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Welcome To Urban Farming!

Being An Urban Gardener: Creating A City Vegetable Garden - Gardening Know How By Nikki Phipps (Author of The Bulb-o-licious Garden) Even if you’re an urban gardener with little space, you can still benefit from growing a city vegetable garden. A window, balcony, patio, deck or roof receiving six or more hours of sun is all you need, in addition to a few containers. City Vegetable Gardening Designs The urban gardener can enjoy a city vegetable garden in various ways. Growing vegetables is more versatile than one might think. City Vegetable Gardening in Containers Growing vegetables in containers is one of the easiest ways to create a city vegetable garden. Typically, smaller containers are used for more shallow-rooted crops like carrots, lettuce and radishes. In order to help improve drainage and airflow, it may be a good idea to raise your containers about an inch or two off the ground with blocks. Rooftop City Gardens Balcony or rooftop gardening is an excellent way for city dwellers to enjoy growing vegetables. Growing an Urban Vegetable Garden Vertically

Sustainable Urban Gardens 6 Strategies for Urban Vegetable Gardening Room to grow: With a little planning, even the smallest of spaces can hold a veggie or herb garden. City living has its ecobenefits: easy travel by foot and public transit, smaller homes that use less energy, and less living space in which to accumulate needless junk. But growing your own vegetables in an urban environment can be tricky when you don’t have a backyard. Ready to start a plot of your own? 12 Savvy Small-Space Urban Gardening Designs & Ideas Think you gotta have a farm or even a large yard to grow enough fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs to feed your family all summer? You’d be surprised how much food you can get out of the smallest of spaces – even when you live in an urban high-rise. From innovative vertical gardening systems to hanging pots and easy-access planters, these 12 small-space gardening solutions make homegrown produce possible no matter how tiny your outdoor space may be. Small but Expandable Step Garden (images via: urban garden) How do you squeeze every possible square inch of usable growing space out of a tiny balcony or deck? Pop Bottle Drip System (images via: you grow girl) Unless you’re really conscientious, it’s way too easy to accidentally kill plants growing in small pots under the brutal heat of the summer sun, especially in urban environments where reflected heat can dry out soil fast. Square Foot Gardening (image via: serene journal) How much food can you grow in a square foot? Self-Watering Grow Box
