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St. Patrick's Day Explained

St. Patrick's Day Explained
Related:  Geography and culture

Comments Colleen Kennedy Costello Some people live in a Trudeau fantasy world. Brain washed! How about a follow up story on a real life crisis situation. So sick of the drama stories!!' 24 · Mar 14 at 9:13pm Mark Mclean Who cares, report stories of Trudeau actually doing something constructive .. 9 · Mar 14 at 10:26pm Tommy Steinway we don't care about lies an demons of destruction we care about 2 nannies advising lill punk when will it grow Up? Rob Rolland 10 · Mar 14 at 9:27pm Carolyn Munro Unfortunately, she’s also shallow, precious, inconsistent and narcissistic. 12 · Mar 14 at 8:53pm John Paradis Who cares? Katerina Tsaliki You are all such meanies. 2 · Mar 15 at 4:05pm Carl F Hicks What a crock!

Deconstructing History: Ireland Video - History of St. Patrick’s Day You're almost done! You will soon receive an activation email. Once you click on the link, you will be added to our list. If you do not receive this email, please contact us. Oops, there's a problem. At this time we are unable to complete your subscription.This email address has been previously opted out from receiving any emails from A+E Networks. You have already subscribed to this list. If you completed your subscription and still have not received an email, please contact us. You're signed up! You will soon receive an email with a direct link to your profile, where you can update your preferences.If you do not receive this email, please contact us.

The 11 nations of the United States St. Patrick's Day - Mia Smith Som språklärare utgår jag gärna från högtider i olika engelskspråkiga länder. Eleverna stöter ofta på dessa i filmer och tv-serier, och att ge dem ordentlig förförståelse är ett bra sätt att koppla ihop skolengelskan med fritidsengelskan, eller den extramurala engelskan som den också kallas. Ett av mina favoritländer är Irland, och då är St. Som introduktion har jag skapat en presentation i prezi kring ämnet, lagom till St. I presentationen har jag lagt in två korta filmklipp. Som en enkel avslutning har jag lånat en färdig Kahoot.

VISIT USA 2016 - all 50 official US State Tourism & Travel websites city Tourist Boards Saint Patrick's Day Introduction The aim of this lesson is to give students practice in reading an article about St. Patrick's Day for specific information and then the opportunity to talk about the customs and traditions of their own country's national day.The plan is based around a text from the British Council LearnEnglish Central website at: The webpage also has a variety of online interactive activities.We have also included the text for students and teachers without Internet access in class. Topic Saint Patrick's Day Level Upper Intermediate Time 60-90 mins Aims: To give practice in reading an article about St.Patrick's Day for specific information To talk about the customs and traditions of their own country's national day Materials Lesson plan: guide for teacher on procedure. Download lesson plan 93k pdf Worksheets: exercises which can be printed out for use in class. Comprehension questions Complete text Download worksheet 81k pdf

Shakespeare our way - elevernas tolkningar - Mia Smith Som jag redan beskrivit har mina elever i år 8 och 9 fått lära känna Shakespeare i allmänhet och Romeo & Julia i synnerhet inom ramen för engelskundervisningen, upplägget har jag beskrivit i följande blogginlägg: och Mycket av upplägget är klassiska uppgifter, men den avslutande utmaningen är den som utmärker projektet, och den där eleverna fått möjlighet att ta ut svängarna lite extra. Många av dem har gjort detta med bravur och jag vill visa upp några exempel på hur de valt att tolka uppgiften. De exempel jag visar upp är inte nödvändigtvis de bästa eller mest unika, men de representerar olika varianter av tolkningar och påvisar en bredd. Eleverna går i år 8 och 9 på Vallhamra skola och har alla givit mig sitt godkännande att publicera deras verk. Uppgiften gick ut på att välja en del av berättelsen om Romeo & Julia och göra en egen tolkning. Chattar i sociala medier Vlog

The secret connection between Cervantes and Shakespeare As if neither man wanted to live in a world without the other, Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare died on the same date in 1616. Or not exactly. They didn't actually succumb on the same day. Shakespeare and Cervantes probably died or were buried almost a fortnight apart, mostly because Catholic Spain preferred the Gregorian calendar, which ran 11 days behind Protestant England's. Still, each writer died around what he thought of as April 23, so April 23 it is. What really matters about these two men isn't their mortal longevity, naturally, but their gift to us, an inexhaustible bounty so abundant that all their contemporaries fade into footnotes beside them. Or didn't they? Puckish writers have advanced more than one theory by which Shakespeare (born in 1564, same year as Galileo) and Cervantes (the late bloomer, born in 1547, in his 50s as begins the "Quixote," formally, "The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha") might once have crossed paths. Or so we think. Got that?

New York City New York City is the largest city in the United States and New York. Over 8 million people live in it, and over 22 million people live in and around it. It is in the state of New York, which is in the northeastern United States. History[change | change source] The oldest part of the city, the island of Manhattan, still has its original Lenape Native American name. New York City was settled by Europeans from The Netherlands in 1624. By the time the English took New York, there were many other Dutch towns in what would become New York City, including Breukelen (Brooklyn), Vlissingen (Flushing), and Nieuw Haarlem (Harlem). New York quickly grew to become a large and important port city. In 1898, the cities of New York and Brooklyn came together with the Bronx, Staten Island, and the towns in Queens County to make Greater New York. Geography[change | change source] Most of New York City is on three islands near the Atlantic Ocean, although one part is on the mainland of North America.
