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Top ten myths about introverts - Jerry Brito

Top ten myths about introverts - Jerry Brito

5 Unexpected Downsides of High Intelligence You know that phrase, "Ignorance is bliss"? There's a reason it's stuck around all these years. Because having the upper hand in intelligence might give you an advantage in some areas, like crossword puzzle solving and quantum physics-ing, but it also might just screw up your life forever. Note: Stephen Hawking can talk about how dangerous AI will be in the future, but we're not worried. For instance, if you're smart ... #5. Getty Recently, scientists discovered a quirky side effect to having a high IQ: You tend to stay up until later hours and get up later in the morning. Photos.comAnd spending reports. It appears to just be evolution -- the more intelligent members of a species are, in general, the first to change habits (their big brains are wired to seek out novelty). So let the early birds keep their measly worms. So What's the Problem? Well, being a night owl does have some negative side effects. GettyAnd we mean REALLY screwed. And the fun doesn't end there, geniuses! #4.

6 Beloved Characters That Had Undiagnosed Mental Illnesses It's unlikely that the writers who created these characters consciously decided they would give them an undiagnosed mental disorder as one of their traits. Maybe they were just borrowing behaviors of a "quirky" friend, or maybe the writers suffered from the disorder and wrote the characters to mimic their own life. But one way or another, these characters show all the symptoms ... #6. Sherlock Holmes -- Asperger's Syndrome It's tough to pin down the exact personality traits of Sherlock Holmes, since his story has been recycled in so many incarnations. xraypictures"Solving crimes is all well and good, Watson, but I have a Yu-Gi-Oh! The Red Flags Before you skip down to the comments to submit your passionate defense of Holmes' mental state, we're not the only ones who think he shows up on the autism spectrum. Getty"Holmes, stop looking through my stuff for clues. "Care for a 70th rendition of 'Baa Baa Black Sheep,' my dear Watson?" "Flashperger's"? #5. The whole situation is pretty forked. #4.

10 Ways Our Minds Warp Time How time perception is warped by life-threatening situations, eye movements, tiredness, hypnosis, age, the emotions and more… The mind does funny things to our experience of time. Just ask French cave expert Michel Siffre. In 1962 Siffre went to live in a cave that was completely isolated from mechanical clocks and natural light. When he tried to measure out two minutes by counting up to 120 at one-second intervals, it took him 5 minutes. But you don’t have to hide out in a cave for a couple of months to warp time, it happens to us all the time. 1. People often report that time seems to slow down in life-threatening situations, like skydiving. But are we really processing more information in these seconds when time seems to stretch? To test this, Stetson et al. (2007) had people staring at a special chronometer while free-falling 50 metres into a net. 2. We’ve all experienced the fact that time seems to fly when we’re having fun. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Time is relative

The 3 Steps to Understanding Other People's Actions - StumbleUpon It’s been said that actions speak louder than words. For the most part this is true. But if you don’t understand what those actions mean, it doesn’t make a difference either way. The good news is that understanding the actions of other people doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, I’ve condensed it down to just three steps that have worked really well for me. The First Big Realization My first big discovery in understanding people’s actions originated at a party in college. However, to my surprise the guy came up to me and asked me if I thought she was interested in him. But soon I realized that I had been in this situation before too. The reason it is harder to understand is because when you are in the situation, you process everything through your own ego and perceptions. What’s amazing about this discovery to me is how often this actually occurs. You have to let go of this filtering system. So keeping this rule in mind, here are the three steps. 1. 2. 3. Understanding Actions

Curvy in HTML5 - StumbleUpon Curvy is a HTML5 puzzle game using the canvas element. Just rotate the tiles so that like colors connect. Modernizr tells me you don't have canvas support in your browser. Sadly, this game uses technology that's only in browsers with HTML5 support. Presented to you by FlamingLunchbox is a puzzle, originally for Android phones, using a simple idea. Each Curvy puzzle consists of a grid of hexagonal tiles. Curvy allows a variety of different puzzle sizes, providing puzzles that can be quickly solved as well as more complex versions depending on the size you choose. Want it on Android? We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

5 Seemingly Innocent Ways You Risk Your Identity Every Day We tend to think of identity theft as a crime perpetrated exclusively on stupid people. Sure, you don't fall for that Nigerian prince schtick and you don't send your login information to "official" emails that misspell "PayPal." Well, you'd best take a slice of humble pie, because there are lots of things that you do every day, that you're probably doing right now, that are putting your personal information at risk. Things like ... Playing Facebook Games Getty After a long, hard day of playing Facebook games and pretending to work, there's nothing quite as relaxing as heading home to unwind and play Facebook games without pretending to work. Getty"Before 'Farmville,' gin was the only thing that could get me through a day of work." We've already discussed how Zynga, the operators of "Farmville," are evil masterminds. But hey, 'Mafia Wars'! And we don't just mean they could see all those pictures of you drunkenly fingering that elephant pinata at your cousin's birthday blowout. Getty"Tits?

Color Psychology by David Johnson Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. It is ubiquitous. Yet what does it all mean? Why are people more relaxed in green rooms? Why do weightlifters do their best in blue gyms? Colors often have different meanings in various cultures. Black Black is the color of authority and power. White Brides wear white to symbolize innocence and purity. Red The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. The most romantic color, pink, is more tranquilizing. Blue The color of the sky and the ocean, blue is one of the most popular colors. Green Currently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. Yellow Cheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter. Purple The color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. Brown Solid, reliable brown is the color of earth and is abundant in nature. Colors of the Flag In the U.S. flag, white stands for purity and innocence. Food for Thought

IQ Test Labs - free online testing. Life Lessons Motivational Statements Fun and entertaining content from the funniest and most entertaining American website - funny pictures interesting facts fun trivia useless silly stories hilarious animations funny cartoons clean jok - St Thanks to all of my friends who contributed to this. Scroll down for more. I've learned.... That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. I've learned.... That when you're in love, it shows. I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned.... I've learned ... I've learned.... Instructions for Life in the new millennium from the Dalai Lama: 1. I have also liked this link about how we are now: visit and enjoy. The most destructive habit ................... Only 3 Words!!! 2.

Sony Nextep Computer Concept for 2020 by Hiromi Kiriki & Yanko Design - StumbleUpon In 2020 We Can Wear Sony Computers On Our Wrist Our present need for internet connectivity is so profound that secondary devices like the Nextep Computer are bound to happen. Developed to be worn as a bracelet, this computer concept is constructed out of a flexible OLED touchscreen.

5 Insane Ways Words Can Control Your Mind On some level we already know that language shapes the way we think. We're automatically more afraid to fight a guy named Jack Savage than somebody named Peewee Nipplepuss, even if we've never seen either of them before. It's totally illogical, but you probably run into an example of that every day, and don't notice it. While we tend to think words are just sounds we make to express ideas, science is finding that language is more like a fun house mirror, warping what we see in mind-blowing ways. For instance ... Speaking English Makes Us More Likely to Blame People Let's say your roommate Steve is jumping on your bed. How will you answer? Keep in mind, Steve pulls this shit all the time. The answer largely depends on what language you speak. Stanford scientists did experiments on this, by having speakers of various languages watch videos featuring, in various situations, people breaking eggs or popping balloons, sometimes on purpose, sometimes on accident. Will nothing stop his madness?

Get Anyone to Like You – Instantly – Guaranteed Get anyone to like you - Instantly - Guaranteed If you want people to like you, make them feel good about themselves. This golden rule of friendship works every time - guaranteed! The simple communication techniques that follow will help you keep the focus of the conversation on the person you are talking to and make them feel good about themselves. The Big Three Our brains continually scan the environment for friend or foe signals. Eyebrow Flash The eyebrow flash is a quick up and down movement of the eyebrows. Head Tilt The head tilt is a slight tilt of the head to one side or the other. Smile A smile sends the message "I like you." Empathic Statements Empathic statements keep the focus on the other person. Example 1 George : I've been really busy this week. Tom : So you didn't have much free time in the last few days. Once the basic formula for empathic statements has been mastered, more sophisticated empathic statements can be constructed by dropping "So you..." Example 2 Flattery

Self Sufficient Living

It is ME!! it is definitely about me!!! by alanckar Oct 13

Introverts of the world arise! Very helpful pearl. by tweedledum Jun 10

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