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Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
Related:  writing What is a teacher and, particularly a teacher of English Language Learner, supposed to do to be effective and maintain his/her sanity? Here are four ways I try to do both: Peer Review There does not seem to be clarity among researchers about the best ways to assist ELLs in revising their writing, but they all seem to agree that one of the best things teachers can do is to give ELLs more time - more time to write, more time to think, more time to revise. Katie Hull and I have written extensively in our books about how we implement a peer review process in our classroom that actually works. One element that article does not include is this Downloadable Peer Review Sheet that we have students use in this process: 1. The first student who is getting their essay reviewed reads the essay aloud and the reviewer follows along on his/her copy. Note that teachers will probably want to modify the Peer Review Sheet to reflect the essay their students are writing. 2. 3. The questions are: Pointing

Worst Job Interview Mistakes It’s been a while since I’ve been on a formal job interview, but I can still remember my most awful one with vivid, cringeworthy clarity. I was wearing the one pair of black "business" slacks my 21-year-old self owned (with the crease and everything), was sweating bullets through my button-down and cardigan, and made the mistake of saying my worst quality was my perfectionism. (Note: I am the least perfect person in the entire world, and mostly err towards chaotic procrastination.) But I take comfort in knowing that I am not alone in my gross interview missteps, and in a city where climbing up the job ladder is too competitive for comfort, nearly every New Yorker has at least one tale to tell. Illustrated by Mallory Heyer. “One of my first real job interviews was at a hip record company in Manhattan where everyone dressed in jeans, T-shirts, and other 'cool guy' attire. “Once, I accidentally scrambled up two words I was trying to say, and it came out sounding like 'bitch.'

Les 7 vertus d'un objectif de réunion efficace Si nous avons le sentiment de perdre notre temps en réunion, dans 80% des cas il s’agit d’un problème lié à l’objectif de ladite réunion. Trop flou voire inexistant, pas toujours partagé par tous, il crée des dérives et des frustrations. A contrario, bien défini, il catalyse l’énergie du groupe vers l’atteinte d’un résultat concret et motivant. 1. L’objectif de réunion est bien plus qu’un simple ordre du jour Un ordre du jour est une suite de sujets à aborder. 2. Cela parait trivial. 3. Un objectif que l’on peut visualiser focalise mieux l’énergie du groupe. 4. Communiqué en amont, l’objectif permet de préparer les participants à être productifs pendant la réunion. Rappelé en début de réunion, l’objectif peut être ajusté ensemble pour correspondre aux priorités du moment, ou au temps finalement disponible. 5. Dans certains cas, il peut être utile de préciser ce que l’objectif n’est pas. 6. Nos cerveaux sont si foisonnants d’idées qu’il est facile de digresser. 7.

Teach English Writing: Videos Write Story Summaries Writing Skills: idea, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, organisation Short videos with interesting plots make great prompts for an ESL writing class. What makes a good video prompt? I look for four features when choosing a video for the writing class. 1 Family friendly content Videos with swearing, nudity, graphic violence, bloody gore or sexual over tones just don’t work in the class, even in university. 2 Short and Sweet Videos that are 2 to 3 minutes work well. 3 Minimal Dialogue Videos with no dialogue work best. 4 Stories with a Message To get the best out of my writing students, I like to offer videos that work on several levels. The Writing Framework With a video prompt, I ask students to complete two main tasks that move up Bloom’s pyramid of cognitive domains. 1 Summarizing the Story Describe the main characters, the setting (time and place) and the plot (the basic story). Students should not describe everything. 2 Evaluate Respond to the story. The Moment

The Other 21st Century Skills Many have attempted to identify the skills important for a learner today in this era of the 21st century (I know it is an overused phrase). I have an affinity towards the skills identified by Tony Wagner: Critical thinking and problem-solvingCollaboration across networks and leading by influenceAgility and adaptabilityInitiative and entrepreneurialismEffective oral and written communicationAccessing and analyzing informationCuriosity and imagination Today I viewed a slideshow created by Gallup entitled, The Economics of Human Development: The Path to Winning Again in Education. Here are some slides from this presentation. This presentation sparked my thinking about what other skills and attributes would serve the learners (of all ages) in this era of learning. GritResilienceHope and OptimismVisionSelf-RegulationEmpathy and Global Stewardship Grit Students can develop psychological resources that promote grit, tenacity, and perseverance. Resilience

Guide de mise en route de Power BI - Support Office Power BI est un ensemble de services et de fonctionnalités en ligne qui vous permettent de rechercher et de visualiser des données, de partager des découvertes et de collaborer en utilisant de nouvelles méthodes intuitives. Power BI repose sur, un service en ligne via lequel vous pouvez rapidement créer des tableaux de bord, partager des rapports et vous connecter à toutes les données qui vous intéressent (et les incorporer). Power BI inclut également Power BI Desktop, un outil de création de rapports dédié qui vous permet de transformer des données, de créer des rapports et des visualisations percutants et de les publier facilement sur le service Power BI. Vous pouvez également tirer parti de Power BI sur tous vos appareils mobiles. Service Power BI Le service Power BI est une offre SaaS (Software as a Service) en ligne de Microsoft. Dans Power BI, vous créez des tableaux de bord qui vous tiennent informé des caractéristiques essentielles de votre activité. Power BI Desktop

Six Amazing Websites that Make Your Writing Stronger Long writing activities are not very frequently done in class. I tend to think that my students are like me; I need the right kind of atmosphere. Writing requires time, silence and lots of inspiration. Ideally, at this time of the year, I would probably wish to be sitting next to a fireplace with the most perfect instagrammable snow falling outside my window while drinking a nice cup of coffee waiting for inspiration to strike. Unfortunately, there isn’t any snow where I live so I’ll have to make do with a bit of rain and some reddish trees. Note: you won’t find “instagrammable” in the dictionary Inspiration, the most important word when writing and something my students claim to lack. These are some great sites that can help you make your writing stronger. Photo by Tekke 1. Skell is easy to use. 2.Netspeak is a really helpful site to help you write better. You can find the word(s) you’re looking for by typing signs as seen in the picture below. Type ? 3. 4. 5. 6.

EU nuorisotyöttömyys kartta Eurostat Productivité : méthode zen pour être au top | Robert Half La quête de productivité nous fait vivre à cent à l’heure. Il nous paraît logique qu’en faire le plus possible ou être constamment occupé est la meilleure solution pour être productif. Pourtant un cerveau et un corps fatigués sont inutiles. Pour être productif, il faut avoir de l'énergie; clairement, le repos est un élément clé pour renouer avec le bien-être et la forme. Testez nos quelques conseils zen pour gagner en productivité. Déconnectez-vous Le jeu en vaut la chandelle ! Apprenez à gérer les avalanches d’e-mails Encore cette sonnerie familière. Évitez de prendre des décisions hâtives Vous avez parfois l’impression de devoir prendre une décision immédiatement, sous pression : par exemple, on vous demande de faire un retour sur un travail ou de répondre à un collègue à propos d’un problème interne. La technologie peut être frustrante, sachez prendre du recul La technologie, c’est formidable quand ça fonctionne. Ne vous laissez pas submerger par vos émotions Tirez profit des applications
