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The Panama Papers · ICIJ

The Panama Papers · ICIJ
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Mossack Fonseca cierra sus oficinas en Jersey, Isla de Man y Gibraltar El bufete de abogados Mossack Fonseca, epicentro de los llamados papeles de Panamá, anunció este sábado que sus oficinas en las dependencias británicas de Jersey, Isla de Man y Gibraltar cesarán operaciones. La firma panameña de gestión de patrimonios, que tiene sedes en cada continente, indicó en su cuenta de Twitter que la decisión fue tomada con "gran pesar", porque ha tenido presencia en estos destinos por más de 20 años. La filtración masiva de documentos revelan las gestiones de Mossack Fonseca durante cuarenta años es la base de los papeles de Panamá, publicados por los medios del Consorcio Internacional de Periodistas de Investigación (ICIJ, por sus siglas en inglés) el pasado tres de abril. La información causó un escándalo de dimensiones globales por el uso de empresas offshore para supuestamente evadir impuestos y blanquear dinero a través de 21 paraísos fiscales.

Kristin Tate Geolibertarianism: Universal Basic Income Derived from Commons Rent - Policy Brainstorming - The Something to Consider Forum Here's my way-out-there policy proposal, which combines a Georgist take on land ownership with the idea of a Universal Basic Income. This is known as geolibertarianism1, and it's a pretty compelling philosophy to me. What do you folks think? Georgism, or The Commons as Communal Property In my opinion, the traditional attitude of land as marketable private property is flawed. extractable resources (minerals and hydrocarbons)severables (forests and stocks of fish)extraterrestrial domains (geosynchronous orbits and airway corridor use)legal privileges tied to location (taxi medallions, billboard and development permits, or the monopoly of electromagnetic frequencies)restrictions/taxes on pollution or severance (tradable emission permits and fishing quotas)Right-of-way (transportation) used by railroads, utilities, and internet service providersissuance of legal tenderprivileges that are less location dependent but that still exclude others from natural opportunities (intellectual property)

U.S. Presidents The Presidents of the United States Keshif (keşif) means discovery / exploration in Turkish. 44Presidents of the United StatesShow All Category Height: ShortLong NotOrRepublican18NotOrDemocratic15NotOrWhig4NotOrDemocratic-Republican4NotOrFederalist2NotOrUnion1 NotOrVirgina8NotOrOhio7NotOrNew York4NotOrMassachusetts4NotOrVermont2NotOrTexas2NotOrNorth Carolina2NotOrNew Jersey2NotOrSouth Carolina1NotOrPennsylvena1NotOrNew Hampshire1NotOrNebreska1NotOrMissouri1NotOrKentucky1NotOrIowa1NotOrIllinois1NotOrHawaii1NotOrGeorgia1NotOrConnecticut1NotOrCalifornia1NotOrArkansas1 NotOrLawyer26NotOrSoldier4NotOrBusinessman4NotOrAuthor2NotOrTeacher1NotOrTailor1NotOrPlanter, Lawyer1NotOrPlanter1NotOrEngineer1NotOrEducator1NotOrEditor1NotOrActor1 Show More▲44 shownNaN below▼ NotOrDied in office4NotOrAssassinated in office4NotOrResigned1 Value Unit: Scale: Linear (1,2,3,4,5)Log (1,2,4,8,16) Percentile Charts: Full Basic Hide

The Political Compass Advocate Libertarian Philosophy with This One Trick! (It's the Socratic Method) Gage Skidmore via / CC BY-SAEven before last weekend's big Libertarian Party National Convention in Orlando, Reason has been making note that the horrible general election reality of Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump has prompted people and the media to take a closer look at the most prominent third party in the United States. This naturally puts libertarians (both within and independent of the party) in the position of explaining the libertarian mindset to people who don't really think too much about it or are exposed only to stories dismissing it as craziness. And obviously there are people who are very politically invested in making sure libertarians are seen as total nutters and unserious, holding an untenable philosophy that only crazy or selfish people would believe in. But sometimes it doesn't help when some libertarians attempt to argue from an assumption that all people are operating from the same mindset or values of liberty. Read White's questions here.

C3 Moral Outrage Is Self-Serving, Say Psychologists akg-images/NewscomWhen people publicly rage about perceived injustices that don't affect them personally, we tend to assume this expression is rooted in altruism—a "disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others." But new research suggests that professing such third-party concern—what social scientists refer to as "moral outrage"—is often a function of self-interest, wielded to assuage feelings of personal culpability for societal harms or reinforce (to the self and others) one's own status as a Very Good Person. Outrage expressed "on behalf of the victim of [a perceived] moral violation" is often thought of as "a prosocial emotion" rooted in "a desire to restore justice by fighting on behalf of the victimized," explain Bowdoin psychology professor Zachary Rothschild and University of Southern Mississippi psychology professor Lucas A. Keefer in the latest edition of Motivation and Emotion.

Did the U.S. Army Distribute Smallpox Blankets to Indians? Fabrication and Falsification in Ward Churchill's Genocide Rhetoric Thomas Brown E-mail: Abstract In this analysis of the genocide rhetoric employed over the years by Ward Churchill, an ethnic studies professor at the University of Colorado, a "distressing" conclusion is reached: Churchill has habitually committed multiple counts of research misconduct—specifically, fabrication and falsification. All historians believe in honoring the integrity of the historical record. So, I glad-handed things a bit. Introduction Ward Churchill tells a shocking tale of war crimes committed by the U.S. Every aspect of Churchill's tale is fabricated. In telling his fantastic tale, Churchill has fabricated incidents that never occurred and individuals who never existed. Ward Churchill is currently a Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado. Given the politicization of this topic, it seems necessary to acknowledge at the outset that far too many instances of the U.S. What Really Happened? Defining "Research Misconduct" Version One: 1992

I, Pencil | The Art of Not Being GovernedThe Art of Not Being Governed Written by Leonard E. Read in 1958 I am a lead pencil—the ordinary wooden pencil familiar to all boys and girls and adults who can read and write. Writing is both my vocation and my avocation; that’s all I do. You may wonder why I should write a genealogy. I, Pencil, simple though I appear to be, merit your wonder and awe, a claim I shall attempt to prove. Simple? Pick me up and look me over. Innumerable Antecedents Just as you cannot trace your family tree back very far, so is it impossible for me to name and explain all my antecedents. My family tree begins with what in fact is a tree, a cedar of straight grain that grows in Northern California and Oregon. The logs are shipped to a mill in San Leandro, California. Consider the millwork in San Leandro. Don’t overlook the ancestors present and distant who have a hand in transporting sixty carloads of slats across the nation. My “lead” itself—it contains no lead at all—is complex. My cedar receives six coats of lacquer. No One Knows
