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About Me Dubious Math in Infinite Jest Let me say, first of all, that I am a huge fan of David Foster Wallace in general and Infinite Jest in particular. On my first reading of IJ, I noticed a few mathematical errors but thought little of them. After reading the essay Derivative Sport in Torndao Alley in A Supposedly Funny Thing I'll Never Do Again, though, I became curious about why a writer with a clear aptitude for math would include such mistakes in his opus. Therefore, during my second reading of IJ, I made a note of the errors that I noticed. As it turned out, their number was smaller than I had imagined. Before I outline the errors, I must make a logistical note. The first, and perhaps the most interesting error that I noted, appears on page 259 of IJ. (the number of outcomes resulting in a 54-54 tie) / (the total number of possible outcomes). The denominator in this expression is easy to calculate. n! Therefore, the numerator in the probabilty expression above is 108! (108! Mike Strong

人物介紹 十五世紀 十六世紀 十七世紀 十八世紀 十九世紀 二十世紀 十五世紀 1481 Guainerio: : nominal aphasia (esp. proper nouns) 十六世紀 1509 Ambroise Pare (1509-1590) greates surgeon of renaissance discard application of boiled oil substitute with egg yolk, oil of roses, and turpentine 2 patients: lacquay (servant) of Gouaines. rapier wound to the left of parietal lobe, fever, lost his speech, bled, clysterized (enema) page of the Marshall of Montjean: deaf as a result of a temporo-parietal lesion from a blow from a stone 1530 Grafenberg: Observationes medicae de capite humano 1585 Johann Schenck von Grafenberg of Strabourg (1530-1598) severe motor aphasia without paralysis of the tongue -> aphasia = abolition of memory 1558 Nicola Massa (Paduan physician & siphilologist) Case Marcus Goro: halberd injury, fracture of skull, damage to meninges, brain substance, base of skull, open wound after extraction of the last fragment of the bone, patient: "Ad Dei laudem, sum sanus" 1596 Descartes, Rene 1596-1650 1628-49? 1628-49? 1628-49? born in Touraine

Ask Nature - the Biomimicry Design Portal: biomimetics, architecture ... Benvenuto al Dipartimento di Filosofia 自然哲学的数学原理 《自然哲学的数学原理》 《自然哲学的数学原理》(拉丁文:Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica),是英国科学家艾萨克·牛顿的三卷本代表作,成书于1686年。1687年7月5日该书的拉丁文版首次出版发行。 该书的宗旨在于从各种运动现象探究自然力,再用这些力说明各种自然现象。 1747年法国数学家、物理学家亚历克西斯·克劳德·克莱罗称“《自然哲学的数学原理》标志着一个物理学革命的新纪元。 牛顿在书中使用的一些数学方法与现代的微积分有较大不同,反而似乎是刻意回避使用。 牛顿还在《自然哲学的数学原理》的修订版中提出了他的名言“我不做假设。” 内容[编辑] 概要[编辑] 在《原理》的序言裡,牛顿写道[9]: [...] 《原理》主要研究巨观物体在不同条件下(例如不同的受力情况,在零阻尼或阻尼介质中),按照不同力学定律的运动情况,以此得出在自然界中真正的力学定律。 《原理》的序言中以修订版和附录的形式收录了他在1684年所作De motu corporum in gyrum中的全部内容。 《原理》以“定义(约定)”和“公理或运动的定律定律”[10]开篇,正文包括三卷: 第一卷 论物体的运动[编辑] 全书第一卷“论物体的运动”(拉丁文:De motu corporum)研究物体在无阻尼环境中的运动。 第二部分 (命题1-10)给出了向心力与面积率(现称作“开普勒第二定律”)的关系(命题1-3),推出了圆周运动中速度、曲率半径与径向力的关系[11](命题 4), 还提出物体在受到遵从平方反比定律的力作用下沿圆锥曲线轨道运动。 第三部分到第六部分(命题11-31)讨论了物体沿圆锥曲线(例如椭圆)轨道的运动的性质及其与平方反比定率的关系。 第九部分(命题43-45)中牛顿证明,受向心力沿拱点改变的偏心轨道运动的物体,只要其远地点与近地点连线方向不变,可说明物体受平方反比力。 第十一部分 (命题57-69)讨论了“以向心力相互趋向的物体的运动”。 第十二部分 (命题70-84)讨论了“球体的引力”。 第二卷 论物体的运动[编辑] 牛顿将原定收录于第一部分中的一些主要讨论物体在阻尼介质中运动的内容单独分离出来构成第二卷。 第二卷经得起时间考验的内容不如另两卷那样多。 第三卷 论宇宙的系统[编辑] 牛顿在《原理》中建立动力学时给出定义的顺序对许多现代教科书影响深远。 研究哲学的规则[编辑]

Our Electric Future — The American, A Magazine of Ideas Twenty-five years ago, when I was CEO of Intel, I had an unusual experience while visiting a customer. It was during a period of tight availability of microprocessors, our main product. This was not an unusual state of affairs. Supply and demand ebbed and flowed as the computer business had its ups and downs. Sometimes we had too many chips sitting in inventory; other times, like this one, we had too few. A strange sight greeted me as I entered the lobby. As flashbulbs popped, I realized the purpose of this setup. After Nixon, many presidents set similar goals for energy independence. The episode came to mind earlier this year when I read about President Bush’s visit to Saudi Arabia. In fact, we may be at a critical juncture, the kind that can creep up, in a gradual and insidious way, on companies and industries, and even on societies. After World War II, the United States was the global leader in the production and distribution of energy. Let’s put this situation in perspective.

Il libero arbitrio dei moscerini della frutta — Scienza Esperien Uno studio dimostra che il comportamento dei moscerini è imprevedibile ma non casuale, anche in assenza di stimoli sensoriali Anche i moscerini della frutta sembrano essere dotati di libero arbitrio. È stato dimostrato infatti che, anche in assenza di stimoli sensoriali, il procedere a zig-zag del loro volo rivela una intrinseca e soprattutto non casuale - anche se ancora imprevedibile - capacità decisionale. Se fosse possibile dimostrare scientificamente che l'evoluzione ha fornito anche agli esseri umani una capacità simile, la scoperta potrebbe finalmente aiutare a fare chiarezza su uno dei dilemmi più dibattuti nella storia della filosofia. La scienza presuppone che per ogni effetto ci sia una causa, e che se riusciamo a comprendere queste cause potremo predirne gli effetti. Se il nostro comportamento risulta essere imprevedibile, l'unica causa si trova nel fatto che eventi casuali ci impediscono di rispondere in maniera corretta al nostro ambiente esterno.

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