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Benvenuti in English Gratis, la comunità online di tutti gli appassionati di lingua inglese!
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CLASSICI IN INGLESE IN FORMATO AUDIOBOOK CON TRADUZIONE INTERATTIVA The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. by L. Frank Baum. 1. The Cyclone. Dorothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with Uncle Henry, who was a farmer, and Aunt Em, who was the farmer's wife. When Dorothy stood in the doorway and looked around, she could see nothing but the great gray prairie on every side. When Aunt Em came there to live she was a young, pretty wife. Uncle Henry never laughed. It was Toto that made Dorothy laugh, and saved her from growing as gray as her other surroundings. Today, however, they were not playing. From the far north they heard a low wail of the wind, and Uncle Henry and Dorothy could see where the long grass bowed in waves before the coming storm. Suddenly Uncle Henry stood up. "There's a cyclone coming, Em," he called to his wife. Aunt Em dropped her work and came to the door. "Quick, Dorothy!" Toto jumped out of Dorothy's arms and hid under the bed, and the girl started to get him. Then a strange thing happened. Toto did not like it. 2. "Oh, dear! 3.

future continuous - progressive grammatica inglese :quando si usa il future continuous o future progressive ed esempi di frasi col future continuous Il futuro progressivo inglese ,che puo' essere chiamato indifferentemente sia future continuous che future progressive , si usa per rendere l'idea di una azione in un particolare momento del futuro.L'azione partira' prima di quel momento ma non sara' finita a quel momento,sara' ancora in corso. at this time tomorrow I will be sleeping domani in questo momento staro' dormendo l'azione di dormire ,domani a quest'ora sara' gia' iniziata ma non finita,quindi uso il future continuous la forma interrogativa will we be having a meal when the show start? staremo mangiando quando partira' lo show? la forma negativa you don't need to take an umbrella,it won't be raining when you come back non hai bisogno di prendere l'ombrello,non stara' piovendo quando tornerai indietro tomorrow I'll be going on with my work tomorrow I'm going on with my work our director will be meet the president soon.

Lezioni di Inglese: Corso di Inglese Gratis Principiante - Esperto ESL Teacher Resources, Job Boards, and Worksheets Grammatica di English Gratis: Can Write the negative and interrogative sentences Puoi scrivere le tue risposte nelle caselle di testo (attenzione: non vengono memorizzate!) Per vedere le risposte corrette, seleziona con il mouse lo spazio bianco dopo il simbolo ♥ Se hai un tablet oppure uno smartphone ricopia tutto l'esercizio su una app di note o di word processing e vedrai tutto in chiaro! 1) You can ski very well. 2) Sandra could play the violin when she was four. 3) You can take the children home. 4) You can paint the door. 5) I could go to work this morning. 6) You can put your bicycle in our garage. 7) Liz could see the mountains. Fill in the gaps with CAN, CAN'T, COULD, COULDN'T, BE ABLE TO Puoi scrivere le tue risposte nelle caselle di testo (attenzione: non vengono memorizzate!) 1) When I was ten, I read books in Spanish. ♥ When I was ten, I could read books in Spanish. 2) They won’t to come for dinner. ♥ They won’t be able to come for dinner. 3) you open the door, please?

WORD REFERENCE Tempi dei Verbi inglesi | Corso di Inglese Base | Lezioni di Inglese Estistono tecnicamente solo 12 tempi attraverso i quali si possono coniugare i verbi inglesi, ma anche numerose altre forme per esprimere diversi significati (es. futuro, abitudini nel passato…). Ecco un’efficace tabella che sintetizza tutte le 12 forme dei tempi verbali inglese: Ecco un esempio pratico delle diverse coniugazioni della prima persona singolare di un semplice verbo regolare, il verbo “to work” (lavorare): Qui sotto troverai delle esaustive lezioni per imparare ognuno di questi tempi verbali e anche alcune lezioni dedicate al confronto di alcuni di questi tempi: ci sono alcuni casi infatti che generano molta confusione e non è sempre chiaro quando utilizzare una forma verbale piuttosto che un’altra. Simple Present Il Presente in inglese, il Simple Present Tense (o anche "present simple"), è ovviamente uno dei tempi più comuni ed ha solo 2 forme: la 3ª persona singolare (he/she/it) termina con -s, tutte le altre no (ovvero si formano con la forma base del verbo). Simple Past

TeacherTube English Grammar, Conditional Sentences: four conditionals explained play an important role in grammar. They describe a condition and the result that follows. On this page, I will shed some light on the subject. Conditional sentences are made up of two parts: the if-clause (condition) and the main clause (result that follows). Basically, there are conditionals: Apart from them, you can also form mixed conditionals. But how do we form those variations? The easiest way is to understand that both clauses (the if-clause and the main clause) can be real or unreal and refer to present (future) or past. Real conditional describes real-life, possible situations. Unreal conditional describes imaginary situations. We'll deal with each clause separately. If-clause First of all, you must decide if the situation in the if-clause is real or unreal. Examples of real if-clauses: I have some money, I go to a club. Examples of unreal if-clauses. If I could fly, I... Once you've decided about that, it's time to choose the correct tense. Examples of present if-clauses: Main-clause 1.

Private English Portal - Learn English TOEFL, IELTS from Steve English Conditional Sentences Tests Details Do you fully understand the first, second, and third English conditional sentences? These tests will help you to learn, review, and refresh your knowledge about the first, second, and third English conditional sentences. First English Conditional Sentence Test 001 First English Conditional Sentence Test 002 First English Conditional Sentence Test 003 First English Conditional Sentence Test 004 First English Conditional Sentence Test 005 First English Conditional Sentence Test 006 First English Conditional Sentence Test 007 First English Conditional Sentence Test 008 First English Conditional Sentence Test 009 First English Conditional Sentence Test 010 More tests: Free Second English Conditional Tests English Second Conditional Test 001 English Second Conditional Test 002 English Second Conditional Test 003 English Second Conditional Test 004 English Second Conditional Test 005 English Second Conditional Test 006 English Second Conditional Test 007 English Second Conditional Test 008

English Grammar Online - free exercises, explanations, vocabulary, dictionary and teaching materials DVD vs. CD: How Are They Different? Hi, I'm Zoya Popova for, and today we're going to talk about the differences between CD and DVD. Similarities of CDs and DVDs On the face of it, CDs and DVDs look very much alike. Both have a standard 12 cm diameter, and both are about 1.2 mm thick. What's even more important is that they are both optical discs, which means that the data stored on them is read by a laser. The laser goes over the pits and lands embedded onto the disc surface, and communicates a signal to the reading device that turns it into a digital code of 1s and 0s. Structural Difference of DVDs and CDs There are, however, significant differences. In a single-sided DVD, data is embedded into only one half of the disc, the other half being a dummy. DVDs Holds More Information The major difference between CDs and DVDs is the size of the pits and lands that encode data. DVDs Have Faster Rotation Speeds Another major difference is disc rotation speed.

History of Thanksgiving - Thanksgiving Thanksgiving at Plymouth In September 1620, a small ship called the Mayflower left Plymouth, England, carrying 102 passengers—an assortment of religious separatists seeking a new home where they could freely practice their faith and other individuals lured by the promise of prosperity and land ownership in the "New World." After a treacherous and uncomfortable crossing that lasted 66 days, they dropped anchor near the tip of Cape Cod, far north of their intended destination at the mouth of the Hudson River. One month later, the Mayflower crossed Massachusetts Bay, where the Pilgrims, as they are now commonly known, began the work of establishing a village at Plymouth. Did you know? Lobster, seal and swans were on the Pilgrims' menu. Throughout that first brutal winter, most of the colonists remained on board the ship, where they suffered from exposure, scurvy and outbreaks of contagious disease. When Was the First Thanksgiving? Origins of Thanksgiving National Holiday Thanksgiving Food
