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Push to Kindle Send by E-mail Push to Kindle can also be used by e-mail. This is particularly useful for iPad, iPhone and Windows Phone users. To use the service from one of these devices, follow the steps below: Note: The email service is free for the first 25 articles, after that it requires sustainer membership. On your device, load an article you'd like to send to your Kindle Choose share page In the list of options presented, select Mail Enter your Kindle email address but instead of, enter* Send! Watch a video demo. Changing the ending to in step 4 ensures our service processes the article first and then sends it to your Kindle account. The first time you do this, you'll receive an email from us asking you to confirm the address you're sending from. If you own a 3G Kindle device and you want to make sure you will not be charged by Amazon, please send to Pricing It's free to get started! Compared to

Tao Liu TIME recently featured the brilliant work of Tao Liu, a 32-year-old street photographer based in Hefei, China. I’ve selected a bunch of my favourite images from his blog, below. Tao Liu’s Website Jeff Hamada is the Founder and Editor of Booooooom. He lives and works in Vancouver. Carrie May | Illustrator and Artist | Illustration, Painting, Commissions LEVALET - VanGoYourself | Recreate artworks with your friends HRT: Ekskluzivno: Intervju s Thomasom Pikettyjem 09. 04. 2015. pred 3 dana Jedan od najpoznatijih ekonomista današnjice, autor bestselera "Kapital u 21. stoljeću", francuski ekonomist Thomas Piketty gostuje u Hrvatskoj. Njegovu knjigu nobelovac Paul Krugman proglasio je "najvažnijom knjigom godine, a možda i desetljeća''. Autor problem vidi u koncentraciji kapitala kod malog broja ljudi, a rješenje u progresivnom oporezivanju bogatstva pa je izazvao veliko zanimanje, posebice lijeve scene. Potreban je jedinstveni korporativni porez u Europi. Cijeli intervju naše novinarke Anabelle Laikauff pogledajte u videoprilogu: Piketty je gostovao u Filozofskom teatru zagrebačkog HNK. Prvo izdanje Kapitala u hrvatskom prijevodu je prodano, tiskano je drugo. Thomas Piketty otvara francusku sezonu u Hrvatskoj Drago mi je da sam u Zagrebu, da mogu ovdje predavati.

Znate li kako danas izgleda Sarajka sa fotografije koja je obišla svijet? - Malo ko na svijetu je bio poznat, a da toga uopšte nije bio svjestan, kao što je to Sarajka Meliha Varešanović, “bosanska Sophia Loren”, kako su je u magazinu Cracked nazvali, te napisali kako je upravo Meliha žena koja je donijela glamur ratnu zonu. Pomenuti magazin je prošle godine ovu fotografiju uvrstio na listu pet historijskih fotopriča o hrabrim ženama-buntovnicama. – Uopšte nisam znala da sam fotografisana. Prolazila sam ovim putem, kao što sam i ranije činila, pošto sam išla na posao u Općinu Novi Grad, gdje i sada radim. Dolazila sam kod sestre na Dobrinju i to je bio taj put kuda se moglo prolaziti, priča Varešanović i dodaje: – Što se tiče odijevanja, ja sam uvijek vodila računa da budem uredna i lijepo obučena. Čuvenu fotografiju je napravio britanski fotograf Tom Stodart, čiji je zadatak bio da uradi foto-esej o ženama u opkoljenom Sarajevu. Fotografija je objavljena u magazinu “Life”, a kasnije i u brojnim svjetski priznatim časopisima.

Medieval manuscripts blog Today, February 1st, is the feast day of saint Brigid of Kildare (d. c. 524). Brigid or ‘Brigit’ or ‘Bride’ was a virgin and abbess, and is the patron saint of dairymaids, poets, blacksmiths and healers. She is one of the most popular medieval Irish saints, with numerous churches and shrines dedicated to her both in Ireland and elsewhere. Her iconographical emblem is the cow. There are multiple versions of the life of Brigid in both Old Irish and Latin. Many of these miracle stories mirror stories from the Gospels. Alongside the miracles associated with food and beer, there are also miracles involving amorous misadventures. One of the Latin lives has a different version of this story. A much later writer, Gerald of Wales (d. c. 1220) in his topographical guide to Ireland, dedicated to Henry II, has extensive descriptions of Brigid’s abbey and shrine. Here you can see two of calendar pages from Books of Hours (prayer-books) for the month of February. Further Reading:

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