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Raras Fotos de Star Wars corcholat Suscríbete Raras Fotos de Star Wars — Publicado por fael hace 4 años, 3 meses Fuentes: Suscríbete gratis a la lista de correo Relacionados corcholat 2007 - 2014corcholat [at] gmail [dot] com→ How to Talk to Your Cat Communicating with your cat is not simply a parlor trick you can perform to amuse your dinner guests. It’s an important part of training your cat and reinforcing your bond with her. Teaching your cat simple commands like “DOWN” and “NO!” Cats rarely vocalize with other cats (other than to hiss and growl at trespassers); they reserve verbal interaction for humans. Feline language is a complex mix of facial expression, tail position, ear position and other forms of body language in addition to scent and sound. Understanding Your Cat Some cats (like the Oriental breeds) are vocal and have extensive vocabularies. Whether your cat is vocal or not, she will be fluent in body language, a key component of her interactions with you and other animals. The following vocalizations are fairly common to most cats: Short meow: “Hey, how ya doin’?” Most Cats Use the Following Gestures to Communicate: The Tail: Eyes: Dilated pupils: Very playful or excited. Head: Helping Your Cat Understand You

Triomedia - Solution Digital Media : Totems tactile digital media Réel moyen de communication interactif et esthétique, les totems vous assurent une valorisation de votre image. Ces nouveaux supports tactiles garantissent un impact visuel fort auprès de votre clientèle : image moderne, mémorisation du message optimal, viralité. Afin de répondre à vos besoins de communication digitale, nous vous proposons un outil d’information efficace et ludique, personnalisé et adapté à vos objectifs. Interfacé avec notre outil Médianet, il est alors possible de gérer vos contenus à n’importe quel endroit du monde et à tout moment.

This is What Happens When You Run Water Through a 24hz Sine Wave What!? How is this even possible? Because science, my friends. Brusspup’s (previously) latest video explores what happens when a stream of water is exposed to an audio speaker producing a loud 24hz sine wave. If I understand correctly the camera frame rate has been adjusted to the match the vibration of the air (so, 24fps) thus creating … magic zigzagging water. Run the rubber hose down past the speaker so that the hose touches the speaker. Brusspup did a similar experiment last year where it looked as if the water was flowing in reverse.

Cell Size and Scale Some cells are visible to the unaided eye The smallest objects that the unaided human eye can see are about 0.1 mm long. That means that under the right conditions, you might be able to see an ameoba proteus, a human egg, and a paramecium without using magnification. A magnifying glass can help you to see them more clearly, but they will still look tiny. Smaller cells are easily visible under a light microscope. To see anything smaller than 500 nm, you will need an electron microscope. Adenine The label on the nucleotide is not quite accurate. How can an X chromosome be nearly as big as the head of the sperm cell? No, this isn't a mistake. The X chromosome is shown here in a condensed state, as it would appear in a cell that's going through mitosis. A chromosome is made up of genetic material (one long piece of DNA) wrapped around structural support proteins (histones). Carbon The size of the carbon atom is based on its van der Waals radius.

Einstein for Everyone Einstein for Everyone Nullarbor Press 2007revisions 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Copyright 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 John D. Norton Published by Nullarbor Press, 500 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 with offices in Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15222 All Rights Reserved John D. An advanced sequel is planned in this series:Einstein for Almost Everyone 2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 1 ePrinted in the United States of America no trees were harmed web*bookTM This book is a continuing work in progress. January 1, 2015. Preface For over a decade I have taught an introductory, undergraduate class, "Einstein for Everyone," at the University of Pittsburgh to anyone interested enough to walk through door. With each new offering of the course, I had the chance to find out what content worked and which of my ever so clever pedagogical inventions were failures. At the same time, my lecture notes have evolved. This text owes a lot to many. i i i

Charger la batterie de son appareil mobile bientôt possible partout ? | Qui n’est jamais tombé en panne de batterie au beau milieu d’une conversation téléphonique importante ? Il suffit de recharger son mobile, mais lorsque l’on n’est pas chez soi, comment faire ? Une nouvelle solution existe : les bornes de rechargement ! Elles sont déjà largement répandues dans plusieurs pays Anglophones. Découvrons ces bornes de rechargement ainsi qu’une jeune entreprise ayant décidé de se lancer sur ce secteur. Charge Battery propose des bornes de rechargement pour les lieux publics ou privés, avec un concept très simple : « Le client insère son appareil dans l’un des neuf casiers sécurisés disponibles, branche son appareil à l’une des dix fiches compatibles avec son appareil, précise le temps qu’il souhaite recharger et referme manuellement le casier à l’aide d’une clef. Quels appareils sont compatibles ? Ce concept est intéressant et peux s’avérer fort pratique. Découvrez ces bornes de rechargement plus en détail ici

Physics Engine Physaxe is a 2D Rigid Body Physics engine written in Haxe. It can be compiled on all platforms but has been optimized for Flash Player 9. See install: haxelib install physaxe Here's the demo, please use 1-9 keys to change the demo and click to fire a block and press space to vew the collisions : example: compile: You can compile this code with the following test.hxml file : | Free High Resolution Desktop Wallpapers for Widescreen, HD, Mobile | Page 1
