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Time Lapse Surreal Painting The Forest by Tim Gagnon...

Time Lapse Surreal Painting The Forest by Tim Gagnon...

Mind Blowing Dancing by Marquese Scott (ie. NONSTOP) This takes a moment to get started, but stick with it. I don’t think I’ve seen dancing this incredible hit the internet since clips of David Elsewhere started circulating about a decade ago. This guy achieves simply inhuman movement. Update: The dancer is 29-year-old Marquese Scott who goes by the moniker NONSTOP.

Lackadaisy Expressions Boy, I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I started this. I've had requests for some sort of expressions tutorial dating back a while now, so I figured, "Sure! I can explain expression drawing...and it'll be way better than all those tutorials out there that are nothing but charts of generic expressions. Yeah! Um. Anyway, I found all I could really do was try to explain ways to teach yourself...and then add some pictures. Physics 20b: Introduction to Cosmology - Spring 2010 - Download free content... Juan Francisco Casas e Ballpoint Artworks - Design Atento Juan Francisco Casas é um artista espanhol de 33 anos que consegue a proeza de fazer impressionantes desenhos realísticos usando apenas a boa e velha caneta Bic azul. O processo é assim: de uma foto digital, Juan amplia a imagem obtida e a transforma em enormes painéis desenhados a mão. E não tem nada de Photoshop. O trabalho desse artista é bem conhecido na Europa e leva o nome de Ballpoint Artworks. Saiba mais no site do designer | Busque também no Google

Tony Orrico Mesmerizing performance drawings by artist and dancer Tony Orrico. He is a human spirograph, performing works for up to 4 hours continuously! Watch the videos below! Masha Krasnova-Shabaeva Drawings by Masha Krasnova-Shabaeva. Rotterdam. Gianluigi Rivasi Drawings by Gianluigi Rivasi. Italy. drawings-by-artist-yosuke-goda from Drawings by Yosuke Goda. Here’s a video of another one:
