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Blueeconomy: Green Economy 2.0 -The Community functions as a platform for companies, innovators and scientists.

Blueeconomy: Green Economy 2.0 -The Community functions as a platform for companies, innovators and scientists.

The Future of Management: Is it Deja vu all over again? If you are a regular reader of the MIX, you probably already have a point of view on the future of management. Indeed, the MIX was created to help accelerate the evolution of management, so chances are you have already bought into the argument that we are going through a period of upheaval that will transform the way we work in organizations in the years ahead. I hope and believe this argument is right. And in future blog posts on this site I will discuss examples of some of the changes in management that are currently underway. But let me develop a contrarian line of argument first, before offering a synthesis. Here's the problem with all this talk of virtual and networked organizations, and this vision of empowered and engaged employees. So there is an enduring puzzle that we need to come to grips with. Why is this? I see four interlinked reasons: First, the traditional model of management is so pervasive that it is still the safe way of doing things. So what does the future look like?

The Blue Economy The Blue Economy: 10 years - 100 innovations - 100 million jobs is a book by Gunter Pauli. The book expresses the ultimate aim that a Blue Economy business model will shift society from scarcity to abundance "with what we have", by tackling issues that cause environmental and related problems in new ways. The book highlights potential benefits in connecting and combining seemingly disparate environmental problems with open-source scientific solutions based upon physical processes common in the natural world, to create solutions that are both environmentally beneficial and which have financial and wider social benefits. The book suggests that we can alter the way in which we run our industrial processes and tackle resultant environmental problems, refocusing from the use of rare and high-energy cost resources to instead seek solutions based upon simpler and cleaner technologies. Background[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]

January 2013: The Club of Rome in International News and Blogs English Other News 1st January: Bankrupting Nature: Stop nature´s decline – save the economy! New Scientist 1st January: The best long reads of the year Businessweek January 14th: Bankrupting Nature – Denying Our Planetary Boundaries Read Media 16th January: Jorgen Randers, futurist and environmental scientist, to speak February 6, 2013 Opednews 19th January: To be or not to be Cassandra’s Legacy 21st January: Ugo Bardi speaks about resources Peak Prosperity Slamming 22nd January: Face-First into the Limits to Growth Huffington Post 30th January: TERI, The Energy And Resources Institute, Hosts Sustainable Development Summits German DR Radio Wissen 1st January: The world in 40 years Dradio 3th January: The difficulty with sustainability Dradio 4th January: Surviving without economic growth Der Standard 6th January: Climate change: there is still potential in the car Stuttgart Zeitung 12th January: The vision of frugal happiness OYA 19th January: We are already sitting in the roller coaster Members Blogs

circular economy | On the New Economy circular economy,events,new services,tools,zero waste A volunteer repair team assembled in South East Portland to offer free repairs of small appliances, bikes, jewelry, and clothing. Repair PDX launched in May 2013 to “organize repair cafés – free events that bring volunteers who like to fix things together with people who have broken items that need fixing.” featured, free, Master Recycler, Portland Oregon, Repair Café,, tool library Eliminative Materialism First published Thu May 8, 2003; substantive revision Tue Apr 16, 2013 Eliminative materialism (or eliminativism) is the radical claim that our ordinary, common-sense understanding of the mind is deeply wrong and that some or all of the mental states posited by common-sense do not actually exist. Descartes famously challenged much of what we take for granted, but he insisted that, for the most part, we can be confident about the content of our own minds. Eliminative materialists go further than Descartes on this point, since they challenge the existence of various mental states that Descartes took for granted. 1. In principle, anyone denying the existence of some type of thing is an eliminativist with regard to that type of thing. Nevertheless, contemporary eliminative materialism—the sort of eliminativism that denies the existence of specific types of mental states—is a relatively new theory with a very short history. 2. 2.1 Folk Psychology and the Theory-Theory 3.

Hasan Özbekhan Dr. Hasan Özbekhan (1921 – February 12, 2007) was a Turkish American systems scientist, cyberneticist, philosopher and planner who was Professor Emeritus of Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He applied the field-of-systems theory to global problems, helped inspire the group of planners, diplomats, scientists and academics who came together as the Club of Rome.[1] Biography[edit] Hasan Özbekhan was born in Turkey in 1921, into a diplomatic family. In the 1960s Ozbekhan worked as management consultant to large multinational corporations. In 1970 he started working at the University of Pennsylvania at the faculty of the Wharton School, where he became Professor of Operations Research and Statistics, and Chairman of the Graduate Group in the Social Systems Sciences Department. He died on February 12, 2007 in Philadelphia. Work[edit] Together with Robert Jungk, Johan Galtung and many others he was member of MANKIND 2000. Publications[edit] References[edit]

Club de Rome Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le Club de Rome est un groupe de réflexion réunissant des scientifiques, des économistes, des fonctionnaires nationaux et internationaux, ainsi que des industriels de 53 pays, préoccupés des problèmes complexes auxquels doivent faire face toutes les sociétés, tant industrialisées qu'en développement. Piloté à sa création par Aurelio Peccei, un Italien membre du conseil d'administration de Fiat, et Alexander King, un scientifique et fonctionnaire écossais, ancien directeur scientifique de l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE), il doit son nom au lieu de sa première réunion à Rome, à l'Accademia dei Lincei le . Les notions de développement durable et d'empreinte écologique font du Club de Rome un précurseur. Son comité exécutif est constitué de treize membres. En 1993, Aurelio Peccei et Ervin Laszlo ont l'idée de créer le Club de Budapest. Le rapport The limits to growth - Halte à la croissance ?

The International Society for Ecological Economics | Intertemporal Selfishness It turns out that we have widely varying levels of psychological connectness to our future selves, and the ‘me’ of today is more likely to defer rewards to the future if there is a belief that the ‘me’ of a distant tomorrow will be very like today’s. Daniel Bartels and Oleg Urminsky explore this intertemporal selfishness, by setting contexts where experimental subjects are led to believe that their future selves will have changed drastically. In such cases, the subjects are much less likely to defer rewards, and more likely to consume them in the near term. Daniel Bartels and Oleg Urminsky, On Intertemporal Selfishness: The Perceived Instability of Identity Underlies Impatient ConsumptionWe will argue that our understanding of what constitutes a reasonable discount rate (or, more generally, prudent vs. impatient choices) has been limited by the implicit assumption that people should maximize the utility of a constant self over one’s lifetime. (via James Warren) related articles

Club of Rome The Club of Rome is a global think tank that deals with a variety of international political issues. Founded in 1968 at Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, Italy, the CoR describes itself as "a group of world citizens, sharing a common concern for the future of humanity." It consists of current and former heads of state, UN bureaucrats, high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists and business leaders from around the globe.[1] It raised considerable public attention in 1972 with its report The Limits to Growth. The club states that its mission is "to act as a global catalyst for change through the identification and analysis of the crucial problems facing humanity and the communication of such problems to the most important public and private decision makers as well as to the general public."[2] Since 1 July 2008, the organization has its headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland. Formation[edit] Organization[edit] National associations[edit] Worldviews[edit]

Les Humains Associés : The Club of Budapest : POURQUOI A-T-IL ÉTÉ CRÉÉ ? L'idée du Club de Budapest remonte aux conversions entre Aurelio Peccei, le co-fondateur et premier Président du Club de Rome, et Ervin Lazslo, membre de ce dernier et maintenant président du Club de Budapest. Dans les jours et les années qui ont suivi le 10e anniversaire du Club de Rome, tenue en 1978 à Rome, ils se rencontrèrent pour discuter de la nécessité d'impliquer quelques uns des esprits les plus connus et les plus créatifs de notre temps dans la discussion en cours que le Club de Rome a appelée "la problématique du monde". Peccei souligna que le Club de Rome rassemblait des personnalités de très haut niveau des domaines scientifiques, politiques et des affaires, et que de ce fait, il faudrait instituer un club annexe pour équilibrer la pensée rationnelle dans ce domaine avec l'aspect intuitif qu'apporte la créativité dans les arts, dans la littérature, et dans la spiritualité.

Divisi n de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio de la ONU Conferencia Internacional sobre la Financiación para el Desarrollo El Consenso de Monterrey: estado de aplicación y labor futura Acuerdos que se tomaron en la Cumbre Mundial de Desarrollo Sostenible: Informe de la Cumbre Mundial sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible. Johannesburgo (Sudáfrica), 26 de agosto a 4 de septiembre de 2002Declaración de Johannesburgo sobre el Desarrollo SosteniblePlan de Aplicación de las Decisiones de la Cumbre Mundial sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible Acuerdos que llevaron a la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo. Acuerdos alcanzados en la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo. Adopción de decisiones Convención sobre la Evaluación del Impacto Ambiental Transfronterizo* Grupos Principales Declaración de Pekín y Plataforma de Acción* Salud Política de la OMS sobre la Salud para Todos en el siglo XXI

UN releases blueprint for ‘green’ economic growth The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) today announced that it had drafted a blueprint for transitioning the world to a greener future while preserving – and potentially even accelerating – predicted economic growth. The UPEP report, Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication, called for investing $1.3 trillion a year (approximately 2 percent of yearly world GDP) into ten key sectors: agriculture, buildings, energy, fisheries, forestry, industry, tourism, transport, waste, and water. Governments already spend between 1-2 percent of subsidizing fossil fuels and unsustainable fisheries, the report notes. The UN believes that trillions of dollars in private capital will follow public investments. The report cited multiple examples of how “green” initiatives can effectively fight poverty in the developing world. There is mounting evidence that “green” initiatives can indeed propel economic growth, despite aggressive rhetoric to the contrary.
