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Web & Tech | L'actualité high-tech, web, mobile & jeu vidéo par la génération Twitter & Facebook Daily Cup of Tech WebTrickz How To Become A Hacker Copyright © 2001 Eric S. Raymond As editor of the Jargon File and author of a few other well-known documents of similar nature, I often get email requests from enthusiastic network newbies asking (in effect) "how can I learn to be a wizardly hacker?". Back in 1996 I noticed that there didn't seem to be any other FAQs or web documents that addressed this vital question, so I started this one. A lot of hackers now consider it definitive, and I suppose that means it is. Still, I don't claim to be the exclusive authority on this topic; if you don't like what you read here, write your own. If you are reading a snapshot of this document offline, the current version lives at Note: there is a list of Frequently Asked Questions at the end of this document. The five-dots-in-nine-squares diagram that decorates this document is called a glider. If you find this document valuable, please leave me a tip on Gittip. If you want to be a hacker, keep reading.

Out in the Open: Teenage Hacker Transforms Web Into One Giant Bitcoin Network | Enterprise Most people think of bitcoin as a form of money, if they think of bitcoin at all. But 19-year-old hacker Vitalik Buterin sees it as something more — much more. He sees it as a new way of building just about any internet application. The bitcoin digital currency is driven by open source software that runs across thousands of machines around the globe. Buterin believes so many other applications can benefit from the genius of the bitcoin software, and that’s why he has joined forces with several other hackers to create something called Ethereum. He envisions Ethereum as an online service that lets you build practically anything in the image of bitcoin and run it across a worldwide network of machines. Born in Russia and raised in Canada, Buterin was interested in mathematics and computer science from an early age. But, over the next few weeks, he grew curious about this unusual creation. A Bitcoin for Everything A Web of Our Own Ethereum isn’t alone in its lofty ambitions. Go Back to Top.

Free Books A lot of people keep asking about a good list of programming books. Hence, we are building this list to save your time and to spread the knowledge. Some of these books will definitely help us to evolve our coding skills and thought processes for developing better solutions. We will do our best to keep updating this list, hope you find this list useful, here we go. Meta-List Graphics Programming Language Agnostic: NerdDinner Walkthrough Assembly Language: Bash Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide See .NET below Django Emacs The Emacs manual Thanks Emacser (October 17, 2010) Forth Git Haskell Dive Into HTML5 Java JavaScript Linux Advanced Linux Programming Lisp Lua Programming In Lua (for v5 but still largely relevant) Maven Mercurial NoSQL CouchDB: The Definitive Guide Objective-C The Objective-C Programming Language Parrot / Perl 6 Perl 6 (Work in progress) Perl PowerShell Mastering PowerShell Prolog PostgreSQL Practical PostgreSQL Python Learn REBOL Thanks Nick (October 19, 2010) Ruby Scala Scheme Smalltalk Subversion Vim

Wald: Welcome Firefox Guru's Blog How to Crack the Account Password on Any Operating System | Joe Tech This guest post was written by Blair Mathis from – your premier source for the latest laptop software news and best laptop accessories. Computer passwords are like locks on doors – they keep honest people honest. If someone wishes to gain access to your laptop or computer, a simple login password will not stop them. Most computer users do not realize how simple it is to access the login password for a computer, and end up leaving vulnerable data on their computer, unencrypted and easy to access. Are you curious how easy it is for someone to gain access to your computer? Windows Windows is still the most popular operating system, and the method used to discover the login password is the easiest. Simply download the Ophcrack ISO and burn it to a CD (or load it onto a USB drive via UNetbootin). The computer will restart and Ophcrack will be loaded. Mac The second most popular operating system, OS X is no safer when it comes to password cracking then Windows. fsck -fy dscl .

realityeditor The Reality Editor is a new kind of tool for empowering you to connect and manipulate the functionality of physical objects. Just point the camera of your smartphone at an object built with the Open Hybrid platform and its invisible capabilities will become visible for you to edit. Drag a virtual line from one object to another and create a new relationship between these objects. With this simplicity, you are able to master the entire scope of connected objects. The Reality Editor is a result of three years of MIT research. What works for your home works as well with objects in your office – kids’ toys, and even complex machinery in a factory. Use the Reality Editor to define simple actions, change the functionality of objects around you, remix how things work and interact. This all sounds like science fiction, but it’s not. You are looking at research results from the MIT Media Lab Fluid Interfaces Group.

TechnoBuzz | Best How to Tips, Guides, Software and Internet Tips Phil Bradley Drunk Admin Web Hacking Challenge | Anestis Bechtsoudis Recently I conducted a few keynote talks on the WeBaCoo tool and some web backdoor shell implementation techniques. As a great supporter of practical learning, I designed a relative web hacking challenge that was given to the events attendees after the end of the talk part. The challenge focuses on techniques and methodologies discussed during the talks and implements a slightly restricted web server setup serving a vulnerable image hosting service. Download The challenge was served on a Debian vmware image which is available for download on the following link: Download Challenge (539MB) – md5sum:edf9bcd28049ed85312510d5872ea463Download mirror from boot2root Configuration The network is configured to obtain an IP address via DHCP by default. Mission The challenge includes an image hosting web service that has various design vulnerabilities. FINAL GOAL: Reveal the hidden message for a date arrange that Bob sent to Alice. Work Flow Appendix A.

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