ESL Quizzes Welcome to EnglishClub ESL Quizzes, where you can test your knowledge of English with a quiz and have fun at the same time! There are quizzes for all levels - on grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. Go ahead! Check your level, and see if you can beat the Quiz Master! Grammar Quizzes These ESL quizzes will help you test and improve your English grammar. Vocabulary Quizzes A collection of ESL quizzes to help you test and improve your English vocabulary. Pronunciation Quizzes A set of ESL quizzes to help you test and improve your English pronunciation. Learning English Video Project Quizzes Self-study quizzes and exercises based on each film of the 7-part Learning English Video Project. Matching Quizzes Find the pairs that go together. sorry, Windows only :( Jumbled Quizzes These are all mixed-up. Quick Quizzes 10 questions or fewer. General Knowledge Quizzes General knowledge quizzes organized by level, on the subjects of science, geography, sports and music. ESL Quizzes Links
English Grammar Exercises Here you will find simple and easy English grammar exercises for even the hardest subjects! Step by step, you can improve your grammar! Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses It is best to start with reading this Easy English Grammar article. This page is actually a collection of all grammar exercises. You can follow them one after the other, or go directly to the subject you need right now. Each exercise also links to the full explanation page on the subject. So, without further introductions, here are the exercises: Tense Exercises Simple Past Simple Present Simple Future Past Progressive Present Progressive Future Progressive Past Perfect Present Perfect Future Perfect Past Perfect Progressive Present Perfect Progressive Future Perfect Progressive Present Tense Verbs Worksheets Past Tenses Worksheets Future Tenses Worksheets Other Exercises The Verb To BePrepositions of Place: At, In or On? Prepositions English Grammar Test
Top Ten Proofreading Tips Hear what Mark Twain had to say on the subject of proofreading, and then consider our ten tips for proofreading effectively. The difference between the almost-right word & the right word is really a large matter--it's the difference between the lightning-bug & the lightning. Mark Twain's well-known observation appears at the top of the "Language/Writing" page of a university's continuing education website--just above a blurb for "Mistake-Free Grammar & Proofreading." Twain himself had little patience for such errors. Yet as an old newspaper reporter, Twain knew full well how hard it is to proofread effectively. You think you are reading proof, whereas you are merely reading your own mind; your statement of the thing is full of holes & vacancies but you don't know it, because you are filling them from your mind as you go along. No matter how carefully we examine a text, it seems there's always one more little blunder waiting to be discovered. Ten Tips for Proofreading Effectively
8 MORE Knowledge Websites With Free Online Video Lectures Our fixation on YouTube shouldn’t allow us to miss out on some other great video sites out there. When it comes to video lectures we have seensix really good ones; now let’s switch on to eight more and get some free courses on information and knowledge. PopTech This website is a showcase for the ideas, challenges, and opportunities that are there before us as we try to shape our community and world. The ‘Popcasts’ are video presentations of interactive talks by thinkers, leaders, and innovators as they explore ideas that affect the way we live. Of course, behind the videos PopTech is also a large community involved in many social projects like the Accelerator Initiatives, which are multidisciplinary collaborations with corporate partners, thought leaders, and innovators helping to create breakthroughs on some of the world’s toughest challenges. Ignite As the site explains – Ignite is a geek event in over 100 cities worldwide. 60 Second Lectures Video Lectures Forum Network The 99 Percent
ENGLISH GRAMMAR EXERCISES Comunicamos que o UOL Sites Pessoais foi desativado. Conheça serviços mais completos e profissionais para a criação do seu site. UOL Conecta Sua página com o endereço que você escolher, por apenas R$9,90/mês (R$6,90/mês para assinantes UOL). Conheça e contrate Hospedagem Start + Domínio Compre seu domínio e ganhe os primeiros 30 dias de hospedagem (após esse período, R$14,90/mês. Conheça e contrate Seu espaço para publicar textos, músicas, vídeos e fotos. Exam English - Free Practice for IELTS,the TOEFL® and TOEIC® tests and the Cambridge English exams Tips For Effective Proofreading Proofread backwards. Begin at the end and work back through the paper paragraph by paragraph or even line by line. This will force you to look at the surface elements rather than the meaning of the paper. Place a ruler under each line as you read it. This will give your eyes a manageable amount of text to read. Know your own typical mistakes. Proofread for one type of error at a time. Try to make a break between writing and proofreading. Proofread at the time of day when you are most alert to spotting errors. Proofread once aloud. Try to give yourself a break between the time you complete your final version of the paper and the time you sit down to edit. Ask someone else to read over your paper and help you find sentences that aren’t clear, places where you’re being wordy, and any errors. Try reading backwards, a sentence at a time. Know your own patterns. Read through your paper several times, once looking just at spelling, another time looking just at punctuation, and so on. Get help.
Vocabulary Vocabulary Countable and Uncountable Nouns Countable Nouns Spelling rules for common countable nouns and exceptionsUncountable Nouns Several lists of common uncountable nouns Words with Pictures English Vocabulary Learn English words by seeing the image and hearing the pronunciationPicture Quizzes Click on one of the pictures to match the word. Vocabulary Lists Dolch Basic English List The 220 most frequently found words in books that children readGeneral Service List The most frequently used 2,000 words compiled by Michael WestThe Academic Word List 570 most frequent words in the Academic CorpusIntermediate Vocabulary Lists of words for students who want to increase their vocabulary to the size of 4,000 to 7,000SAT Vocabulary Words The 5,000 words with brief definitions are free for individual and classroom use Tests Preparation Proper Nouns Pronunciation of Proper Nouns Popular first names, last names, nick names, names of capitals and countries, and names of fruits and vegetables British vs.
Online Tense Exercises - English Grammar English Grammar Online Exercises and Downloadable Worksheets Tenses This section is all about English tenses. It contains exercises on every tense - simple and progressive - as well as a section with mixed tense exercises. Levels of Difficulty : Elementary Intermediate Advanced Present Tense Past Tense Present Perfect Present Perfect - Past Tense Past Perfect Tense Future Tense All Tenses Irregular Verbs Further Exercises Online Exercises Grammar Vocabulary Listening Advanced Worksheets Writing More Links English News Articles Beginner English as a second language Quizzes, Interactive Mind Map Beginner English as a second language Quizzes, Interactive Mind Map based on English Language (ESL) Grammar Quizzes. ESL (English as a second language), ESOL (English for speakers of other languages), and EFL (English as a foreign language) all refer to the use or study of English by speakers with a different native language. The many acronyms used in the field of English teaching and learning may be confusing. English is a language with great reach and influence; it is taught all over the world under many different circumstances. Graphic organizers Graphic organizers are visual representations of knowledge, concepts or ideas. Mindmap Instructions: To see a note, hover over a note button above. above. or right click a Node and select Fold/Unfold all from Node. Search, Go to, Zoom in or CTRL '+', Zoom out or CTRL '-', Reset (center), Shadow On/ Off,
Keys to Spelling: Sounds and Syllables Grammar-Quizzes › More › Writing Aids › Spelling Keys to Spelling: Sounds and Syllables Summary of Lessons Keys to Spelling: Sounds and Syllables (for beginners) Workbook for native and non-native speakers. (PDF format workbook licensed by this author for use under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International) Page Activities Identify the key word sound in pictures. Complete the word in the sentence/paragraph. Keys to Spelling: Sounds and Syllables Workbook Pages(Download and Print) Introduction to Speller (345KB PDF) Lesson 1—Long a as in "cake" /keɪk/ (1.6MB PDF) Lesson 2—Short a as in "cat" /kæt/ (1.6MB PDF) Lesson 3—Long e as in "tea" /ti/ (1.7MBPDF) Lesson 4—Short e as in "bed" /bɛd/ (1.2MB PDF) Lesson 5—Long i as in "pie" /paɪ/ (4.11MB PDF) Lesson 6—Short i as in "pig" /pɪg/ (1.85MB PDF) Lesson 7—Long o as in "home" /hom/ (1.6MB PDF) Lesson 8—Short o as in "hotdog" /ˈhɒtˌdɔg / (2.4MB PDF) Lesson 9 – Long u as in "blue" /blu/ (1.6 MB PDF) Lesson 10 – Short u as in "sun" /sʌn/ (1.65 MB PDF) Images
List of Interactive Quizzes The quizzes with a magenta marble are also listed within the section or digital handout to which they apply. The twenty-one quizzes with a green marble and designated "Practice" have been adapted from the instructor's manual and other ancillary materials accompanying Sentence Sense: A Writer's Guide. The seventeen quizzes with a gold marble were written by the English faculty at an estimable midwestern university and are used here with the permission of that department. The ten quizzes with a red marble were prepared by students in Professor Karyn Hollis's Tutor Training course at Villanova University. Clicking on the NUMBER immediately before the quiz's name will take you to the section of the Guide pertaining to the grammatical issue(s) addressed in that quiz. Clicking on the Guide's logo at the top of a quiz-page will bring you back to this page.