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Qwertee : Limited Edition Cheap Daily T Shirts | Gone in 24 Hours | T-shirt Only £8/€10/$12 | Cool Graphic Funny Tee Shirts Home Of Happy Wheels - Happy Wheels Full Version Hello pals. I'd like to continue hosting the flash version of Happy Wheels as long as possible. With the loss of certain ad networks, I'm going to try out a few different ad formats on this site as I continue to attempt to regain some of the revenue that went missing. The discord server, which is now official at has been very helpful to me and the game. Though I would prefer to be silent, I feel obligated to say that I am still working full time on the sequel, and it's still reeeeeaally time consuming.

prosthetic knowledge This story is already doing the rounds but is still very interesting - Machine Learning research from Georgia Tech manages to clone game design from a video recording. The top GIF is the reconstructed clone, the bottom gif is from the video recording: Georgia Institute of Technology researchers have developed a new approach using an artificial intelligence to learn a complete game engine, the basic software of a game that governs everything from character movement to rendering graphics.Their AI system watches less than two minutes of gameplay video and then builds its own model of how the game operates by studying the frames and making predictions of future events, such as what path a character will choose or how enemies might react.To get their AI agent to create an accurate predictive model that could account for all the physics of a 2D platform-style game, the team trained the AI on a single “speedrunner” video, where a player heads straight for the goal.

List of common misconceptions From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This incomplete list is not intended to be exhaustive. This list corrects erroneous beliefs that are currently widely held about notable topics. Each misconception and the corresponding facts have been discussed in published literature. Note that each entry is formatted as a correction; the misconceptions themselves are implied rather than stated. Arts and culture Food and cooking Roll-style Western sushi. Searing meat does not "seal in" moisture, and in fact may actually cause meat to lose moisture. Legislation and crime Literature The Harry Potter books, though they have broken children's book publishing records, have not led to an increase in reading among children or adults, nor slowed the ongoing overall decline in book purchases by Americans, and children who did read the Harry Potter books were not more likely to go on to read more outside of the fantasy and mystery genres.[21][22][23][24] Music Religion Hebrew Bible Buddhism Christianity Islam Sports

NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein Starting up... You might also try:MISSILEMAP 1. Or type in the name of a city: 2. 3. Advanced options: 4. Note that you can drag the target marker after you have detonated the nuke. Created by Alex Wellerstein, 2012-2024. Other options: [?] Interested in nuclear history? Alex Wellerstein, Restricted Data: The History of Nuclear Secrecy in the United States (2021) NUKEMAP's fees and development are sponsored by: Ploughshares Fund Stevens Institute of Technology,School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Export to Google Earth (KMZ) (beta) No detonations to export! Render objects Advanced display options [+] Debug log: Click anywhere to load visualization Loading...

« Perdre son temps sur Internet », nouveau cours d'une fac américaine Chaque mercredi du prochain semestre, des étudiants de la réputée université de Pennsylvanie devront, lors d'un cours de trois heures, surfer sans but précis sur le World Wide Web, avec le soutien actif de leur professeur, Kenneth Goldsmith. Ce critique américain et poète reconnu, qui fonda en 1996 le site UbuWeb, est l'initiateur de ce nouveau module du département de littérature, baptisé « Perdre son temps sur Internet », complémentaire d'un atelier d'écriture. « Je suis très fatigué de lire chaque semaine dans le New York Times des articles qui nous font culpabiliser de passer tant de temps sur Internet, et de nous disperser. Il est complètement faux de dire qu'Internet nous rend plus bêtes. Le matériau glané en ligne permettra de faire œuvre de littérature. « Pourrions-nous reconstruire notre autobiographie en utilisant seulement Facebook ?

Dead can Dance Ce grand penseur japonais des années 1980, connu en France sous le nom de Kenshiro dit « le Survivant » s'employait souvent à résumer sa pensée par le très nihiliste « Tu ne le sais pas encore mais tu es déjà mort ». C'est peut-être exactement ce qui est en train d'arriver à Internet. Internet est mort, et c'est la NSA qui l'a tué. Oui, je sais, ça fait très prévision farfelue de chantre de l'apocalypse. Mais pourquoi annoncer qu'Internet est mourant ? Le hic, c'est que ce n'est pas vraiment l'infrastructure d'Internet qui est affectée. La sécurité et le chiffrement sont devenus des éléments fondamentaux de notre usage du réseau. Dans le cadre de l'affaire PRISM/Snowden, Le Guardian et Le New York Times ont annoncé hier que la National Security Agency américaine et le Government Communications Headquarters britannique auraient depuis plusieurs années mis en place des mesures leur permettant de casser les méthodes de chiffrement employées sur Internet (en Français dans

Showdown! colorful gradients
