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Third-World Wind Power: First Look

Third-World Wind Power: First Look

Mozilla Firefox Perpetual Futility A short history of the search for perpetual motion. by Donald E. Simanek Popular histories too often present perpetual motion machines as "freaks and curiosities" of engineering without telling us just how they were understood at the time. They also fail to inform us that even in the earliest history of science and engineering, many persons were able to see the futility and folly of attempts to achieve perpetual motion. Sometimes a particular device comes to us with a label, such as "Bishop Wilkins' magnetic perpetual motion machine." Popular articles leave the impression that the inventor believed it was a perpetual motion machine. Bhaskara's Wheels. Villard de Honnecourt was born in the late 12th century and probably lived and worked in the north of France from 1225 to 1250. The most celebrated of his machine designs was for a perpetual motion wheel. Villard's diagram shows seven hammers, and he insisted on an odd (uneven) number of hammers, explaining 56. That's it.

Rosenhan experiment Experiment to determine the validity of psychiatric diagnosis Rosenhan's study was done in eight parts. The first part involved the use of healthy associates or "pseudopatients" (three women and five men, including Rosenhan himself) who briefly feigned auditory hallucinations in an attempt to gain admission to 12 psychiatric hospitals in five states in the United States. The second part of his study involved an offended hospital administration challenging Rosenhan to send pseudopatients to its facility, whom its staff would then detect. While listening to a lecture by R. In a 2019 popular book on Rosenhan by author Susannah Cahalan, The Great Pretender, the veracity and validity of the Rosenhan experiment has been questioned. Pseudopatient experiment[edit] Rosenhan himself and seven mentally healthy associates, called "pseudopatients", attempted to gain admission to psychiatric hospitals by calling for an appointment and feigning auditory hallucinations. Impact and controversy[edit]

Trap animals for survival To trap animals, or trapping, is a skill that takes practice, like any other survival skill. If you are a beginner to trapping, use the information here as a starter. * The primitive trapping techniques described here are only for wilderness survival situations. Obey the rules and trapping regulations of the area you are visiting. * 24 h As a trapper, you can set many traps and snares, all working for you simultaneously and for 24 h every day. Trails The presence of wild animals can often be determined by their tracks in the snow, sand or soft mud. Prey You must determine what you are trying to catch and set your traps, specifically with those animals in mind. Avoid disturbing thearea as much as possible. Deadfall trap A simple and effective way to trap animals is to use the deadfall trap. Snare trap Using snares to trap small animals is a simple method. Make sure the noose is large enough to pass freely over the animal's head. Don't forget! Back to: Wilderness survival skills homepage

Urban Intervention: A Reclaimed Parking Spot Since we’re on the subject of grass today, check out Green Corner, a collaboration between Helsinki-based artists Otto Karvonen and Jon Irigoyen. Described as an “urban intervention” the idea was fairly straightforward: install a grass turf lawn in a parking space creating a temporary park that calls into question the ideas of ownership and use in public spaces. Green corner is a spatial artwork consisting of lawn that is installed on a parking space. The lawn is equipped with some comfortable garden furniture, to provide a relaxing break in the middle of the hectic urban space. It would be fun to see this project expanded to entire street or intersection. Update: So I’ve been living in a public art cave. Interesting High-speed Video Clips Depressive realism Evidence for[edit] Evidence against[edit] When asked to rate both their performance and the performance of another, non-depressed individuals demonstrated positive bias when rating themselves but no bias when rating others. Criticism of the evidence[edit] Some have argued that the evidence is not more conclusive because there is no standard for "reality," the diagnoses are dubious, and the results may not apply to the real world.[33] Because many studies rely on self-report of depressive symptoms, the diagnosis of depression in these studies may not be valid as self-reports are known to often be biased, necessitating the use of other objective measures. Due to most of these studies using designs that do not necessarily approximate real-world phenomena, the external validity of the depressive realism hypothesis is unclear. See also[edit] References[edit] Jump up ^ Alloy,L.B., Abramson,L.Y. (1988). Further reading[edit] Rachel Adelson (April 2005).

How to find water in the wild Knowing how to find water in the wild is important. Actually, there are many ways you can find water, whether you are in a desert or forest. First, look for surface water, such as streams, rivers and lakes. Running water such as springs or streams in isolated areas at high altitudes is probably safe for consumption. Be aware that, for instance, melted water from ice and glaciers contains bacteria in abundance. If you are not familiar with the area, and are unsure about the water quality, purify the water. In areas where no surface water is available, dig into damp soil and allow this muddy water to settle and become clear or learn how to make a water filter. To increase your chances of finding water, look for the following: · Valleys and low areas are places where water naturally drains. · Rock crevices. · Muddy or damp ground. · Patches of green vegetation indicate water of some sort. · Places where animal tracks converge, maybe a water source nearby? More about water

Scientist creates lifelike cells out of metal Scientists trying to create artificial life generally work under the assumption that life must be carbon-based, but what if a living thing could be made from another element? One British researcher may have proven that theory, potentially rewriting the book of life. Lee Cronin of the University of Glasgow has created lifelike cells from metal — a feat few believed feasible. The discovery opens the door to the possibility that there may be life forms in the universe not based on carbon, reports New Scientist. Even more remarkable, Cronin has hinted that the metal-based cells may be replicating themselves and evolving. "I am 100 percent positive that we can get evolution to work outside organic biology," he said. The high-functioning "cells" that Cronin has built are constructed from large polyoxometalates derived from a range of metal atoms, like tungsten. The metallic bubbles are certainly cell-like, but are they actually alive? The early results have been encouraging.

Contact lenses will project images directly onto your eyeballs All those 3DTVs and virtual reality goggles are soon to be rendered obsolete by contact lenses with built-in LED arrays that can display images on top of your retinas, whether you want them to or not. Researchers at the University of Washington have been working on extremely tiny and semi-transparent LEDs designed to be integrated into contact lenses. So far, they've managed to create red pixels and blue pixels, and when they can figure out green ones, they'll be able to make full color displays. Despite being millimeters from your retinas, the images created by the lenses will be in perfect focus, and when the display is turned off, everything will be transparent. In the meantime, we've already got eyeball-mounted wireless sensors for detecting things like blood glucose levels, so it's really just a matter of time before LEDs and their associated electronics get small enough and cheap enough that we can all afford to be enjoying visual overlays of stupid YouTube videos 24/7.

Upside-Down-Ternet My neighbours are stealing my wireless internet access. I could encrypt it or alternately I could have fun. I'm starting here by splitting the network into two parts, the trusted half and the untrusted half. /etc/dhcpd.conf IPtables is Fun! Suddenly everything is kittens! /sbin/iptables -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -j DNAT --to-destination For the uninitiated, this redirects all traffic to kittenwar. For more fun, we set iptables to forward everything to a transparent squid proxy running on port 80 on the machine. /sbin/iptables -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination That machine runs squid with a trivial redirector that downloads images, uses mogrify to turn them upside down and serves them out of its local webserver. The redirection script Then the internet looks like this! And if you replace flip with -blur 4 you get the blurry-net I made xkcd - how cool is that ?

The New Materialism: better, not more November 26, 2012 // By: Andrew Simms Today marks international Buy Nothing Day. Begun in 1992 in Mexico to protest against over-consumption it became an annual diary fixture in North America where, this year, inescapably it is being dubbed 'Occupy Xmas.' But, it leaves two problems. So, is it possible to both save the economy and build a better relationship with the world of, ‘stuff.’ We argue, yes, in our new pamphlet The New Materialism: How our relationship with the material world can change for the better, published to coincide with Buy Nothing Day, if you embrace ‘stuff’ in a different way. The new materialism is about an economy of better, not more. It is emerging now in things ranging from furniture, to tools, cars, fridges, clothes and food. The four weeks before Christmas could become a ‘Make, Mend and Share Month,’ instead of a ritual descent into consumer debt. A Manifesto for the New Materialism: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Agree with this? Close

Symphony of Science Atlas F Documents Atlas Missile Silo This page is where documents pertaining to the Atlas F missile system are located. It is possible that some items may be listed in more than one location because the item covers more than one missile type. Click on a thumbnail or PDF link below to view that item. The PDF files can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader and you can download your free copy of Acrobat Reader here . Many of the items on these pages are available for download to your system. The documents in the section below contain general information about the Atlas F silo type missile system. Hubble: Where is the center of the Universe? When astronomers look at distant galaxies to determine how fast they're moving, it looks like they're all moving away from us. Does that mean we're at the center of the universe? Well, no. It turns out that every point in the universe sees itself as the center! You can show yourself why with this activity. Try this! - Use your mouse to drag the top (blue circle) layer randomly over the bottom one, the difference between the two is hard to see. - Now choose a different dot on the top layer and line it up with its corresponding dot on the bottom layer. What's going on? The top layer (the universe today) was made by enlarging the bottom layer (the universe 1 billion years ago) by 5% percent.
