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Synliggör lärandet vid filmvisning med Zaption presenter – Fröken Jingfors

Synliggör lärandet vid filmvisning med Zaption presenter – Fröken Jingfors
Synliggöra lärande när ni ser film tilsammans. Att snabbt kunna stämma av om eleverna hänger med, att låta eleverna diskutera i grupp och sen smidigt låta dem ta del av varandras tankar eller att låta eleverna digitalt markera med hjälp av en padda/mobile när de har en fråga, varje gång de hör en viss verbform eller vad nu läraren har bett dem att uppmärksamma i filmen, allt detta är möjligt med Zaption presenter. I Zaption kan du lägga in text och frågor i en film och dela den med eleverna. Handen blir markera när eleverna har ställt en fråga och trycker du på den så kan du se vad de har frågat men också när de har ställt frågorna.Blixten som jag har markerat i exemplet ovan gör att du kan skriva in en fråga eller thumbs up/down ställa live när ni ser filmen.Pilen används för att omvandla muspekaren till en tydlig pil som man kan använda för att tydligare peka på saker i filmen.Pennan markerar man för att få fram ritverktyg. Vill du lära dig hur man gör? Related:  English

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10 Websites for English Language Students A few years ago I wrote a blog post about 10 Websites for English Language Teachers. At the time it seemed to be quite popular with readers but it suddenly dawned that I did not write about any websites which would be best suited for learners of English. So read on to find out the 10 websites which I recommend for learners of English. 1. ESOL Courses This wonderful self-study website, ESOL Courses, is great for students as all lessons are available online, there is no registration so lessons are free and they cover a range of areas as well as levels. 2. I have been using the BBC Learning English website since I first started English language teaching in South Korea. 3. This website, Five Minute English, was one that I came across by accident and it contains quite a number of lessons which focus on listening, grammar, vocabulary as well as a range of other skills. 4. 5. 6. 7. English at Home is a great website for students as there is a focus on spoken English, vocabulary and grammar. 8.

SaraBruun The Seven Best Video Website for ELT Students - Kieran Donaghy As part of the launch of the website I’m organising a prize draw for my new book Film in Action. Everybody who subscribes to the website in the months of February and March will be entered into the draw. The Internet now offers students the opportunity to improve their lexical, listening and speaking skills through watching short film clips, videos and short films. Here are my seven favourite sites. English Central Possibly the best website for students to improve their vocabulary, listening, speaking and pronunciation. English Attack A aimed specifically at young students which uses clips from movies and TV series; music videos, themed visual glossaries; learning games and social networking to help language learners improve their English. Learn English Teens Film UK A British Council website which gives students the opportunity to watch innovative short films made by young people, and do a variety of activities designed around the films. Go Animate Zimmer Twins Bombay TV Clip Flair

25 Homophones That Most Spell-Checkers Won’t Catch - Grammarly Blog Spell-checkers have come a long way since a West Coast beach boy with an FBI record invented the first prototype at MIT in the 1960s. Nowadays, the überhelpful technology is not only ubiquitous in all word processors, quietly creating more error-free writing around the world, it also exists online, where it can point out mistakes in real time while we write emails or post on social media. But while spell-checkers’ ability to catch slipups and understand context has evolved tremendously, most of these programs still struggle to identify homophones, those pesky words that sound the same but carry different meanings and, often, different spellings. While Grammarly has algorithms that will help you correct all of these common mix-ups, there’s no substitute for the old noggin. So next time you’re writing, be sure to put on your thinking cap and look out for these homophones that most spell checkers won’t catch. A while/Awhile Accept/Except Affect/Effect Aide/Aid Aloud/Allowed Anytime/Any time

ESL Vocabulary - Travel: Buying Tickets (list, definitions, sample sentences, and review worksheet) Fill in the blanks with a vocabulary word in the box below. 1. I always fly with the same ______________ because they give me frequent flyer miles*. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. *”Frequent flyer miles” are like “points” that airlines give to their customers. Tips on how to make a video news report Do you want to make a TV news report but have no idea where to start? Watch this video to see how a group of students, with help from the BBC's Sophie Long, go about it and read the advice below. How to make a video news report What's the story? Before starting any news report, the most important point to remember is: Keep it simple. Think about how can you tell the story in the most engaging way, without making it too complicated. Planning As with any story, you must plan how you want to start your report and how you want to end it. When planning your report, you will need to consider the five Ws. What - What is the story? Why - Why is the story important to your audience? Who - Who is involved? Where - Where is the story happening, and where is the best place to film? When - Has the story already happened, or is it about to happen? By planning each of these points in detail, you'll know exactly what you need to film, where and when. Filming A basic TV news report is made up of five parts:

10 Illustrated English Idioms That Will Make Your Life Easier For many people learning English for the first time it can be daunting and complex language to master. Lots of silent letters, complex spellings and odd expressions which often go over the heads of most non-English speakers. To make learning English a little easier, Irish illustrator Roisin Hahessy has created some wonderfully simple yet funny pictures to help make things a little clearer. She's also a part-time English teacher in Brazil so she uses the series to aid her students as well. Now whenever you hear any of these English idioms, thanks to Hahessy at least now you'll have a better idea of where the conversation is heading! Via Roisin Hahessy

Continuing Shakespeare - Mia Smith I ett tidigare blogginlägg berättade jag om hur jag introducerat Shakespeare till mina elever i år 7 och 8. Arbetet har fortlöpt, och här tänkte jag presentera ytterligare några bitar. Shakespeare your way Den här uppgiften är den, enligt mig och många av mina elever, mest spännande inom det här arbetsområdet. Eleverna fick inspiration från ett Tedx Talk om att tolka Shakespeare inom hiphip-genren och en låt av Taylor Swift baserad på Romeo and Juliet. Eleverna hittade snabbt olika spår och klurade på olika tekniska lösningar för att se hur man kan gestalta den klassiska berättelsen på olika sätt. Resultaten kommer inom kort, och i den mån jag får tillåtelse av eleverna kommer jag dela med mig av dem här. En länk till uppgiften hittar ni här. A peek at the original Parallellt med det ordinarie arbetet har jag med mindre grupper tittat på en bit av originaltexten för att få syn på hur språket ser ut. Romeo + Juliet Kahoot Quizlet Live Så var vi klara med vårt Shakespeare-tema.

Yearbook | Skolans roligaste arbetsområde för år 9! Yearbook! Vi vill intressera er för ett skolarbete i ämnet engelska som eleverna verkligen kommer att uppskatta. Både för att det är fantastiskt roligt att skapa en Yearbook men framför allt för den fina produkt som slutresultatet ger. Ni kan antingen arbeta fram Yearbooken som ett arbete med en LPP och där man bedöms i en bedömningsmatris. ” Hej! Vikten av effektiv feedback - sluta sätt ut betyg! - Sara Bruun I mitt förra inlägg skrev jag om hur du kan ge snabb och indivduell feedback genom att använda Google Formulär och Flubaroo . Idag fortsätter jag skriva om vikten av feedback, hur du kan arbeta smartare och bli mer effektiv i ditt arbete. Inför dagens text har jag läst en riktigt bra bok i ämnet- Återkoppling för utveckling av Helena Wallberg. (Gothiafortbildning 2015) I Helenas bok finns många tankeställare, men bäst av allt väldigt tydliga och konkreta exempel på hur du kan arbeta med feedback i ditt klassrum. Mitt eget mål för läsåret 2015/2016 var att utveckla sättet jag ger feedback på. Jag har läst en hel del litteratur i ämnet så som boken ovan men också tex Handbok i formativ bedömning av Dylan William (Natur&Kultur 2015). Vi lärare måste alltså undervisa eleverna om hur de använder sig av feedback och att tanken faktiskt är att de ska lära sig något av de kommentarer de får. Själv har jag fastnat för att ge muntliga kommentarer genom att jag skärminspelar elevernas uppsatser.

10 lifesaving websites for ESL teachers | That is Evil! Lisa has asked me for some recommendations regarding useful sites for EFL teachers and I’m happy to make a little compilation of the places I visit most often to find ideas, inspirations, betimes lesson plans if I feel exceptionally lazy (The Liberation of the Garden Gnomes by Peter Vahle is just shiny!) and share them with you. So, here we go – my ten favourite websites: Hope you’ll like my choice and give these sites a go. I must admit, my life as a teacher is WAY easier thanks to those wonderful people contributing there, but I also appreciate their influence when I see my own teaching style spiced up with different inspirations and ideas – I feel motivated to change, experiment, develop, to make my classes as interesting as I can. Enjoy the recommendations I’ve shared and if you know some interesting sites, please, share them with me as well. Enjoy! Like this: Like Loading...

Past Continuous Tense vs. Past Simple: Mysterious Stalker (ESL Video) Synopsis of English / ESL Video Watch the suspense thriller short about Elissa and the mysterious stalker & present the past continuous tense vs. past simple to students in a pre-intermediate level lesson. Title of English / ESL Video Elissa and the Mysterious Stalker Target English Grammar Past Continuous Tense vs. Student Proficiency Level Pre-intermediate level grammar Suggested Courses General English. Instructions – Play the video in class after delivering a warm-up activity first. – Pause the video whenever the narrator asks students a question to give students time to answer. Summary of English Grammar: Past Continuous Tense vs. Approximate chronological order: Storyline: – Starts at 0:00. English Grammar Rules and Explanations: Function: – To talk about an action still in progress in the past. Timeline: – Someone was chasing her. – Someone started chasing her in the past, but we don’t know when. – That person stopped chasing her some time in the past. Specific Uses: Simple Past: Form: Statements:
