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Nutella Sandwich Cookies

Nutella Sandwich Cookies
Hello there A Beautiful Mess readers, I'm Emma, Elsie's sister and the gal behind Food Coma. At Elsie's wedding last week I had the opportunity to try Nutella for the first time. Now I'm obsessed. So I've been trying to dream up different ways to use this magical new-to-me spread and I thought that in between two cookies might be the perfect place for Nutella. Along with on top of toast. You can enjoy these cookies in the late afternoon along with some coffee or in the evening with some milk while watching the latest episode of Glee. Nutella Sandwich Cookies, makes 10-12. Ingredients: 1/2 cup softened butter, 1 cup granulated sugar, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon (aluminum-free) baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt and plenty of Nutella. Cream together the butter and sugars, stir in egg and vanilla. Now form into small round disks, about 2-3 inches in diameter and uniformly thick. xo.

Pumpkin Pie Recipe Short Crust Pastry: In a food processor, place the flour, salt, and sugar and process until combined. Add the butter and process until the mixture resembles coarse meal (about 15 seconds). Add 1/8 cup (about 2 tablespoons) water and process just until the dough holds together when pinched. Turn the dough onto your work surface and gather into a ball. Pecan Gingersnap Layer: Toast pecans in a 350 degree F (180 degree C) oven for 8 minutes or until lightly browned and fragrant. Increase the oven temperature to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) and place rack in bottom third of the oven. Make the Pumpkin Filling: In a large bowl lightly whisk the eggs. Place the baked pie on a wire rack to cool. Makes one 9 inch (23 cm) pie. Make the Maple Whipped Cream: Place the heavy whipping cream and maple syrup in bowl of your electric mixer. View comments on this recipe on YouTube Adapted from: Stewart, Martha.

homemade peanut butter cups Everybody likes getting candy, even if they are (ahem) maybe a bit too old to be Trick or Treating. (If that's even possible.) Here's a cute idea to dress up a sweet candy gift for a friend or coworker, preset your candy in decorative jars! Needed: mini cupcake pan plus mini sized cupcake liners (we used brown ones), 1 bag (about 2 cups) dark or semi-sweet chocolate, 2 tablespoons oil, 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons brown sugar and 3/4 cup powder sugar. First, line your mini cupcake pan with liners. While that is cooling, make the peanut butter filling. Now melt the remaining chocolate with 1 tablespoon oil. Have fun making your own peanut butter cups!

Pirulitos do Sistema Solar Chupe a Terra e lamba Urano. A edição Etsy traz na série Vintage Confections os 9 planetas mais o Sol. Os pirulitos vem embalados em um conjunto de 10, um a um, e tem a parte de trás coberta por gliter comestível que imita as estrelas. Devido à grande demanda de vendas, os pirulitos serão vendidos até o final do estoque e não serão refeitos até o começo do ano que vem. Disponíveis nos sabores morango e algodão doce: aqui, mas só pra quem mora nos Estados Unidos, pelo menos por enquanto.

Clafoutis aux cerises 12 portions Préparation 15 minutes Cuisson 35 minutes Prix 0,45 $ par portion Ingrédients Beurre froid (pour le moule) 500 ml (2 tasses) de cerises surgelées non décongelées 125 g (¼ lb) de fromage à la crème allégé ramolli 125 ml (½ tasse) de sucre 3 œufs 125 ml (½ tasse) de lait 5 ml (1 c. à thé) d’extrait de vanille pure 125 ml (½ tasse) de farine de blé entier 7,5 ml (½ c. à soupe) de sucre Préparation Préchauffer le four à 200C (400F). Beurrer un moule à clafoutis ou une assiette à tarte dentelée de 23 cm (9 po) de diamètre. Répartir les cerises dans le moule. Dans un grand bol, fouetter au batteur électrique (mixette) le fromage à la crème et le sucre jusqu’à l’obtention d’un mélange lisse et homogène. Ajouter les œufs, le lait et la vanille. Incorporer la farine en fine pluie en fouettant à basse vitesse. Verser le mélange sur les fruits. Cuire au four 30 minutes. Se conserve 4 jours au réfrigérateur et ne se congèle pas. Note Variante Valeur nutritive (par portion) 125 Calories Protéines 4 g Lipides 4 g

Red Velvet Cake Recipe Red Velvet Cake: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and place rack in center of oven. Butter two - 9 inch (23 cm) round cake pans and line the bottoms of the pans with parchment paper. Set aside. In a mixing bowl sift together the flour, salt, and cocoa powder. In bowl of your electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, beat the butter until soft (about 1-2 minutes). In a measuring cup whisk the buttermilk with the red food coloring. In a small cup combine the vinegar and baking soda. Working quickly, divide the batter evenly between the two prepared pans and smooth the tops with an offset spatula or the back of a spoon. Cream Cheese Frosting: In the bowl of your electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, beat the cream cheese and mascarpone cheese until smooth. Assemble: With a serrated knife, cut each cake layer in half, horizontally. Serves 10 - 12 people. Note: You must use a brand of heavy cream that whips very easily to stiff peaks. View comments on this recipe on YouTube

3 Pie Inspired Pop-Tart Recipes One morning I woke up with a real hankering (yes, hankering) for a slice of pie. So I thought it would be fun to create pie inspired homemade pop-tarts. I made three different flavors; pumpkin pie, pecan pie and apple pie! These are super easy to make and you can cut them out to be traditional rectangle-shaped tarts, or you can use any large cookie cutter to make your pop-tarts into cute shapes (I made hearts!). All you need to whip up a batch of these for yourself is puff pastry and your choice of 'pie' fillings. For the apple pie pop-tarts I made the filling with 1 peeled and finely chopped apple (I used granny smith, but any variety is fine), 3 tablespoons brown sugar, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. For the pumpkin pie pop-tarts I made the filling with 1/2 cup pumpkin, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, 1/4 cup ricotta cheese, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, and a pinch of nutmeg.

Comendo com os Olhos | Ice Moon O Comendo com os Olhos de hoje apresenta o Ice Moon, um sorvete da Häagen-Dazs desenvolvido pelos designers Nipa Doshi e Jonathan Levien . base de massa de pistache, camadas de creme de macadâmia e sorvete de framboesa Os artistas disseram que é a primeira vez que trabalham em um projeto comestível e a inspiração para o formato lunar veio do filme A Trip to the Moon, do Georges Méliès de 1902, dos trabalhos surrealistas do pintor Léon Tutundjian e das formas esféricas dos sorvetes. "A ideia da lua provém de diferentes origens e tem elementos de fantasia, aventura e imaginação fundo crocante de chocolate, camadas de creme caramelizado com nozes e cobertura de baunilha Os sorvetes com orgasmo de sabores serão lançados em dezembro na Inglaterra, especialmente para o Natal. | via

Tortellinis à la saucisse italienne Tortellinis à la saucisse italienne Plats principaux • Pâtes 6 portions Préparation 10 minutes Cuisson 40 minutes Prix 3,25 $ par portion Ingrédients 350 g (¾ lb) de tortellinis au fromage non cuits 1 bouteille de 720 ml (24 oz) de coulis de tomates 1 sac de 750 g (1 ½ lb) de légumes surgelés pour spaghetti, non décongelés (de type Arctic Gardens) 1 contenant de 200 g (7 oz) de perles de bocconcini égouttées 225 g (½ lb) de saucisses italiennes fortes sans les boyaux, égrainées (ou 3 saucisses moyennes) 125 ml (½ tasse) d’eau 15 ml (1 c. à soupe) de fines herbes séchées (mélange à l’italienne) Poivre 125 ml (½ tasse) de basilic frais Préparation Déposer tous les ingrédients sauf le basilic dans un sac de plastique hermétique pour congélation. Fermer le sac en retirant le maximum d’air. Congeler le sac à plat jusqu’à 3 mois. Décongeler le sac au réfrigérateur la veille ou environ 12 heures à l’avance. Préchauffer le four à 200C (400F). Cuire au four 20 minutes. Garnir de basilic frais et servir. Notes

Baking & Dessert Recipes & Videos - *Tested Recipes* ingredientes 1 pacote de macarrão instantâneo hidratado em água fervente por 3 minutos e escorrido125 g de salsicha aferventada e cortada em rodelas1 caixinha de creme de leite½ xícara (chá) de leite2 ovos½ xícara (chá) de muçarela picadasalsinha picadinha e sal a gostoqueijo parmesão ralado a gosto modo de preparo 1°) Em uma tigela, coloque 1 pacote de macarrão instantâneo (já hidratado em água fervente por 3 minutos e escorrido), 125 g de salsicha aferventada e cortada em rodelas, 1 caixinha de creme de leite, ½ xícara (chá) de leite, 2 ovos, ½ xícara (chá) de muçarela picada, salsinha picadinha e sal a gosto e misture bem. 2°) Transfira a mistura de macarrão instantâneo para um refratário quadrado (20 cm) untado, polvilhe queijo parmesão ralado a gosto e leve ao forno médio a 200°C por +/- 30 minutos. Receita enviada em

Pâtes crémeuses au saumon et au brocoli Pâtes crémeuses au saumon et au brocoli Plats principaux • Lunchs • Poissons et fruits de mer • Pâtes 8 portions Préparation 15 minutes Cuisson 15 minutes Prix 2,35 $ par portion Ingrédients 1 boîte de 454 g (1 lb) de penne 1 brocoli de 450 g (1 lb) coupé en petits fleurons (ou 300 g / 2/3 lb de fleurons de brocoli) 750 ml (3 tasses) de lait 80 ml (1/3 tasse) de farine Nutri Le zeste de 1 citron 1 pincée de piment de Cayenne Poivre et sel 500 ml (2 tasses) de fromage cheddar fort râpé 500 ml (2 tasses) de saumon cuit en flocons Sauce piquante de type Sriracha (facultatif) Préparation Dans une grande casserole d’eau bouillante, cuire les pâtes selon les indications sur l’emballage. Pendant la cuisson des pâtes, dans un wok ou un grand poêlon antiadhésif à haut rebord, fouetter hors du feu le lait, la farine, le zeste de citron et le piment de Cayenne. Cuire à feu vif en remuant régulièrement, jusqu’à épaississement. Ajouter les pâtes, le brocoli et le saumon puis remuer délicatement. Note Truc écolo Astuce

Vanilla Cupcakes Recipe Step 1 Preheat oven to 180°C. Line 24 1/3 cup (80ml) muffin pans with patty cases. Step 2 Cream the butter, sugar and vanilla bean paste with an electric mixer. Add the eggs, one at a time, and beat until just combined. Add the flour and milk in alternate batches and stir with a wooden spoon until just combined. Step 3 Spoon mixture evenly among the patty cases. Source Notebook: - April 2008 , Page 19 Recipe by Sarah Hobbs Photography by Rob Palmer Decorating tips: Colour: Add colouring gradually until you've reached the desired shade.
