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Designer Gleb Paul factory Anatomy of a Successful Landing Page So you have spent loads of time and possibly money driving traffic to your awesome site selling your products or services, but you aren’t getting enough leads. Your website is drop dead cool and your products are definitely worth buying, so what’s the deal? Well, it means that your conversion rate is low, which you already know. This could be a result of a number of things. Visitors may not know how to buy your product or service, they may not know exactly what you do, or they may simply just need you to tell them what they need to do in order to acquire your services. Anatomy of a Successful Landing Page Okay, so what is a landing page exactly? Essentially, it is a spotlight on one specific item that you want to sell. One page, one purpose The first thing you want to be sure of before creating your landing page, is what you are creating it for. Your page should be totally devoted to selling one item and one item only. The KISS method: Keep it Simple Stupid People want to see results Google

Havoc Inspired. Web Design & Front-End Development by Ryan Taylor
