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Birds With Arms - Waterfox

Etes-vous prêts à avoir des enfants? | French Girl In London - Waterfox Bon je suis tombée sur ce test par hasard sur le site du Daily Mail et je dois avouer qu’il m’a bien fait rire alors je traduis – vite fait bien(?) fait – et je partage avec vous. Je préviens il y a pas mal de clichés et c’est du concentré de petites galères parentales mais … on s’y retrouve quand même , enfin je crois Test 1: Préparation Femmes: préparation à la grossesse 1. Hommes: préparation à la paternité. 1. Test 2: Connaissance Rendez visite à un couple d’amis parents. Test 3: NuitsEntrainnez-vous: 1. Test 4: Habillez les bébés / enfants 1. Test 5: Voitures 1. Test 6: Sortiesa. Test 7: Conversations avec des enfants Répétez tout ce que vous dites au moins 5 fois. Test 8: Les courses 1. Test 9: Nourrir un enfant d’un an 1. Test 10: TV 1. Test 11: Rangement 1. Test 12: Longs voyages avec enfants en bas âge 1. Test 13: Conversations avec un adulte 1. Test 14: Se préparer pour le travail 1. Alors vous vous y êtes retrouvé un peu, beaucoup, passionnément ou pas du tout?!

You're In For A Surprise: The Dating Site Murderer Redditor spawn02000 made the mistake of posting his own picture to lament his inability to get a date online. Given the glassy stare in his eyes and the ax-murderer beard, there was no choice but to turn his predicament into a hilarious meme. And so the Dating Site Murderer meme was born:

30 comportements qu’il faudrait cesser d’avoir sur Facebook | Mes Prétentions de Sagesse - Waterfox COMPORTEMENT 1: Être vague dans un statut… Et le rester! En faisant un statut délibérément nébuleux, cette personne le sait bien que ça va attirer l’attention, et surtout les questions. Alors quand elle nous fait le coup de répondre "J’ai pas vraiment envie d’en parler!", ça frustre. Heille, si tu voulais pas en parler, fallait pas mettre ça sur le site internet le plus populaire au monde, moron! COMPORTEMENT 2: Écrire ses statuts avec le CAPS LOCK enfoncé: Ça fait depuis qu’Internet existe que les utilisateurs savent que les majuscules, c’est l’équivalent de crier. COMPORTEMENT 3: Sermonner ses contacts en comparant des trucs anodins à la pire misère qui soit: Sensibiliser les gens sur un problème, ou bien faire un appel à l’aide pour une cause, c’est acceptable. COMPORTEMENT 4: Mettre au défi (et en doute) l’amitié de tes contacts: C’est ironique que l’on puisse demander des preuves d’amitié sincère aux autres, en les forçant à le faire d’une façon aussi pénible. ou carrément tragiques…

No 'him' or 'her'; preschool fights gender bias STOCKHOLM (AP) — At the "Egalia" preschool, staff avoid using words like "him" or "her" and address the 33 kids as "friends" rather than girls and boys. From the color and placement of toys to the choice of books, every detail has been carefully planned to make sure the children don't fall into gender stereotypes. "Society expects girls to be girlie, nice and pretty and boys to be manly, rough and outgoing," says Jenny Johnsson, a 31-year-old teacher. The taxpayer-funded preschool which opened last year in the liberal Sodermalm district of Stockholm for kids aged 1 to 6 is among the most radical examples of Sweden's efforts to engineer equality between the sexes from childhood onward. Breaking down gender roles is a core mission in the national curriculum for preschools, underpinned by the theory that even in highly egalitarian-minded Sweden, society gives boys an unfair edge. View gallery In this Monday June 20, 2011 photo, Lotta Rajalin, director at "Egalia", a Swedish preschool aiming …

Prénoms à la con Bill III's Blog » Have you ever printed a boarding pass? Well this little feat has been a long time coming. For those of you who have worked with me in Unalakleet you probably have heard about my aspiration of using the poster printer to print my boarding pass. Well two days ago my dream became a reality. I logged onto and checked in for my flight. Selected my seats and chose the option to print my boarding pass. After my arrival at Anchorage I got my bags checked and headed to the TSA security screening area. The TSA agent asked for my I.D. and boarding pass. After a look of surprise he said “Is that your boarding pass?” The supervisor came over and they exchanged a few words. He came back to me and said “Okay… You are going to need to carry this through the metal detector with you.” and he let me on through with a smile. I made it through the metal detector, and didn’t even get an extra pat down or anything. “Thats an official boarding pass?” “yeah.. “Man.. how’d he get it so big?” “He must be an architect or something.” Leave a Comment

Actual Pokemons - Waterfox La Naegleria fowleri ou Amibe mangeuse de cerveau Cette bestiole de quelques micro-mètres est responsable de l’infection de 128 Américains depuis 1962 (un seul a survécu) . Ce qui ressemble à un sourire est un amoebastome, une sorte de suçoir grâce auquel elle engloutit les bactéries et parfois même ses propres congénères ! Elle peut se trouver dans les lacs et les eaux saumâtres ou même dans les piscines mal entretenues. Cette amibe pénètre dans le nez des nageurs et remonte jusqu’à leur cerveau où elle dévore les neurones, il lui faut alors entre 1 et 5 jours pour provoquer migraines, fièvres et vomissements. Il n’existe aucun traitement et les chances de s’en sortir sont inférieurs à 3%. Source: Le magazine Ça m’intéresse - Les mystères du corps en 250 questions.

The ants whose multi-coloured abdomens show exactly what they've been eating By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 15:00 GMT, 5 August 2011 The saying 'you are what you eat' is true for these insects as stunning pictures show their abdomens changing colour as they sip on sugar drops. Father of three Mohamed Babu set up the photographs after his wife, Shameem, showed him some ants had turned white after drinking spilt milk. He gave the creatures the brightly coloured sugar drops and watched as their transparent stomachs matched the food they were eating. A good palette: Some of the ants even wandered from one colour to another, creating new combinations in their stomachs Some of the ants even wandered from one colour to another, creating new combinations in their bodies. Scientist Dr Babu, mixed the sugar drops with edible colours red, green, blue and yellow and placed them in his garden to attract the insects. By placing them on a paraffin base the drops kept their shape when touched by the ants. 'I really toiled to get a photo.

Waking Up Full of Awesome There was a time when you were five years old, and you woke up full of awesome. You knew you were awesome. You loved yourself. You thought you were beautiful, even with missing teeth and messy hair and mismatched socks inside your grubby sneakers. You loved your body, and the things it could do. You thought you were strong. You knew you were smart. Do you still have it? The awesome. Did someone take it from you? Did you let them? Did you hand it over, because someone told you weren’t beautiful enough, thin enough, smart enough, good enough? Why the hell would you listen to them? Did you consider they might be full of shit? Wouldn’t that be nuts, to tell my little girl below that in another five or ten years she might hate herself because she doesn’t look like a starving and Photoshopped fashion model? Or even more bizarre, that she should be sexy over smart, beautiful over bold? Are you freaking kidding me? Look at her. You were, once. Amelia says Good Morning.

The best out-of-office email ever written - Manage Your Life on Shine (thinkstock photos) You know the worst thing about going on vacation? Writing your out-of-office email message. It's always one of the last things on the to-do list along with buying mini-toothpaste, and it's definitely the least fun. Do you leave contact information? Do you overstate or undersell said contact information's emergency purposes? Do you point people to a poor, helpless co-worker in your absence who will probably resent you the entire time you're gone? Thankfully, Gizmodo has provided us neurotics with the perfect specimen of an out-of-office email message. I am currently out of the office on vacation. I know I'm supposed to say that I'll have limited access to email and won't be able to respond until I return - but that's not true. That said, I promised my wife that I am going to try to disconnect, get away and enjoy our vacation as much as possible. · Otherwise, I'll respond when I return… Warm regards, Josh Let's examine what Josh has done. Related links:
