to analyze the data. Why not run 2 one-way ANOVAs? Ordinal Interaction (lines are not parallel) Disordinal Interaction (lines cross) but lines do not have to cross to be considered an interaction. The following graphic illustration are from Dr. [data] [data]
Venn Diagram Plotter | Pan-Omics Research
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