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Teaching with Ted

Teaching with Ted
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds. Since then its scope has become ever broader. TEDTalks began as a simple attempt to share what happens at TED with the world. The intent of this project wiki is to address: How can the TED talks be used as springboards for further discourse, exploration, reflection, and action? The wiki was initiated independently of TED by Jackie Gerstein, but the TED team in New York know about it and are excited by its potential. The individual pages (see sidebar) not only contain the original TED talks, but also additional references, resources, and activities about the topic and/or speaker. Why study TED? Who owns TED TED is owned by The Sapling Foundation, a private nonprofit foundation, a 501(c)3 organization under the U.S. tax code.

Neo K-12 CVs, cover letters and application forms - The University of Auckland Tailoring your CV Employers receive dozens, if not hundreds of applications from job seekers, so they are looking for individuals that stand out from the crowd. The most effective way to do this is to research the employer’s requirements and match them as closely as possible. Research each employer and their field carefully: refer to the job advertisement, job description, company website etc. Skills in your CV Identify your skillsGive relevant evidence of your skills (i.e. practical examples)Choose action words carefully to provide clear information to the employerEmphasise your achievements CV formatting

26 Teacher Tools To Create Online Assessments You teach, which means you need to know what students do and don’t understand. Which means you need to assess. You teach in the 21st century, which means you use the internet and digital tools to plan, share, and curate learning. This means online assessments could be a boon to your teaching, whether for blended learning, a flipped classroom, eLearning, to better communicate learning progress to parents, or for students to track their own mastery. So then one or two of the 26 teacher tools to create online assessments by Classroomaid Chuang may prove useful to you, yes?

10 Signs You're A Critical Thinker Critical thinkers are able to analyze issues from a wide variety of angles, resulting in more success in business and life. Discover your ability to think critically today with these ten signs you’re a critical thinker. 1. You get your news from a wide variety of sources. Critical thinkers know that partisan politics come into play at any mainstream media outlet, so they strive to learn about the world from a variety of sources that offer different journalistic voices. They check out places like the Wall Street Journal for a conservative perspective, Salon for a liberal slant, First Look Media for a more aggressive approach to investigative journalism, and they might even follow the politics thread on Reddit for a smorgasbord that offers every taste imaginable. 2. Critical thinkers are not afraid of a healthy debate. 3. Critical thinkers know that it is impossible to be right about everything all the time. 4. 5. 6. Critical thinkers have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Resources and Downloads for Teaching Critical Thinking Tips for downloading: PDF files can be viewed on a wide variety of platforms -- both as a browser plug-in or a stand-alone application -- with Adobe's free Acrobat Reader program. Click here to download the latest version of Adobe Reader. Click on any title link below to view or download that file. Resources On This Page: Lesson Plans & Rubrics KIPP King Curriculum Planning Guide <img height="12" width="11" class="media-image media-element file-content-image" src="/sites/default/files/styles/content_image_breakpoints_theme_edutopia_desktop_1x/public/content/08/pdficon.gif? Back to Top Tools for Critical Thinking Scope and Sequence, Speech and Composition <img alt="" title="" class="media-image" width="11" height="12" src="/sites/default/files/styles/content_image_breakpoints_theme_edutopia_desktop_1x/public/content/08/pdficon.gif? Culture at KIPP

How To Teach Critical Thinking Using Bloom's Taxonomy The various levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy are well known to teachers, students, and the rest of the education world at this point. You need to slowly ascend the pyramid in order to effectively reach your goal(s). That’s great. But what happens when you try to apply other time-tested methodologies to the famous taxonomy? This happens. The visual guide you see below is from Flickr via Kris McElroy’s Pinterest board (she shares a lot of fabulous resources so check ‘em out!). Level One From the base knowledge level of the taxonomy you can see that you start with the usual ‘who’ ‘what’ ‘where’ and other questions. Level Two You’re asked to re-tell and dive in a bit deeper into the topic you’re researching or discussing. Level Three How do you actually apply the skills you’re learning? Level Four Like a good scientist (this is close to the Scientific Method after all), we must analyze the results that are now coming forth. Level Five Time to remix and synthesize some new ideas or formulations. Boom.

mind mapping.pdf Next Gen Assessments Rubrics for Assessment Learn more about our Online Courses, Online Certificate Programs, and Graduate Degree A collection of rubrics for assessing portfolios, group work/cooperative learning, concept map, research process/ report, PowerPoint, oral presentation, web page, blog, wiki, and other social media projects. Quick Links to Rubrics Social Media Project Rubrics Wiki RubricCriteria for assessing individual and group Wiki contributions. Blog RubricAssess individual blog entries, including comments on peers' blogs. Twitter RubricAssess learning during social networking instructional assignments. Discussion, Teamwork, and Group Work Rubrics Online Discussion Board RubricAssessing ability to share perspectives, refine thoughts through the writing process, and participate in meaningful discussionPrimary Grade Self-Evaluation Teamwork Rubric (PDF)Features of a sandwich to graphically show the criteria PowerPoint and Podcast Rubrics A+ PowerPoint Rubric Joan Vandervelde's rubric provides 10 performance categories

The Neuroscience Behind Increasing Your Intellect I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better. ~Maya Angelou The great debate on intelligence is a long and complicated one and for centuries people have tried to discover how to increase their very own intellect. The History of Neurogenesis Explained Not long ago, scientists and the mass opinion of growing new brain cells was that it simply does not happen. During the 1970s Michael Kaplan was conducting research on baby rats and how they grew brain cells. But that’s where Michael Kaplan’s got interesting — he found out that it’s not the mature brain cells replicating. So How Exactly Do We Increase Intellect? After Michael Kaplan published 19 scientific papers into his findings, scientists didn’t agree on the fact that neurogenesis occurs into the 1990s. Because one of the largest problems associated with aging is that our brain cells die off and they’re gone forever. Practical Ways To Getting Smarter The following two tabs change content below.

The Inquiry Process Explained Visually for Teachers Learning is all about being curious and inquisitive. It is a process in which learners explore the unknown through their senses using both sensory and motor skills. Being involved and engaged in the learning task is the key to a successful learning journey and to elicit this kind of engagement from learners, teachers need to nurture a learning environment where students take responsibility for their learning and 'where they are only shown where to look but not told what to see'. Such environment definitely requires a solid approach and an informed strategy to learning one that is dubbed: inquiry-based learning. Inquiry-based learning is essential in developing the most solicited 21st century skills : problem solving and critical thinking.As a teacher, you might be wondering about ways to inculcate the precepts of strategy into your teaching and lesson planning.
