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About – Google in Education At Google, we believe in the power of the web to help people discover, connect, and learn. Education lies at the very core of our company’s mission “to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Leading-edge technologies will play a vital role in helping equip future generations with the skills they need to thrive in the workforce of today and tomorrow. That is why we support collaborative learning in communities around the world, and why we invest heavily in education programs initiatives and partnerships through our products and tools. Our education initiatives focus on three key areas: Making learning magical Empowering innovative communities Building a foundation of technology and access Last year, Google was instrumental in providing access, resources, financial assistance and innovative products to more than 15 million students and teachers in more than 140 communities worldwide.

PHOTOS > COLLECTIONS > CHRISTOPH WILKINSON chris wilkinson wrote: "In the summer of 1976 Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche was invited, along with his entourage, by Jigdal Sakya Dagchen Rinpoche to Seattle, Washington State, in the USA. Most of the pictures in this collection come from that time." "The significant moments of that visit included teachings at Sakya Tegchen Choling, a Dharma Center that started out in a converted garage in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle. "At the home of Dagchen Rinpoche there was a Hevajra Empowerment. "Among the remaining pictures there are a few of Dezhung Rinpoche that were taken in the early sixties in and around Seattle. Sakya Tegchen Choling lamas & history. Dezhung Rinpoche (Rigpawiki). Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (Rigpawiki). Sakya Dagchen Rinpoche (Rigpawiki). Capitol Hill (Seattle) (Wikipedia).

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