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25 Amazing Motion Graphics Animations/Videos Written by Harry Jay Clement On Wednesday, July 27th, 2011 with 3 Comments so far in Inspiration, Motion Reels Motion graphics is a pretty niche industry among designers, requiring a great deal of extra training. But the pay off can be worthwhile, with less competition and a great deal of jobs out there: advertisements for everything from sports to consumer electronics, animated and live action movies, and music videos. Motion graphics gives you a broader canvas to create on as it comes with all the dimensions of regular design plus the ability to manipulate and interact with objects in each scene as the animation plays. In this post, we present you with 25 mind blowing motion graphics videos that we hope will inspire you to learn more about this artform. 1. 3D Logos 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 30 Motion 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. ideal Conclusion If a picture says a thousand words, who knows how many a video says. Need an animation design?

20 vidéos de Digital painting incroyables « Design Spartan : Graphisme, Webdesign, Digital painting, Illustration… Le site PSDTuts a réalisé un article qui risque fort de vous faire pleurer. Non, de vous faire vous liquéfier comme une glace sous une loupe au soleil. Vous l’aurez compris, il s’agit ici de vidéos accélérées de speed painting avec une grosse dose de talent. Un article intéressant auquel je donnerais peut-être un jour suite, connaissant également moult vidéos de speed painting à faire baver. 20 vidéos de Digital painting incroyables Alors lesquelles vous ont plu, voire épaté ? Auteur: Gaétan Weltzer, comme toujours en fait. Partagez l'article et l'amour qui s'en dégage ! inPartager0 Articles qui pourraient vous plaire

Speed Demos Archive Design in Motion: Inspiring Speed Art Videos Dec 19 2011 When designers use YouTube, most times they are looking for a great tutorial or looking to learn about the basics of a new topic as quickly as possible. Some of the most popular places to turn are speed art videos. Speed art videos are an overlooked source of inspiration for many designers in the community, though. Something we hope to change with this post. Sometimes we as designers aren’t looking for just a new technique but an entirely new process to use to achieve something. Many times we can’t appreciate someone’s work without seeing and understanding the process. Today, we’ve gathered some of the greatest speed art videos from YouTube in an attempt to inspire and enlighten you. The Videos Robots (Dirty Politics Remix by DJ Pete Marriott) by whoiskgainez The purpose of this video was to serve as a bit of promotion for the song used in the video. NY After All by AlexanderKoshelkov Scarlett Johansson by Nico Di Mattia (macpulenta) Transformers Movie Poster by SherbertMelon (rb)
