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Related:  générateur

Le Rat Crevé - Planescape - Spelljammer - Laelith - Donjons & Dragons Hiring hall Characters with a reason to hire on should get a shift in favor of hiring on their reaction rolls. Stat rolls are straight 3D6, so some classed characters may not meet minima according to particular rules sets. The names of people, places and especially organizations get a bit dark and florid, since I used the namer directly from DunGen where it is designed to name NPCs encountered in a dungeon, more often than not cultists and villains and such. I'll probably make a milder variant that makes fewer torchbearers representing the Blood Drinking Cult of Everlasting Pain* and such. *I don't think you can quite get that, but it's aimed at that vein. Related Generators Want a quick point crawl map for your players to explore? Want populate a hand drawn map or a map image you load from the internet? My Blogs & how to give feedback +EdAllen on G+. Ed's Hobby Hovel - Some things I made: Rencounter skirmish rules, etc Ruminations of a Geek or you can leave a comment on a post here.

Rêves d'ailleurs Strolen's Citadel: 100 Unique Town/City Properties By Redgre I have created this table plus, as a fantasy RPG resource. The idea is to assist in quickly mapping out an area of the adventure and be able to tell something unique about each populated location. Some of the following entries are reliant on location, others are not. I have created enough entries that you may want to use percentile dice to randomly determine each location. Due to this, I have created a separate table to assist with the randomness for your convenience. – The city is famous for it's baked goods. Pies Cakes Bread & Scones Pastries Cookies & Squares – The city has an ample supply of leather from local ranchers or ranchers from other settlements that have no other location to dump their hides. – This city had discovered an elephant's graveyard in it's backyard (or something similar). - A legendary or almost legendary sword smith had settled in this city many years ago. - This town honors a great hero, long dead, whose favorite weapon was an axe. – This city is in a slump.

Giannirateur assisté par bibliothèque - Générateur d'aventures aléatoire [Timinits & Trolls] It's that time of year again. Two years ago, I devised a simple, bookshelf-based random adventure generator. This generator was dubbed 'Giannirator' by imaginos, who also greatly expanded on it, until what we may consider its final version, v3.2, which he used to create forty, count 'em, forty original scenarios that he published on his blog. Since v3.2 is in French I am translating it to English here, and obviously adding an example along to show how it works. First, get hold of 1D6, 1D20, 1D30, and 1D100. [NPC1 - from Book One] asks the PCs to go to [Location1 - from Book Two] to [Action - from Table One] [Person/Object - from Book Three]. For each of the aforementioned books, roll five dice, in the following order: Roll 1D6. The random tables-based elements are to be rolled on these two tables: Example NPC1 (from Book One) 1D4 --> 4. 1D100 --> 24. Location1 (from Book Two) 1D4 --> 1. 1D100 --> 27. the darkened streets towards the Palace. Action (from Table One) 1D20 --> 3. 1D100 --> 52.

Business Name Generator - Free Company Name Generator The 10-second business name creator It takes years to create a great brand, but you can have a creative brand name in seconds. Shopify’s free naming brand generator lets you jump from naming your brand to securing the domain name, to starting your small business - all in a few clicks. How to come up with a business name Coming up with a cool startup name isn’t as easy as it seems. With every potential name having upsides and downsides, it’s easy to get stuck in a never-ending state of analysis. If you need help creating a name for your small business, you’ve come to the right place. Your name is the first thing customers recognize about your brand. A customer’s ability to recall your business name has a huge impact on how they view your business. Your business name selection from the naming brand generator shouldn’t be made hastily. Our business name creator will provide a ton of potential brand names and domains, but finding the name that works for your brand is up to you.

Mind Mapping et jeu de rôle : la création d’un scénario Après un article très commenté sur l’utilisation du Mind Mapping pour la prise de notes en cours de partie, voilà quelques idées pour appliquer cette technique à l’écriture et la création d’un scénario de jeu de rôle. Bien sur, il serait difficile de présenter une technique complète de A à Z en un seul article de blog, mais voici quelques pistes pour aller plus loin et être plus créatif avec le Mind Mapping. Pour ceux qui auraient loupé l’épisode précédent, avec quelques rappels sur le Mind Mapping, vous pourrez le trouver ici. Collecter les idées La première phase de l’écriture d’un scénario ou d’un brouillon, quelque soit la méthode, est une recherche d’idées. Même la moins préparée des improvisations doit se reposer sur quelques idées solides, pour emmener les joueurs à l’aventure. Quelques templates pour la recherche d’idées Et si les idées ne sont pas là ou bien ne viennent pas ? Il peut être utilisé comme « template » pour presque tous les scénarios et univers possibles.

The Forge [Générateur de nom fantasy] Welcome to TheForge, a collection of Fantasy name and word generators, designed to spark the imagination and kindle the creative process. TheForge is a robust network of databases and sophisticated action-scripting. Nonetheless, using TheForge is a simple and intuitive process, thanks in no small part to the utility's streamlined interface. This fusion of simplicity and power is what has garnered TheForge its acclaim and popularity as one of the foremost name generators on the internet. Unlike most name generators, TheForge does not issue "assembly line" creations.
