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Create, Share, and Embed Widgets for Free

Easily Create Web Pages for Most Anything scientix konferencia / Budapest / 2015. 03. 20-21. 40 Online Generators for Web Designers Should Online Generators for Web Designers can be a great way to save time in your web design projects. High-quality generators can create graphics or code or even layouts in a matter of seconds or minutes, things that might take an hour or more if done by hand. Online generator are those tools that help us to create those popular “XHTML valid” CSS banners, micro buttons or css website templates in seconds. Advertisement 1. XML /SWF charts are used to create attractive graphs and charts from XML data, Create a source either manually or generate dynamically then pass it to the XML chart’s flash file. 2. The web form generator from Web Form Factory automatically generates he necessary backend code to tie your form to a database. 3. Typetester is used to compare three different type of fonts on screen making your designing job easier , Just specify the specifications and compare them 4. 256 Pixels 5. 80 x 15 brilliant Button Maker 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. pForm pForm is a free HTML form builder.

SilentEye - Steganography is yours - StumbleUpon A Short Guide to Finding and Using Media on Your Blog - Part 1 A blog can get boring after a while if paragraphs of text is all that ever gets posted to it. More importantly, your students will get bored posting to a blog if all they’re ever asked to do is write on it. To draw more attention to blog posts, to make them more interesting, to get students excited about posting to a blog, and to spark students into discussion use interesting pictures, videos, and audio files. Before looking at sources of media to use in your blog posts it’s important to having some understanding of copyright, Creative Commons, and Fair Use. Using Your Own Media - Building a gallery of media The best way to ensure that you don’t infringe on someone’s copyright rights is to use your own media in your blog posts. Aviary's mobile image editor is a free app for iOS and Android devices. To capture quick audio recordings try AudioBoo for Android and iOS devices. To organize your gallery of B-roll media try using DropItToMe to have students contribute to a DropBox folder.

Napfogyatkozás március 20-án | MCSE Felhívjuk a figyelmet, hogy a médiában elterjedt információktól eltérően sem az MCSE, sem a Polaris nem forgalmaz napfogyatkozás-néző szemüveget! Hosszabb szünet után ismét napfogyatkozást láthatunk Magyarországról március 20-án, a délelőtti órákban. A fogyatkozás közel 60%-os lesz, országszerte számos helyszínen várják az MCSE helyi csoportjai és társszervezetei az érdeklődőket. Napfogyatkozás olyankor jön létre, amikor Holdunk a Föld és a Nap közé kerül, és a Hold árnyéka bolygónkra vetül. A jelenség a Föld felszínén állva csak az árnyék területéről figyelhető meg. Részleges napfogyatkozás akkor látható, amikor a Hold a napkorongnak csak egy részét takarja el. A 2015. március 20-i fogyatkozás teljes napfogyatkozás, azonban a teljesség sávja lakott területektől távol, az Atlanti-óceán vidékein helyezkedik el, a hazánkhoz legközelebbi szárazföld, ahonnan meg lehet figyelni a teljességet, a Feröer-szigetek. A napfogyatkozás kontaktusidőpontjai (minden időadathoz 1 órát hozzá kell adni).

100 Essential Web Development Tools Mar 16 2010 By Neil Skirrow As web technologies constantly advance, the skills a developer is expected to have are constantly increasing. Web users are beginning to expect Ajax interfaces, charts and graphs and a whole host of other tricks and features. This means web developers not only have to be skilled with HTML and a server-side programming language such as PHP or Perl, but they now also need to be JavaScript gurus, Flash experts, and skilled graphic designers. When developing your applications, you simply can’t create every element yourself. In an effort to save you a few hours crawling the web in search of the perfect third-party solution, we have compiled this list of essential development resources. 1. You can find a whole array of pre-made classes and functions to help save development time. The following CAPTCHA systems can be easily integrated with your applications: SecurimageSecurimage is a free open-source PHP CAPTCHA script for generating complex images and CAPTCHA codes. 2.

Want Siri for Android? Try Vlingo [Infographic] - StumbleUpon While Siri isn’t perfect, the voice-controlled assistant is definitely an innovative feature of the iPhone 4S and it’s something that may make Android fans jealous. While we’ve seen some Siri competitors on Android before, we’ve been fans of Vlingo for a long time and the company just put out an infographic about why it offers more features than Siri. The funny thing is that both Siri and Vlingo are now connected through Nuance, as this company provides the voice-recognition technology for Apple’s iPhone 4S and it just acquired Vlingo. Still, the infographic is interesting to see and if you’re on an Android phone and want a taste of voice controls, feel free to download Vlingo here. About The Author Marin Perez Marin Perez has torture tested cell phones and smartphones for industry leaders like CNET and InformationWeek. Sell Your Old Cell Phone for Cash Buy a New Cell Phone

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