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Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw and vector tutorials, Free Adobe Illustrator Scripts and Plug-ins

Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw and vector tutorials, Free Adobe Illustrator Scripts and Plug-ins
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Tuto Photoshop Gratuit : 569 tutoriels Photoshop Tuto Photoshop 557 tutorials video Les derniers ajouts Baguette magique : amie ou ennemie ? tuto gratuit par dans tuto Photoshop Le détourage dans Photoshop CS5 Si la baguette magique est bien réglée, elle permet de créer une sélection préalable de très bonne qualité, mais un choix judicieux des options est indispensable ! Créer une sélection par plage de couleur Le détourage dans Photoshop CS5 Cette fonction est très utile et accessible à partir de différentes palettes. Qu'est-ce que le détourage ? Le détourage dans Photoshop CS5 Dans cette première vidéo, nous allons visionner différentes créations avec différentes techniques de détourage.

Convertir una persona en agua con Photoshop | Ildefonso Segura La fotocomposción creada en Enero de 2011 (ADAPTATE) es una reflexión sobre la dura situación actual por la que estamos pasando. Los tiempos cambian y el entorno turbulento hace más difícil un seguimiento de los estándares habituales. Hemos de adaptarnos a las situaciones anticipándonos y formando parte de la realidad como responsables de los cambios, actores y no como víctimas de las circunstancias, Adáptate. Esta composición está explicada en tres tutoriales: 1.- Convertir una persona en agua 2.- Crear burbujas (pinceles). 3.- Sumergir una ciudad. Abajo puedes ver y descargar el tutorial escrito. VIDEOTUTORIAL CONVERTIR LA PERSONA EN AGUA (304118 reproducciones) VIDEOTUTORIAL CREAR BURBUJAS (25568 reproducciones) VIDEOTUTORIAL SUMERGIR UNA CIUDAD (24014 reproducciones) Tutorial Agua Adaptate Post QR Code Si te ha gustado este post compártelo y asegúrate que te subscribes a mi RSS feed. Escrito por Ildefonso Segura Youtube Partner Design and Animation Tutorials Creator. Comentarios.

Free vector from Iricat- Lace and Gzhel - Freebies We continue publishing free vector from microstock contributors in exchange of dofollow links. Today Iricat gives us four illustrations. Some of the readers of Vectorboom ordered a tutorial on lace topic. Iricat, tell our readers a little bit about yourself Hello friends! Lace and Gzhel License - These design resources can be used in any personal or professional project. Author’s portfolio Cours de pixel art 2 : les bons outils S'il y a bien un proverbe que je déteste c'est : Il n'y a pas de mauvais outils, seulement de mauvais ouvriers. Je crois même qu'il n'y a rien de plus faux (sauf peut-être que « tout ce qui ne tue pas rend plus fort » mais c'est pas le sujet) et le pixel art en est une très bonne preuve. Ce chapitre a pour but de vous présenter différents logiciels qui permettent de faire du pixel art et de vous aider à choisir celui qui vous conviendra le mieux. Au moment de choisir son logiciel pour faire du pixel art, ce qu'on pense le plus souvent c'est : Hein ? Tragique erreur : je parlais de mauvais outils, en voilà un. Paint a un avantage (et un seul) : vous l'avez déjà si vous êtes sous Windows. On ne peut ouvrir qu'un fichier à la fois.Pas de gestion de palette (remplacement de teintes, modification appliquées à plusieurs couleurs).Pas de calques.Pas de transparence.Pas de sélections autres que rectangulaire et elliptiques (ha ha).Peu de raccourcis claviers.Ergonomie catastrophique. Charamaker 1999

The exquisite honey bottle psd layered Free psd in Photoshop psd ( .psd ) file format format for free download 1.64MB absolutely free stock photos download New plans save you over 30%. Flexible options. No daily limits absolutely free stock photos download New plans save you over 30%. Free Vector Texture Pack for Adobe Illustrator In last week’s vintage logo tutorial we saw how useful vector textures can be to create that aged and weathered appearance, while maintaining a scaleable vector format. So this week I’ve gone ahead and created a pack of new texture files to give you extra choice when grunging up your vector work. Download these textures along with my vector bumper pack for free! This free vector pack contains 6 scaleable vector texture graphics. Each texture graphic is a compound path ready for use with the Pathfinder tool. Copy, paste and scale a texture to cover the whole logo/illustration, then send the texture to the bottom of the stack. Use the Intersect option from the Pathfinder palette to crop the texture to the outline of the logo/illustration. Delete out the unedited texture and replace it with the cropped texture from your clipboard using the Paste in Front comment (CMD+F). Download the vector texture pack 9.3mb

Soy mi propio pergamino (I am my own parchment) Illustration project for the handsome, new hard cover edition of the classic novel by Mexican author Juan Villoro (originally published in 2008 by Fondo de Cultura Económica, for its young readers’ collection «A la orilla el viento»). This new release commemorates FCE’s 80th anniversary; it was presented in the Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara, México, in December 2013. All illustrations were newly executed in traditional/digital techniques. Also shown are images of sketches, vignettes and especially-made lettering, capitals and logos for the book.Illustration, Typography2014 A calligraphic piece executed for the exhibit «Skull Parade» in Querétaro, México, celebrated on Día de Muertos. The art was executed with broad-nib permanent markers, with no previous sketch or planning whatsoever. An original Gothic typeface on the tradition of Fraktur, Bâtarde and Textura styles, based on a personal calligraphic style with a Mexican spirit.Calligraphy, Typography2012

Cloth Patterns | Free Illustrator Downloads Wonderful Pack of Different Seamless Cloths and Textile Patterns including Denim, jeans, old, plain, satin, rough etc. Also useful for applying effect of cloths texture on graphics and 3d model clothing etc. Here is Preview - Jeans - Long Thread - Old rough cloth – Plain - Rough – Satin - and many more………………. Download This Photoshop Cloths and Febrics Patterns Set Here

100 Must-have Free Fonts for Commercial and Personal Use Each time a designer starts work on a new design, there is always a big problem: a lack of high-quality materials, such as fonts, icons, images etc. Of course, you can create a font that will properly fit the design you created, but it’s not a good idea since font creation takes a lot of time, which is never enough when you have to work within a deadline. The solution is simple: you can use ready-made free fonts. There are tons of them all over the web, and we have but collected a small group of 100 free fronts you can download here. There are elegant and unusual fonts, serif and slab serif, rigorous and handwritten fonts and more in the showcase. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90.

800+ Free Paint Brushes for Adobe Illustrator - Freebies This roundup includes over 800 paint brushes. All the brushes are ready to be downloaded for free. So look around and see what brushes suit your needs. Soon I will tell you how to create such brushes. 15 High-quality Paint Brushes 57 Multi-Colored Illustrator Paint Brushes 17 Free Water Color Blob Brushes for Photoshop & Illustrator 105 More Delicious Water Color Illustrator Brushes 106 Delicious Water Color Illustrator Brushes 100 Wonderful Water Color Illustrator Brushes 25 Custom Vector-Based Brushes 10 Custom Vector-Based Brushes 230 Marker Illustrator Brushes 13 Chalk Illustrator Brushes Over 90 Illustrator Watercolor Brushes 64 Marker Brushes Grunge Dabs Follow us if you want to be the first to know about the latest Adobe Illustrator tutorials and articles.
